Monday, July 30, 2018

Why Charter Schools are Surging

This is a response/addendum to a forum response to the subject of skyrocketing charter schools in the San Antonio area.


There is a cause and an effect to everything.


The cause of the decline in public school education is mostly due to illegal immigration, and to some degree legal immigration that has given third world countries too large quotas. Blame congress because demographers gave them fair warning of the effect, but they went ahead and went against the interest of our country.  This “diversity thing” that educators are now pushing is just a rationale to somehow try to cover their asses for irresponsible behavior that has led to a Tower of Babel situation. Anyone that has read Genesis 11: 1-9 knows that humanity was much wiser 5,000 years ago than we are now because we usually listened to our God, at least in the scriptures.

Now we are bringing in people who violate our public school dress codes in the name of their foreign, non-Christian religion. They conceal their faces and anything they want to carry on their bodies.  They not only do not believe in our God, but anyone opposed to their religion are branded “infidels’ and they actually use alien  scriptures to justify exterminating us. Anyone that thinks we can assimilate the same kind of people that tore down the U.S. Trade Center on 9-11-01 is plain stupid. Their own dress codes are okay in their own schools, but many violate ours in the public schools and this contempt for our rules is helping cause more chaos and general contempt for education. They now mostly have their own schools and anyone who thinks they are teaching our history, our culture and the Western way of life is dumber than stupid.  


A downgrade in the quality of education, quality of teachers, a waste of money and politically correct schoolbooks that are historically incorrect and obfuscate important events in nation’s history.  We are a historical conquering nation and due to liberal pandering to them, minorities and liberals cannot wrap their brains around that fact. We are winners, but the losers were not only not run out of the country but also given an equal status that they never earned.  Their version of history now holds sway in the public schools because they are now the majority there due to white flight. Interesting and correct reference books are banned, and those acceptable are boring and do not ring true. Books and teachers are misleading and must, by fiat and politically correct guidelines, avoid important facts in order to not offend anyone who has been given a false image of reality in history and social events. Stupid new words are created to maintain political correctness and some of the best words in our older dictionaries have been banned or just omitted.  

 A large publisher could not publish the Peter Principle, a classic book by a famous educator, in this day and time because it is so truthful and steps on too many toes. Politically-correct pseudo-critics classify it as “humor,” because they are tone deaf to reality and because they do not have the intestinal fortitude to face reality.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Pedophiles and Predators Gravitate Toward Positions of Public Trust

Pedophiles and various types of sex predators gravitate toward professions of public trust in order to carry out their nefarious practices and to satisfy their rabid sexual deviations, almost with immunity. We have seen these types of rogues infiltrate almost every "respectful" profession.  We see the phenomenon in  such professions as education, the medical field, and even in the clergy.

Some people think of illegal alien traffickers as engaged in some kind of "noble" profession, the lofty image that some Internet trolls involved in the profession  try to project. Often, dark and sinister motives are concealed undercurrents in these activities. Nowhere else can sick predators satisfy their urges better than in trafficking--and keep it so hidden from public view--because the media often accept them at their word that they are involved in altruistic endeavors.

Stories of horror of aliens shepherded by traffickers are frequently recounted to immigration authorities by aliens in custody being processed for exclusion or deportation. Traffickers recruit and organize movements by so-called refugees. Most are not educated enough to have a valid political opinion--historically the basis for most valid claims of oppression that qualify an applicant for refugee status. True cases of political or religious oppression are usually well documented by newspaper and kangaroo court accounts.

Traffickers in illegal aliens are familiar with third-world cops. The traffickers have the skill and wherewithal to bribe them when need be. The people that traffickers  escort, especially their children, are totally at their mercy. It is against the wave of media madness to praise Trump for trying to keep children separated from irresponsible parents, some of whom even use their children as pawns in exchange to facilitate getting in arranged movements by traffickers.  Present and former immigration officers see this often. All the mothers involved know their children are going to be violated on these long treks across international boundaries, and that is why all girls of child-bearing age age (12 and older) began getting birth control pills in order for the pills to be effective before the trek begins. . Unspeakable sexual crimes of rape and pedophilia are committed by the perverted traffickers.  You are likely to get edited out of forums and other public media for telling this truth, and having said that, I am wondering why truthful, documented comments are not allowed by the moderators to answer the person that began a thread titled,  "Ban CPS." 

CPS and law enforcement officers are the nearest thing to guardian angels of abused and neglected children; yet they are viciously attacked--especially by those who have been exposed as perpetrators of crimes against their own children.  It is a crime that the media and the public do not want to even think about, especially since so many of the guilty are  in positions of public trust. That is the reason that positions of public trust are perfect havens for violators

Pedophiles and predators that pose as humanitarians in alien trafficking is a subplot of my first novel, "The Border Nightwalkers." The Border Patrol is a balcony seat above the stage of predators posing as humanitarians along the U.S.-Mexico border. .There are, however,  a few exceptions on the border. Some faith-based organizations have sincerely tried to help drug addicts with religious-sponsored rehab centers in Mexico and in U.S. border cities.  Most of those on the Mexican side of the border have been shut down by the cartels. Rehabilitation of drug addicts is the last thing the cartels want.  These institutions are a subplot of my latest novel, "Undercover Hobo."

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Who is to Blame for the Border Crisis?

