Monday, September 26, 2011

The Victims of Amnesty

The main victims of yet another immigration amnesty are those who abide by the law and wait patiently for an immigrant visa number. Usually, in the past, when an amnesty is granted, either present quota immigrant visa numbers are used, or Congress creates a new quota for them. In either case, Congress will make a feeble effort to compensate for their crime by reducing quotas of legal immigrants in the immediate following years. Several decades ago, in the Pre-Kennedy years, Congressmen acted half way responsible and recognized the importance of maintaining immigrant quotas. It has to do with limiting immigration to numbers that we can absorb and assimilate. This means low enough quotas that will encourage the new immigrants to learn English, to obey American laws and adjust to our moral values. However, since 1987, our nation's leaders have thrown caution to the wind and politicians advocate virtually no limit to immigrants, especially illegal ones from third world countries.

Instead of exercising caution with respect to our sovereignty and our culture, Congress has created a huge bureaucracy called OBEMLA. OBEMLA's mission is to educate new immigrants in their native tongues.. What they have done is kill the incentive for largely illiterate immigrants from third world countries to learn English or assimilate into our culture or respect our moral values, include patriotism, of love for our country. These immigrants are taught by the left wing advocates of uncontrolled immigration that the United States as a colonial power stole this country from the Latinos, particularly the Mexicans.

This mode of thought gives the new immigrants an incentive to not assimilate; on the contrary to hold our Government in contempt. They are taught that the illegal invasion of the United States is justified in order for them to "take their country back." This psychology, encouraged and propagated by the subversive activists also supplies the new, illegal immigrants with a substitute for a legacy in the United States. Our legacy and history is part of the glue that holds Americans together and impels patriotism. Since illegal immigrants essentially have no legacy, other that that of a law violator who holds our country and Government in contempt. they therefore call themselves Reconquistadores. That has become a substitute for pride in their legacy. It is a rationale for what they really are: illiterate law violators with respect for none of our laws.

If we disregard the large numbers of would-be legal immigrants whose quota numbers are being stolen or usurped by the illegal aliens, then our country, our sovereignty and our country is the victim. The old argument that we are "a nation of immigrants" and that "diversity is good" are mere dissembling rationalizations of the irresponsible inaction of our Congress and President.

To see how long law-abiding immigrants have been waiting for legal immigrant visa quota numbers, see the monthly State Department Visa Availability Bulletin.

Scroll down to the chart and pay particular attention to the dates under "Mexico." These dates are the the dates that legal Mexican immigrants filed their applications for the indicated visa quota numbers--the filing dates for those who are receiving their immigrant visas today. As you can see, they are oversubscribed (backlogged) for many years. Politicians like Mike Huckabee, proposed to "streamline" the immigration visa issuance "system," in his ignorant belief that it is bureaucratic inefficiency causing the backlog. The backlog is caused by the great numbers of applicants for immigrant visas in proportion to the numbers of visas available. It is absolutely essential that we maintain quotas, and rather reduce them if we are to retain the national identity of our country, its culture and moral values.

The above irresponsibility of those proposing amnesty should highlight the reckless proposals of politicians like Rick Perry. Perry is a strong advocate of another amnesty for illegal aliens. He does not say that; he uses doublespeak and accentuates the antithesis, saying that he is "against mass deportation," and for a "guest worker" program. If we stop to analyze these statements, we realize that the only illegal aliens that Rick Perry wants to deport are those guilty of serious crimes, and protect those illegal aliens who have not yet been convicted of anything other than violations of our immigration laws (which, incidentally, is a felony; see 8 USC 1324). Perry has already granted sanctuary to those illegal aliens that he wants to protect from deportation, and he is giving them enormous education tuition discounts (up to $100,000 per alien, as Mitt Romney pointed out), Medicaid, free school lunches for their children, subsidized housing and many other welfare benefits. Since Perry wants to allow "clean" illegal aliens to remain as "guest workers," it becomes obvious that he wants to create a sub-class of workers who will never be able to vote (and become a threat to the Republican Party), hold political office, work for the government or do anything other than cheap, stoop labor. One can readily see that this plan will not work, for eventually these "guest workers" will get full amnesty and eventually become voting citizens. When that happens, "Flip Flop" Perry will probably resume his membership in the Democrat Party (which he left when the political wind in Texas" showed that they were becoming the minority political party).

Rick Perry is a typical Texas politician. He knows all that he has to do is be a notch more clever than the State's voters. His rhetoric and polemics are honed to exalt the international corporations and fool the rank and file Texans. Whether it will work with the rest of Americans is yet to be seen. Since I consider him Bush III, I am not optimistic about his being rejected by Americans. As an Independent, Texan, I will again stay home at election day, if Perry is the "conservative" nominee.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Deportation Could Be Easy

The word "deportation" in recent years has become anathema to those who pander to illegal aliens and their left-wing, subversive advocates who want to surrender our sovereignty and our culture.

