Saturday, February 28, 2015

Illegal Aliens Are Voting In Texas

Do you want proof that illegal aliens are voting in Texas elections?  Read on.

Last Thursday, Republican Representative Charles Perry (R-Lubbock, (no relation to former Governor Rick Perry) introduced two bills in the State Legislature to protect the sanctity of citizens’ exclusive right to vote. The first bill addressed the problem of 7 million voters crossing State lines (voters who were registered to vote in two different states the last presidential election); the second bill addressed the problem of the State of Texas protecting their lists of prospective jurors who prove to be illegally registered voters; i.e., illegal aliens. Counties use voter registration lists to summon prospective jurors in civil and criminal court trials.

Obviously, it is a common event in Texas for summoned prospective jurors to admit that they are aliens and not eligible to vote during the voir dire stage of a trial; however, their word is the sole test of citizenship.  No proof of citizenship, other than the voter registration list, is required to prove citizenship. The fact that many aliens show up for jury duty, due to being on voter registration lists, is proof that they are not only voting illegally in our elections, but are likely serving as jurors.  Illegal aliens can determine the fate of citizens and aliens in court trials, unless the jurors come forward during voir dire and admit that they are not U.S. citizens and ineligible to serve as jurors. It is not likely that they come forward and admit their illegal status, since they probably got their “proof” of citizenship by dishonest means.

For many decades, the State DPS has registered successful drivers’ license applicants to vote.  DPS Clerks ask if the applicants if they want to register to vote, but do not ask if they are U.S. citizens, or if they have any proof of their citizenship.  Former Governor Rick Perry (no relation to Charles Perry) has long known about Texas’ “Motor-Voter” practice, but has not opposed it.  While Governor, Rick Perry,  attended a Bilderberg Group meeting.  The Bilderberg Group is a super-secret organization dedicated to one-world government.  Rick Perry is also patron of the Texas Dream Act that classifies illegal alien students as legal Texas residents so that they do not have to pay out-of-State tuition and become eligible for student grants, scholarships and other benefits once restricted to citizens, legal residents or legally admitted foreign students.  When confronted with this fact at the 2012 GOP primary debates, he shouted that if you opposed his Dream Act , “You do not have a heart!”  The audience met him with a loud chorus of boos.  Yet, Rick Perry (again, no relation to our hero, Charles Perry) has become one of the so-called “conservative” media anointed candidates, and he is puffed by Sean Hannity, along with Rand Paul, as “front runners” for the GOP nomination for the 2016 presidential election.  Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a super-rich elite who is a senior fellow in the CATO Institute, a globalist organization dedicated to a borderless world.
Rick Perry a long-time, closet globalist is in the hip pockets of open-border advocates.  He tries to convey the image that he is cracking down on illegal immigration on the Texas-Mexico border by wasting State resources to patrol the border.  He, like Fox News, may dupe a few ill-informed people who perceive themselves as “conservatives,” but State agents have no authority to arrest, detain or duly process illegal aliens for immigration violations.  That jurisdiction is strictly limited to federal immigration authorities, and every detainee is entitled to a deportation hearing before a U.S. Immigrating Judge, free of charge.

Concerned by seeing so many posts on the social media forums blasting Representative Charles Perry for trying to keep our elections and courts free of control by illegal aliens, I pondered who might oppose his efforts,  Here is a likely list:

1. Illegal aliens
2. Radical left-wing advocates of open borders and a socialized America. 
3. Fifth-column subversives, such as ISIS and terrorist groups, and duped American citizens that      support them.
4. Any Democrat.  They are always the most vociferous opponents of any voter ID proposal.  
5. Political activists, including Democrats and the mainstream news media, that appeal to our “compassion” for the underprivileged, and appeal to our desire for “privacy,” when what they really want is anarchy, foreign influence in the U.S., and to protect rampant illegal immigration and criminal activity by aliens and their citizen allies. Illegal aliens do not work in American any longer tha it takes to get on enough welfare programs to support themselves and their families.  It is therefore welfare, not economic opportunity (there is very little of it for illiterate, unskilled peons) that is the magnet for most present-day "immigrants."

