Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Obama Steps Up Blockage Of Deportations

This article says Obama is “cutting back” on deportations, which is Orwellian doublespeak for becoming an obstacle to deportation of illegal aliens:

Obama is the perfect puppet for the elite of the world. A real dummy who bought into the Marxist school of thought, he is a demagogue with appeal to the welfare parasites who only pretend they want to work and become proletariats.  He is playing right into the hands of those who want one-world government.  The last bastion of the so-called free world is on life support under Obama.

Who are the elitists?  The elitists are the super-rich that support the election of all successful politicians in this country. They own most of everything ion this country that is worth owning, including their most powerful weapon, the mainstream media.  They already have their own monetary currency printed up, and with the last gasp of freedom, your dollars, or any other currency now in circulation, will become worthless.  

They use “think tanks” to spread their propaganda and make subservience to government seem palatable to the masses.  These think tanks all have lofty, inclusive and noble-sounding names, but when you look beneath their façade, you see elitist objectives. There are many of these think tanks, but the most powerful among them are the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Cato Institute.   All, include the deceptively named U.S. Chamber of Commerce are actually highly exclusive, though they also induce many small businesses into their circle, but it  is mostly run by the super wealthy owner of the factories in China and all over the world that manufacture almost everything you buy. Free Trade Agreements are the first step toward creating one-world government.  Tariffs on imports of their products into the U.S. are anathema to them because they want all the profits to go into their Swiss bank accounts and not to help support the present moribund American Government.

So, the liberal attitude toward uncontrolled immigration, which they have engineered thourgh their control of the media that tells them what is “politically correct,” is their strategy to achieve their goals. All of those liberal special interest groups, such as bilingual education, owners of the safe houses, owners of the pseudo-religious, so-called sanctuary movements, are all their unwitting puppets.  Left wing activists have the ill-conceived notion that they will become more powerful with the coming revolution, but they have no clue as to the power of a controlled economy with only the elite owning currency.

Once the elitist achieve a totally socialized America, flooded with illiterate, third-world immigrants who are most vulnerable to demagoguery and simply vote in socialism, they will have a labor pool similar to the one they now exploit in China and in many third world countries. The EPA and other environmental protections will become moot. But the elitists will not suffer from respiratory illnesses.  They will be relaxing in their villas in the clean air of the Alps, near their Swiss bank accounts.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Beyonce Banned from Pyramids for Rudeness

The ugly American syndrome is not restricted to white men.  Beyonce’s attitude at the Pyramids in 2011 indicates she is inured to do as she pleases.  American white critics fear being called prejudice if they scold a black.  Therefore, foreign travel often precipitates an educational process for our peasant, nouveau-riche, of all races--if they are willing to learn, but apparently Beyoncé is not. The cultural degenerates, who now command such a huge share of the "entertainment" income, need to read Henry James novel, “Daisy Miller,” and then look in the mirror. But so-called Americans do not read American culture anymore.
In the Huffington Post article, reprinted from the New York Daily News , Beyonce is made the “victim” and it excoriates the tour guide, saying he was corrupt and once worked for Mubarek.  Mubarek was a saint compared to the regime Egypt has now, the darling of the present Administration, and consequently the darling of the media.  Our media is just a sycophant of the rich and politically powerful and cares nothing about justice or truth.  That goes double for the Huffington Post and the New Your Daily News. They are part of the problem and the solution of nothing.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Civil Disobedience the Answer?

Americans should treat Obamacare with the same total contempt that third world foreigners treat our immigration laws. MLK might have called it peaceful disobedience, but if no one signs up, watch our spineless Government enforce iObamacare. Eventually, it will be repealed, just like another bad, unenforceable law: Prohibition. The law that eventually bankrupted most of our big lending institutions, the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), was not enforced after Jimmy Carter caused the prime lending rate on mortgages to reach 21%. Beginning with Reagan, the law lay dormant until Community Organizer, Barack Obama, along with a bunch of thugs called ACORN started intimidating, filing charges and causing sanctions against the lenders.
Obama has taken some safeguards in the Act.  Welfare recipients on Medicaid will continue to receive free medical care. They will have to sign up at one of those marketplaces, but they will get a subsidy to cover any amount not covered by their welfare checks.  But here is the kicker.  Obamacare will also, as a reward for just signing up, will give them yet another "tax credit."  Those classified as indigent by social services will probably receive about an additional $2,000 in free money to add to the $6,000, or so, that they already receive in other tax credits, such as those on lines 29(child and dependent care expenses), 30(credit for the elderly or disabled), 31(child tax credit),39 (additional child tax credit). The biggest boon of all for illegal aliens is a tax credit on Line 40 of Form 1040A.  It is the American Opportunity credit. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Choose Your Poison When You Vote

This country is not run by politicians. Politicians are mere stooges for the elite, or the saw-called intelligentsia--the puppeteers that pull their strings.  There are many organizations of the elite, for example: the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group,  The Council on Foreign Relations, the Cato Institute, and perhaps the most powerful of them all: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  They prefer to label themselves as "think tanks," where the most compelling and cogent decisions of running this country are made and then relayed to their stooge-politicians for enactment of appropriate legislation.  All of these elitist organizations are private and highly exclusive, despite the noble, lofty sound of latter-named organization: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Like the others, it has two main goals: First, to make the U.S. part of  a one-world government, and second, to make us a third world country without restrictions on immigration or environmental pollution. Obama is the ideal president, or puppet, to help them to achieve their goals. 

This country has been paralyzed with the venomous fear of discrimination and prejudice.  But "playing the race card" is not just a tactic of those who fear discrimination, it is a tool of the super-rich intelligentsia.  They have found a way to use it to advance their own greedy and diabolical agenda. They recognize the lower education levels of the minorities, the inherent fear of discrimination; and they are now exploiting it.  They intend to grow their base of support by bringing in unlimited hordes of third-world "immigrants" via illegal immigration and subsequent amnesties that will enable  these uneducated, illiterate immigrants to become citizens and (Democrat) voters.  It matters not that the Democrat Party presently  has control of these minorities and incessantly demagogues them to advance their own political goals. This is where their puppet, Barack Obama, comes into play.

Marxism, Obama's basic political philosophy, is an ideal way of achieving the goal of the elitists.  When the USSR existed, there was always the elite or the "Dacha Set," as they were sometimes called by writers outside their sphere of influence. However, the secrecy, by which the elitists of the USSR operated, kept the world from knowing much about them.  The secrecy was engineered by the powerful KGB. The current president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, is a former member of that secret agency, the KGB, that protected the identities of the super rich in the USSR, as well as information about the relationship of the super-rich with the leaders if the rest of the world, the so-called "free world." They are now, and have always been, connected politically.

The elitists of the world have no loyalty to any government.  "Patriotism" is a mere catch word that helps them manipulate the less educated.  When one-world government comes, they will not be living in the U.S.  They will be enjoying the clean air of the Swiss Alps, the country of their chosen "second citizenship," though some might still be called dual national "Americans."  Their wealth will also be deposited in the Swiss banks, close by their mountain villas.

To be continued...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Democrats Scramble to Save Face (Or CYA) on Obamacare

Louisiana has always had more than its share of welfare parasites, as well as more than its share of crooked and corrupt politicians.  I won’t go back as far as Huey Long, whose finesse at corruption inspired a Hollywood movie, but more recently, Congressman William J. Jefferson, who Democrats once boasted as the first black Louisiana Congressmen since Reconstruction.  He was exposed, thanks to Hurricane Katrina.  In case you have a short-term, Democrat memory, check him out here:

And check out how Senator Mary Landrieu sold her vote for Obamacare here:

All 60 Democrats in the Senate voted for the Bill, the minimum to get Obamacare passed, and all Republican Senators voted against it.  Senator Landrieu need $100 million to make up for shortfalls in Medicaid funds; she got $300 million by the largesse of the Obama Administration.
Now comes Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, the consummate hypocrite who sold her vote to give Obama his needed 60 to pass Obamacare.  She is grandstanding by pretending to do something about the 93 million Americans who will lose their existing health plans and doctors.  Due to Obama’s Draconian guidelines that have declared those health plans to be non MEC (although the holders of those plans were perfectly happy with their existing plans, and the plans met all their needs, allowing the policy holders to keep the same doctors)  Obamacare declares them to be insufficient and Obamacare will raise their payments as much as 100%, or more, in many cases, to make up for the subsidized welfare recipients who pay little or nothing.  They are the same old perennial recipients of Medicaid and other welfare benefits.  Obamacare does nothing more than give the illusion that “everyone” has to buy Obamacare and that it is therefore “fair and equal.”  It is just another of his Marxist ploys to redistribute the wealth and put more of a burden upon the middle class taxpayers and protect his core constituency, the beneficiaries of Obama socialism. What the Democrats need to do is to get people off welfare instead of buying their votes with a new health-care, welfare bill and other new welfare programs.

Senator Mary Landrieu’s grandstanding is merely a futile exercise in deception to try to hang onto her Senate seat, which she may well lose in the election of 2014.  If she does lose, the nation as a whole will be better off. She knows that there is no way she can save those 93 million insurance policies because Obama planned it that way from the start, but kept his motives hidden in the thousands of pages of the Bill.  Democrat leader, Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”  See:

Pelosi's solution is about as dumb as that old childhood prank that older bullies played on small children back in the old, one-room-school-house days where students of all ages mingled together at recess.  The bully, who might be enjoying some candy, would tell the young dupe: “Close your eyes and open your mouth,” making the dupe think that he, the bully, would place some candy in his mouth.  Instead, the bully would place a dead bug or something else nasty in the child's mouth.

Check out Senator Landrieu’s ploy here.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

93 Million Deceived by Obamacare

93 million Americans were deceived by Obama numerous times into thinking that, under Obamacare, they could keep the insurance and doctor they already had. Although their insurance policies have always met their needs, they are receiving notices in the mail that their policies are not MECs (Minimum Essential Coverage) and that they must purchase one under Obamacare. 93 million people have been lulled into thinking that Obamacare would have no financial impact upon them, and today they are “sticker shock.” 
The Griffins, who live near Philadelphia, pay $770 monthly for their soon-to-be-terminated health care plan with a $2,500 deductible. The cheapest plan they found on their state insurance exchange was a so-called bronze plan charging a $1,275 monthly premium with deductibles totaling $12,700. It covers only providers in Pennsylvania, so the couple, who live near Delaware, won't be able to see doctors they've used for more than a decade.

 "We're buying insurance that we will never use and can't possibly ever benefit from. We're basically passing on a benefit to other people who are not otherwise able to buy basic insurance," said Griffin, who is retired from running an information technology company.

It is now obvious that Obama planned all along for the middle class to pay a lot more than they were accustomed to paying for health insurance to make up for those who pay little or nothing.  Those who previously could not afford insurance and were on Medicaid, will receive a Government subsidy to make Obamacare affordable to them. This is an example of what he meant when he talked about the Marxist Principle of “redistribution of wealth” during all of his campaign speeches.  Nothing will change as far as taxpayers supporting the indigents, but Obamacare briefly gave the Middle Class taxpayers the temporary delusion of ending the huge cost of providing health care to the perennial parasites, especially illegal aliens, that have bankrupted so many hospitals and medical care facilities.  I feel sorry for those who voted against Obama, but those of the middle class who voted for him are getting exactly what they deserve with a lot more “just desserts,” and unpleasant surprises, soon to come down the pike.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ted Cruz Can Run for President

The suspicion of Obama's citizenship is not "far-fetched."  Many of his close relatives in Kenya said they were there when Obama was born.  Immigration officers are suspicious of almost any "perfect" birth certificate coming out of Hawaii. Every block entry was perfectly centered, no type-overs, no erasures or corrections, etc.  In spite of the meticulous preparation there was that little error that shows "country of birth" as "Hawaii," not an error usually made, even by the most careless county clerk.   Then there is the issue of Title 8 USC 1401 (g)—wherein it appears that Obama would have been ineligible for derivative U.S. citizenship through his mother at birth due to her irregular and limited U.S. residency.  Ted Cruz clearly qualifies under that law, and the international principle of "jus sanguinis."  Arnold Schwarzenegger's aspirations to run for president are not feasible under any existing law.  He is a naturalized citizen, not natural-born,  and he is not likely to become eligible with a Constitutional Amendment in the near future.  If he did become President, he'd probably then want German to become our national language, since he still struggles with English. 

Obama's  English pronunciation is okay, though he does not fully grasp many idiomatic expressions, often resulting in malaprop.  However, it is Obama's conduct that arouses most suspicion.    Why did he alone among presidents seal his college records?  Master's theses and doctoral dissertations of students are usually proudly published in their college libraries and are reference sources for the study by other students on the many subjects delved into in the writings, especially if the author rises to the presidency.   These writings are always autobiographical to a certain extent, and they nearly always deal with social issues related to one's birthplace and one's roots. Critics use the biographical approach perhaps more than any other in literary criticism.  The fact is, we know very little about Obama's roots and much of what we think we know may not be true. 

The liberals who like to excoriate the doubters as “birthers,” fear the dreaded truth: Our immigration laws are so loosely enforced that almost anyone in the world who can successfully commit immigration fraud (thousands do), can also become president if they are astute politicians. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I have always been fascinated by the mystery of inspiration.  I find it strange that other writers are often simultaneously working on a project similar to mine, with a very similar theme.  One reason that I do not do much research for precedents in fiction is that I fear that I might be influenced by someone else's writing on a project similar to mine.  Most readers can recognize plagiarism when they see it if they have read the same thing from two different writers.  Different versions of a subject are okay, but not copying and pasting, with a word processor, something someone else has said and publishing it as one's own work. Plagiarism and literary theft are running rampant in the world with the advent of the cyber age where theft of intellectual property has been made much easier.

“Anti-mimesis is a philosophical position that holds the direct opposite of Aristotelian mimesis. Its most notable proponent is Oscar Wilde, who opined in his 1889 essay The Decay of Lying that, "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life". In the essay, written as a Platonic dialogue, Wilde holds that anti-mimesis "results not merely from Life's imitative instinct, but from the fact that the self-conscious aim of Life is to find expression”
Sometimes, life imitating art can be very dangerous when warped ideas are put into print and given credible characters to carry out those ideas.  Timothy McVey's bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building was an imitation of an act he'd read about in William Pierce's (Pen name, Andrew McDonald) novel, The Turner Diaries.
With those thoughts in mind, I recently read a story in a Juarez, Mexico newspaper about a female who is riding commuter buses and killing drivers to avenge sexual assaults and murders of women assembly factory commuters.  This was a prominent theme of my novel, The Border Body Dumps.  See the "Sample Text" lifted from the novel further below.



“Olga, and later hire, Rocio Davis, an Iraq War widow and Mexican native, have some serious scores to settle with machismo-driven, border men.


"You mean I gotta go in drag?"

 "That's a crude and cynical way of putting it Ross. ...We will...make ourselves bait for some of the maquila commuter bus drivers they call ruteros, and other targets."

 "A man could get seriously killed that way."

ISBN 978-0-9785687-2-6

The female bus-driver assassin in Juarez was motivated by the same events that motivated the female assassin characters in my novel, The Border Body Dumps. You can read the story in its entirety at this web address:


Monday, August 12, 2013

Change Waxes but Hope Wanes in North Chicago

Until recently, the liberal media has led us to believe that rampant black crime in Chicago was restricted to South Chicago where blacks preyed on blacks.  However, in recent times, there have been more and more "sketchy" looking blacks moving into the upscale River North area of Chicago.  Whites are becoming more and more apprehensive and no longer feel safe in North River.  Four days ago a black man boldly, sexually assaulted a white book store clerk as she was closing up for the night.  He husband arrived too late to stop the attack but chased the assailant with a baseball bat unable to catch him. As a result, the book store management has shortened the hours to begin closing at 6:30 p.m., before dark, instead of the usual 10 p.m.
The Guardian Angels have started patrolling the area after hours and now offer escort service to women that must be alone on the streets after hours.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Will Obama Start WWIII?

Many think that Barack Hussein Obama is a closet Muslim.  His decision to send our best weapons and military technology to Egypt, a country now run by the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical group hostile to the existence of Israel, will start WWII.

In the Six-Day-War of 1967, Obama was five years old.  When the intended invasion and destruction of Israel began, the Egyptians had a huge superiority of weapons.  It took Israel 6 days to destroy them all while still headed toward Israel in the Sinai Desert.

No one doubts that Israel will use nuclear weapons against Egypt this time, if necessary.  They believe that they are God’s chosen people, and many Gentiles believe likewise.  Many think that the final war between good and evil will fulfill the Biblical prophesies in the “End Days,” and those days may come with the second modern invasion of Israel by Egypt.  Another attempt by Egypt to destroy Israel will be the beginning of WWII as evil empires across the world, some armed with nuclear weapons, like Pakistan, North Korea and possibly Iran and Russia, retaliate against Israel, and eventually against the U.S.  Russia will not stay neutral, and they will continue their support of America's enemies in the Middle East. 

Obama showed his contempt for America's military preparedness in that whispered message to the Russian leader Medvedev, which he asked Medvedev to convey to Vladimir Putin, when he thought the microphones were turned off.  He said that "after his re-election" he would have more "flexibility" in weakening our defenses against Russian missiles.

“Obama’s remarks, caught on an open microphone at a summit in Seoul, South Korea, drew sharp criticism from Republicans who suggested that the president was too soft on Russia and not honest with the U.S. public about his intentions for missile defense…”

For Obama’s plan to go forward with sending planes and tanks, with cutting edge military technology to Egypt see:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Caliche Pits of West Texas

The Caliche Pits of West Texas

When I was born during the Great Depression, my dad had a part-time job guarding a “caliche pit” just east of the nearby town of Wellman, TX.  There was heavy equipment in the pit, used for digging and crushing a soft rock called “caliche.” During those hard times, theft was rampant as people struggled to survive the depression.

Although Caliche layers keep the surface of West Texas soil limited in the types of vegetation that can grow upon them, the substance was invaluable in surfacing country roads before the more expensive asphalt became more affordable.  Although surfacing a road with caliche made it smooth and impermeable to rains, roads surfaced with it became as slick as greased glass in rainy weather.   A motorist had to be careful not to slide off it and get stuck in what was called “the bar ditch,” a depression off each shoulder used to collect runoff water.  

How caliche subsurface in West Texas affects the type of vegetation that can grow there:

“Caliche beds can cause many problems when trying to grow plants. First, an impermeable caliche layer prevents water from draining properly, which can keep the roots from getting enough oxygen. Salts can also build up in the soil due to the lack of drainage. Both of these situations are detrimental to plant growth. Second, the impermeable nature of caliche beds also prevents plant roots from going through the bed, which means the roots have a limited supply of nutrients, water, and space, so they cannot develop normally.”  (From Wikipedia definition).

So, the low, tough vegetation one sees on the Texas plain is influenced more by the subsoil than the 18 inches or so of rain that is normal for the area.

On the Texas plains, abandoned caliche pits became substitutes for “lover’s Lanes.”  As a beginning writer some forty years ago, I wrote a short story (titled “The Caliche Pit,”) about a small West Texas town, manned by a two-man police force, one of them the “chief” and the other a new rookie, who had more to learn about small town policing than the criminal code teaches.  While patrolling outside the perimeter of the town, the “chief” decided to check out the local caliche pit.  There was one car parked in the pit, and the chief drove to the bottom of the pit and circled it.  He did not stop to check out the occupants of the car.  When queried by the rookie  as to why they did not check out the occupants of the car, the chief replied that, in a small town, the first thing one must learn is to be blind to some things. The chief had noticed a prominent, local, married couple in the car, married to someone other than each other.
When I queried the below link on caliche pits, I found the first answer, by “steve’o”  interesting, and not inconsistent with my image of the “local caliche pit,”  one of which seems to be near all  small West Texas towns.