Actually, there are firm, legal, and rather easy measures already in place that facilitate the deportation of illegal aliens. The DHS already has in place a Detention and Deportation Section (DDS) at every District office. Within the DDS, there es a subsection called "Bag and Baggage" (B&B) section. The DDS and B&B sections consist of professionally trained men and women whose job is to quickly and efficiently deport all illegal aliens who have been issued a final order of deportation. They include families and sometimes the families have children born in the U.S.(Anchor babies). Anchor babies do not guarantee a Kings X for their illegal parents, for the children are dual nationals at least until they reach age 18 and can return to their parents' home countries with them (with all benefits their home countries give them which includes much cheaper college tuition).

In 1996 the Inspector General of the Justice Department issued a policy letter outlining detention and deportation procedures, including those of the Bag and Baggage Departments. Back then, there were estimated to be only 4 million illegal aliens in the U.S., but like the present, the estimates are probably far too low. Some estimate that there are now more than 30 million illegal aliens in the U.S. and that number is not inconsistent with what we all can readily observe at the discount stores on any weekend.

Note that the policy letter shown at the below link is "sanitized," as the Inspector General is wont to do in cases where they do not want to reveal facts embarrassing to them or to the Government. You will note those sections are "blacked out." See:

To make deportation easy, all our government has to do is to properly fund the Detention and Deportation sections and the Bag and Baggage subsection of ICE. This might require opening some temporary detention centers, for which some recently close military bases might serve. Once a crackdown becomes apparent, most illegal aliens will flee to their home countries as they did in 1954 during the "Drive" of that year. Contrary to popular opinion, illegal aliens value their freedom and detest detention and jail. They are the epitome of the of freedom of lateral mobility.

Of course, the observant citizen knows that our Government has no intention of getting rid of our illegal aliens. That is the reason that they will not fund proper Detention and Deportation and Bag and Baggage sections of the DHS. The Republicans and the Democrats alike have a vested interest in the exploitation of cheap labor, and the Democrat Party has a vested interest in using them to grow their numbers; and their Congressmen will see that their legalization and naturalization (and voter eligibility) are expedited after each amnesty.

Next Post: The Victims of Amnesty Will Surprise You

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rick Perry's Chinny Chin Chin

Presidential Candidate Rick Perry is gambling that America did not learn anything from the last "good old boy" they elected to a disastrous 8 years as president. This Texas conservative writer warned everyone back in 2000, and now, in 2008, we are saddled with $16 trillion in national debt, more than half of it attributable to George Bush Jr. Also due to Bush, we are engaged in two no-win, no-end wars.

It is axiomatic that Americans have short-term memories and that they do not heed history. Now comes Rick Perry who postures as being a "border control" candidate when the opposite is true. He is pandering to the simpletons who perceive themselves as "conservatives" and think that border control consists of guns, troops and the employment such gadgets as cameras (blue servo), sensors, drones, aerostats, and other devices dedicated only to "catching" illegal aliens, not to deporting or punishing them, or dedicated to deterring them from re-entry after getting "caught." The status quo will keep border patrolmen engaged in cat and mouse games and keep the revolving door for illegal aliens oiled and working. Perry has never proposed lengthy detention and/or deportation of illegal aliens as required by law (8 USC 1251 and 8 USC 1252), and defense of our borders as required by the U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 4.

Perry is dedicated to maintaining the status quo on illegal immigration, just as every other major Texas politician has done since Reconstruction. They all still have the plantation attitude and see Hispanics as inferior specimens of humanity whose purpose is to do the white man's labor. He cares nothing about protecting jobs or wages of legal residents, Hispanics, Anglos, African-Americans or others. The "cat and mouse" game began in 1952 when powerful Texas Senator Lyndon Johnson, managed to get injected into the I&N Act of 1952 the "Texas Proviso" that decriminalized transporting, harboring and concealment of illegal aliens by their employers. Perry is a chip off the old Texas Bloc. They posture as being "compassionate" when their true aim is exploitation of what they consider inferior specimens of humanity. Every Democrat Hispanic should cross lines and vote in the Republican primary election to see to it that Perry does not get the Republican nomination. (Obama will be unopposed in the Democrat primaries and does not need their votes.)

The Texas Dream Act:

Perry's true colors have been exposed numerous times in many different ways, but he still seems to portray himself as a "conservative." The most recent transparency has been in his support of resident tuition rates for illegal aliens who attend any state-supported institution. He never explains why he would educate people who cannot work here because they are here illegally. Perry is in concert here with the Democrats who have similar anomalous ambitions and call them the "Dream Act" for illegal aliens. It appears that Perry's many years as an erstwhile Democrat politician still make him top-heavy with Democrat ideas. The "Texas Dream Act" shows that he has no intention of deporting illegal alien students or their extended support families.


E-Verify is one of the most effective deterrents against illegal immigration that has so far been devised. It enables those who are sincere in wanting to hire legal residents a device by which they can verify the status of illegal aliens. Perry is opposed to this policy for rather enigmatic reasons. The real reason, of course, is that he wants to maintain the status quo and enable his wealthy plantation constituency to continue hiring illegal alien labor.

There are many other important reasons that Texans and Americans should oppose Rick Perry, but the above reasons show the hypocrite that he is and they override his obvious globalist philosophy and his contempt for not only Texas, but American sovereignty as well.