That brings me to the last important need to protect our rights as citizens, and to protect us from a foreign takeover.  Although a patriot and dedicated American, Rep. Charles Perry cannot introduce legislation to change federal law, but we do need a national ID card.  Presently, the Border Patrol has authority to interrogate suspected illegal aliens only for a brief time, but they have no authority to demand proof of a suspect’s citizenship (see 8 USC 1357).  Immigration officers depend upon an aliens’ “honesty” as the saying goes, for an agent to “wet down” a suspect.  The burden of proving illegal status in the U.S. is upon the Border Patrol.  In some cases, they can use prior immigration records, personal knowledge, criminal and civil records, etc., for proof—but it is up to the Border Patrol to get the proof, unless the illegal cooperates and admits he is in the U.S. Illegally.  This is an obsolete and insane practice.  Almost all countries, including Mexico, have national identity cards. Australia is an exception, but they have thousands of miles of ocean for protection, on all sides.  The U.S. is the most vulnerable nation in the world to illegal immigration because of being adjacent to the contiguous, third-world nations of Latin America. Three times as many people have entered the U.S. illegally, as have entered legally, under the Obama Administration, and the trend is like to continue or grow worse. The few patriotic Americans left in this country had better wake up and get organized.  Instead of attacking Representative Perry, we should join him in protecting the exclusive rights of citizens to decide by whom they are governed and by who they are judged in our courts.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The 2015 Academy Awards

There are too many films about washed-up, has-been, celebrities.  A few years ago, “Tender Mercies,” with Robert Duvall in the role of the washed-up guy, won an Oscar, but I still do not know why. 

The only truly, honest, professional, consistent maker of good movies is Clint Eastwood.  He is still going strong, up into his eighties; but when he is gone, so is the art of filmmaking. As long as he is lucid and vertical, he will not be washed-up, he will channel his talent into some kind of useful activity. He is a polymath of talent that does not depend upon Hollywood awards (though he has received more than they would care to admit that he has honestly earned). 

I have read many reviews and looked at several clips of "Birdman," and I saw nothing original in this seemingly plotless film that compels me to want to see it, especially not the ear-punishing sound effects that Hollywood lauds.  The sympathetic pundits cite a litany of clichés, but can cite nothing with substance that reflects that they possess a legitimate knowledge of artistic criticism.   At the Awards, Sean Penn jokingly asked the audience, "Who gave this guy (Gonzalez) a green card?"  Penn, a super-liberal, Fidel Castro fan,  is not prejudiced; he was just trying to dupe everyone into rooting for a faux, Hollywood-anointed, Cinderella underdog.

The first classic Mexican Revolution novel was titled “The Underdogs,"  or "Los de Abajo,” an anti-gringo  work written by a Villista doctor, Mariano Azuela in a  South Oregon Street print shop in El Paso, and serialized in an El Paso newspaper.  All of the "bad guys" were "hueros," (blondes) a trait that the author, Azuela, had to stretch because he could only characterize Mexicans, not gringos; the only people he knew, or had met, in the Revolution were Mexicans.  It is not likely that he got to know any gringos in South El Paso's Second Ward. Hence, he made all the bad guys blonde Mexicans.   The only thing he knew about gringos was what he had heard, but it would have been un-Mexican of him not to judge by hearsay.

The washed-up, has-been protagonist of "Birdman" is not a true underdog figure.  He will remain washed-up.  This "award" is really about Alejandro G.  Inarritu, who uses an initial, "G," for his real surname, "Gonzalez." He is the Mexican director of the film, whom Sean Penn and Hollywood is trying to palm off on us as a bona fide, successful "Cinderella underdog."  He may now be a rags-to-riches guy, but that would be post hoc spoils, thanks to the Academy that anointed him. I predict a subsequent, accelerating slide into oblivion. The Prince (public opinion and sobering transparency) will not make his life happy ever after.

These farcical Oscar "awards" prove once again that Hollywood has become a liberal, political podium, owned by the super-rich Intelligentsia, used to advance their socialist agenda. "Birdman" is more Hollywood politics, steered by globalists that want open borders and one-world government.  “Birdman” is really about amnesty--now that the liberals and their puppeteers can trumpet a Mexican that they have anointed as "creative." Without the programmed, bias of the Academy, no one would have yet heard of Alejandro G. Inarritu.  Sean Penn's "green card" quip was designed to convince us that since the Academy "discovered" a "talented immigrant" from Mexico, that we should open up the border to all of them.  Give me a break! Every movie I ever saw with a Mexican flair was neither original nor creative; on the contrary, their productions seem to nearly always border on plagiarism.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Adios, Brian Williams

Anybody who believes that Brian Williams will be back as editor-in-chief and anchor of NBC news in six months would buy the Brooklyn Bridge from a stranger for $100.

Giving him a six-month suspension is NBC’s way of easing themselves out of an embarrassing situation--not to help Williams.  NBC, panders to liberals and others of low intellect, and they know that their target audience has a short-term memory, like all liberals, and most of them will not even remember who Brian Williams is (was) in six months. They know that Williams is not a rocket scientist and probably not smart enough to save face by resigning during his six-month “banishment.”  He is clear proof that intellect (as well as scruples) at NBC is irrelevant.  Hell, Brian Williams dropped out of college with 18 credits. 

Williams is an NBC-made icon.  They taught him how always to face slightly to his left to conceal his twisted nose (twisted noses are often characteristic of villains in novels). NBC taught him how to use bias with facial expression; how to scowl at the mention of a conservative in the news; how to smile at the mention of liberals; how to look horrified at catastrophes that can be blamed on Rephblicans, etc. Political consultants teach such things, and Obama used the tactics in debates with Mitt Romney.

Do not look for things to change at NBC.  They will continue to pander to the lower tier of society, and they will try to find someone else with appeal to those that respond strictly to emotive stimulation, never to logic or intelligence.  In the meantime, "Adios, Brian Williams."

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Brian Williams Brings Survival Mode to NBC

CBS tried to save news anchor Dan Rather after he used forged documents to try to discredit George Bush’s military record. It did not work, because you cannot forge facts as long as intelligent people are around to investigate alleged “evidence.” Dan Rather’s desire to manufacture false news and advance his own liberal agenda turned out to hoist him by his own petard, and such malfeasance will also bring about Brian Williams’ downfall.

Brian Williams is finished as anchor for NBC news.  A few liberals (like those that post on other threads of certain forums, to whom integrity is irrelevant) will back him, like they back Obama, no matter what crime he commits. In spite of recent newscasts studded with his manifold lies, Williams is hoping Americans will forget that he was NBC News anchor and responsible for telecasting that altered tape of George Zimmerman’s conversation with the police dispatcher.  In addition to News Anchor, Brian Williams has the title "Editor in Chief of NBC News."  In the tape, Zimmerman had said that the suspect looked like he was “up to no good.”  Several more transmissions ensued between the police dispatcher and Zimmerman before Zimmerman's response to the dispatcher's query regarding the ethnic appearance of Trayvon Martin.  Physical descriptions are necessary to help responding officers locate a suspect, and the description usually includes ethnicity or race. It has nothing to do with profiling. In response to a direct question from the dispatcher as to the description of Trayvon Martin, including his ethnicity or race, Zimmerman responded, “He looks black.”

NBC News spliced a faux, pejorative predicate into juxtaposition with the apparent subject of a single, compound sentence, joined by a semicolon. It came out on NBC News as:  “He looks like he is up to no good; he looks black,” Reconstructed in that frame, it makes the subordinate clause, "he looks black" appear to modify the main clause, "He looks like he is up to no good," and define why he looks like he is up to no good (because he is black).  The final effect was obviously machinated by NBC News and Brian Williams to make Zimmerman appear to be an obdurate racist, and Williams knew it.  Williams, Al Sharpton and all the demagogues know that surnames can sway the thought of real bigots and those easily duped. To them, a name like “Zimmerman” has to be of German-American ancestry, and  considered “Anglo,” by liberal bigots.  They did not bother to investigate.  It turned out that Zimmerman is a member of a minority (Hispanic) ethnic group. However, the die was cast, and the incompetent Florida State Prosecutor, Angela Corey, Al Sharpton, all the rabble-rousers and latter-day Jacobins swarmed across the Rubicon of no return. Sharpton put on his tunnel vision blinders, loaded up his Procrustean Bed, tagged it with "Geroge Zimmerman Prime Racist," and got a blessing from fellow rabble-rouser  Barack Obama, who declared the street thug, Trayvon Martin, to be "his son."  Sharpton let it be known that he had zeroed in on his target, Zimmerman, and that he thenceforth would be impervious to facts and truths. 

Astute observers will recognize that NBC is (belatedly) allowing publicity of Williams’ history of lies and falsified news to solidify their own case against him.  Even the liberals will see (but never admit it; because, as said above, to them, integrity is irrelevant) that Williams has no integrity and that the Justice Department should prosecute both him and NBC, revoke their license for the libel and slander against Zimmerman, and  put NBC out of business.   It is not scapegoating; it is now survival mode (CYA) for NBC.

(I know Obama reads my blogs, and if he does not use "Procrustean Bed" to depict Republicans within two weeks, I will be surprised.)