  • Blame? Start with religion; more specifically the Catholic Religion, which does nothing to encourage birth control.. It is the primary religion of most of the third world morass of human supersaturation. Then look at their leader, the Pope, who, in effect, tells the morass that it is okay to breach the walls of another country--that is, any except the Vatican, which has walls over forty feet high. 
    Our other enemies, beyond religion, are gloating and using their propaganda machine to accelerate our demise. They include the U.S. media, duty-bound to keep our focus on "compassion," and away from our duties under Article IV, part 4 of our once-sacred Constitution: To protect all states from foreign invasion. Enemies of those states include the fifth-columnists, also called the Deep-State bureaucracy--planted, overstaffed and indoctrinated by Obama,in social, domestic nihilism. Then look at Congress who has one half of the responsibility for dereliction in enforcing Article IV, part 4. The other half of that duty belongs to the President--the only patriot trying to keep his oath: to uphold and defend our Constitution, including Article IV, part 4

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Will the Trump-Putin Meeting Result in Rapprochement?

Rapprochement between Russia and the U.S. is the worst nightmare of the Deep State. Russia leads the world in cyber warfare and they can recover any email once thought deleted.  Whether they share it with Trump is problematic, and that is the reason the liberals, the media and the rest of the Deep State must do everything they can to keep relations between the U.S. and Russian inharmonious.  Rapprochement would totally destroy the raison d'etre of the Mueller witch hunt.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Forensic Advances in the past 70 years.

Our prisons are overcrowded and convicted criminals are being released back onto street after sering on fractions of the time sentenced by a judge or jury.

Is there more crime now than there was back in the 1950s when I left home to enter the military?  If you read the headlines, the police blotters, the police mug shots, you tend to think that there is much more crime now, in proportion to the population, than there was when I graduated from a small, rural school in West Texas in 1953..

I believe that we are indeed living in a time when there is more contempt for law, but at the same time technological advances, not only in forensic science, but other innovations, such as cell phones, low-cost camcorders and security cameras around one's house have shortened the odds of a criminal beating the system and having a long criminal career without an  arrest.  The Internet, the super highway of information, now provides us much more opportunities to learn about crime and criminals.  There are numerous data banks on the Internet that keep public records, arrests, civil actions such as divorces, and other data that are overwhelming if you compare the information we had available when I was in high school. Hiding one's dark side is much harder now than 70 years ago. Our lives are open books for whomever is interested in looking into your personal life's history. Computers have become the nemesis on anyone seeking privacy in his/her personal life. 

I was raised on a farm 18miles from the closest incorporated city.  We did not get electricity on our farm until I was about 5 years old.  We never had a telephone and our family did not get television until my senior year in high school.  I did not see a radio until I was about 5 years old. Looking back, I am aware of what all I missed in comparison to today's youth; indeed aware of  all the innovations that I presently enjoy in my home.  We have Direct TV, the Internet, cell phone and ine line telephone.

(To Be Continued).

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Could the Internet Actually Be Preventing Crime?

When one reads the obscene material that appears on some forums, you start to realize that the Internet just might be a safety net for potential serial criminals with fantasies and fetishes common to psychopaths.  Some seem to have a need to be insulted in the most degrading way, often with allusions to homesexuality  with innumerable sordid connotations. Some seem not only to invite it, but relish it. They seem to dish it out with full expectations of receiving replies in kind. 

The Golden State Killer started out with petty crimes,  accompanied by a fetish for feminine underwear and jewelry.  During his home invasions, he often took samples of both with him. When he got discovered by a victim of a burglary,, he began raping and killing.  He always maintained a home, a  respectable job and a modicum of civil respect, a necessary front to live a double life of crime, and at the same time deflect suspicion. One wonders whether society might have been spared many of his outrageous burglaries, sexual assaults and murders, if he had had an outlet like the Internet to live out his fantasies vicariously, interacting with people of similar thoughts and fantasies. 

It goes without saying that it takes a sick person to sit behind a keyboard almost 24/7 and gutter converse almost entirely about the most degrading homesexual fantasies, whether uttering them,. or receiving them.  Obscene innuendo is often probably just disguised as "insults," for it appears there are often two people indulging feverishly and simultaneously.  One shudders to think what sort of outlets they would use to satisfy their fantasies, if it were not the Internet. .

Monday, May 21, 2018

Conservatives Need to Remind Trump of Who Elected Him

"Unity through Diversity"

That's what I read on the T shirt of a major-college co-ed recently.  If you think about the origin of the word "diversity" and realize that it is a cognate of "divide," a light will suddenly flash through your head and make you realize that the phrase is the epitome of an oxymoron. It is as dumb as saying, "Chill out by walking through fire."

Yet, exploitation of the clichés of mush-brained college students and liberals could be the only possible argument of certain Congressmen in trying to cram another amnesty for illegal aliens down our throats last week.  They have been trying to do it since the Gang of 8 was commissioned by Bush 43 to hammer out another amnesty for illegal aliens; one that can be force-fed down the throats of conservatives.  Call these "advocates" part of the "Deep State," for they have no affinity with patriotic America. They will not give up; and if we are not vigilant, they will find a way to dupe us again and leave sane Americans scratching their heads in befuddlement.

We are talking about those disciples of open borders that came close to passing another amnesty bill last week.  And they had the blessing of  President Trump.  True conservatives need to remind Trump that we are not quite as dumb as we were when Reagan and Bush 41 pushed the last general amnesty down our gullets in 1987--and the two follow up amnesties (to take care illegal aliens that "fell through the cracks" of the amnesty of 1987).  Specifically, the "follow-up" amnesties were called "245(i)," and "Extension of "245(i)," respectively.

Conservatives  need to remind Trump who put him in office. For our most recent salvation from another amnesty, we can thank a new coalition in Congress called the House Freedom Caucus.  True conservatives in Congress have found a way, at least temporarily, to stop the insanity in Washington; an insanity that is the enemy of the nation and the friend of open borders. The new strategy of patriots in Congress involves compromise with some Democrats, but it can be compared with the another old cliché "Fighting fire with fire."   Read about it here: