Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Gutter is Battle Ground Zero

I predicted exactly what is happening in this Presidential election over a year ago. The thugs now in power have a heritage to maintain and they plan to do whatever it takes to stay in power. 2008 was easy for Obama. It was an easy capitulation by McCain who had no concept of gutter politics. Even his Viet Cong captors had more morals and values than his Presidential opponent, but the GOP made it easy for Obama by underestimating the decadence and degeneracy of the enemy, and by letting the New York Times choose their candidate.

In 2008, McCain had no concept of the “fight fire with truth” mode of battle. That begs a multi-faceted, rhetorical question: In 2012, how could Governor Romney expect any venue other than the gutter when taking on Candidate Obama; the same Obama who hob-knobbed with terrorist and Pentagon Bomber, Bill Ayers and his close associate, Bernadine Dorn; a candidate who was a member of America-hater, Jeremiah Wright’s congregation for over twenty years; a candidate who is married to a woman who declared that for the first time in her life, she became proud to be an American only after Obama became Democrat nominee for President; a candidate whose former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, (now mayor of Chicago) chose to serve in the Israel Army, rather than the American military, during the Gulf War of the 1990s--the same Rahm Emmanuel who, when interviewed about the gang warfare in South Chicago where there are daily between three and four killings, shrugged it off by saying that the Chicago thugs were merely engaging in “their culture?”

It is also the “culture” of Chicago politics.

Governor Mitt Romney had better start getting some tough, battle-hardened warriors martialed that can do battle in the gutter if he wants to survive his campaign against Obama. Governor Chris Christie of NJ would be a good start as VP candidate, but that is not likely to happen. Remember the “get in their faces” strategy of Obama in 2008? That is what Romney has to do, only with more intensity than Obama’s minions in 2008. Romney needs to get some gutter-battle-hardened warriors that do not necessarily adhere to the belief that old, Mormon values will prevail in this election.

Al Capone was never an elected Chicago politician, but he owned every politician in Chicago during Prohibition. He once beat the hell out of the Chicago mayor on the doorsteps of Chicago City Hall while the cops stood by, watched and made no arrest. If anything, Chicago is worse today than it was in Capone’s day.

The issues are important. We need to save America from Obama’s stated Marxist objective of “redistribution of the wealth,” to save America from taking the same direction taken by Marx, Lenin and Trotsky when Russia began their 70-year experiment of “redistribution of wealth,” also called “Communism” in 1917. But if Romney is to get his message across he has to contemporaneously fight corrupt fire with truthful fire, and then, with good timing, opportunely address the issue of the economy that has been wrecked by Obama after introducing the nation to the poverty of gutter, Chicago politics. The Obama camp will use every weapon of gutter politics at their disposal: lies, distortions, intrigue, libel, innuendo, and slander. Romney needs to counter with truth, the deadliest weapon against gutter politicians.

Governor Romney and the rest of the nation need to know our enemy. There have been too many corrupt, convicted and indicted Chicago and Illinois politicians to put on one forum post, but a good place to start is this web site (scroll down, past the impressive cover page):

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