Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dubya Rears His Ugly Head Again

The last thing the GOP needs now is to listen to Dubya.  The first election of Obama was revulsion against this brain-dead Cheney/Rove puppet.   If the GOP had nominated Ron Paul instead of McCain in 2008, Paul would still be President.

Dubya is, and always has been, in the hip pockets of the old "plantation politicians" who call amnesty something else and who cannot see beyond the first stage of the four cycles of illegal immigration: illegal-to-legal-to-welfare are the first three; and in less than ten years, they reach the fourth stage:  citizens with Democrat voter ID cards. The cycles are kept alive and well by the bilingual education lobby who are totally dependent on illegal immigration.  Eliminate OBEMLA and you have reached the first stage of bringing this country back to sanity.