Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Logic Proves Harry Reid a Liar

Political demagoguery is never aimed at intelligent people. It is aimed at a group that the demagogue believes is ignorant and gullible enough to believe his/her distortions of facts. In the case of Senator Harry Reid’s claim that he has “anonymous” information that Governor Mitt Romney hasn’t paid taxes for the past ten years, we see the ultimate in demagoguery and outright lies. Any thinking person can readily arrive at that conclusion, if he approaches the issue with logic. That leaves the non-thinking and uninformed people as the target of Reid’s latest, blatant demagoguery.

Senator Reid shows the utmost contempt for the intelligence of the average American voter in attacking Romney’s integrity because of an allegedly, “anonymous,” telephone call of which he knows not the source. It speaks to just how low our Government has stooped in this election year. That begs the rhetorical question: Why should Reid care about being exposed as a demagogue if he has already adjudged the American voter to have the intellect of a moron, or lower? He is not worried about being made out a liar and demagogue, obviously. Harry Reid’s decision to make his “anonymous telephone call” an issue is based upon his warped sense of fairness and justice. It does not matter if the user of logic sees his “issue” as sinking to the level of reductio ad absurdum. Reid, in his fuzzy mental processes, thinks that he will be “vindicated” by the American voter, the intellect of which he has no esteem at all. It matters not to Reid if his “vindication” is no vindication at all; only if it is perceived as such by the majority of the electorate. Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, invented the tactic that Harry Reid is now employing. To Goebbels and Hitler, it mattered not in the least if there no grain of truth to their lies; the lies were successful if they could plant mere doubt in the mind of the target group.

The thinking person is usually informed, or knows how to inform himself though research. To determine if Reid is lying or demagoguing the issue, a thinking person should approach the conundrum in this manner: He should consider this fact: If Romney has committed tax fraud, Harry Reid himself has the authority to bring Romney to justice. How can that be? A thinking person needs a modicum of knowledge on how our Government works.

As Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid has power and influence over the Senate Finance Committee. The Senate Finance Committee oversees the functions of the Treasury Department, and its subsidiary, the IRS. The powers of Congress to subpoena records are among those powers enumerated to them by Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. A Democrat, Obama appointee, Timothy Geithner, is Secretary of the Treasury and is the chief law enforcement officer of the Treasury Department. The Commissioner of the IRS, Douglas H. Shulman, is an Obama appointee (Shulman was re-appointed by Obama after serving a few months in that position under the Bush Administration).

The Democrat-controlled IRS ALREADY KNOWS exactly how much taxes governor Mitt Romney has paid, at least as far back as seven years. The statute of limitations for tax fraud goes back six years from the current year; in effect seven years. Any IRS agent will tell you to keep your own records for at least seven years, proving that they have your records (at least) that far back and IRS agents will also tell you that they can audit your records that far back. Romney is an astute business man and no one can doubt that he knows that the IRS already has his records. That alone should vindicate him with Congress or anyone else as to whether or not he has ever committed tax fraud. There is no way he could do it without the IRS being aware. That is the reason that Romney has no fear of Harry Reid’s stupid allegations.

But Senator Harry Reid apparently has no compunctions against looking stupid, as long as only the intelligent people (an ever-growing minority in this country) see him as such. Reid has cast his lot with the ignorant masses that are gullible to his demagoguery. And that is a sad commentary when you consider the power he holds as Senate majority Leader.

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