Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama Hijacked Non-Union Pension Funds

Another big issue and evidence of another great crime is coming to a head today as Congressional Inquirers began to demand answers and accountability for missing pension funds. The Treasury Department axed pensions in 2009 for 20,000 non-union salaried retirees who worked for the Delphi auto parts union.

Obama’s punishment of Non-Unions by stealing their pensions showed that the Obama Administration considers non-union workers as something less than human beings and are not entitled to (judicial) due process before they are punished by sequestration of their own money.

The Obama Administration cannot—or will not—account for the disposition of these “missing” pension funds. Could the funds have possibly been intermingled with the Treasury bail-out funds to reduce the amount of money that the Treasury Department, headed by Timothy Geithner, had to rely on for the auto bailout? If so, it was expensive window-dressing for Obama—at the expense of the robbed pensioners

“Under 29 U.S.C. §1342, the PBGC is the only government entity that is legally empowered to initiate termination of a pension or make any official movements toward doing so. One email dated Thursday, April 2, 2009 shows PBGC staffer Joseph House discussing a meeting he and his colleagues were anticipating with the entire auto bailout team the following day.” (See first link below for source of quote.)

“Oh well”, the Democrats and union members might say, “What is another violation of law and another felony to the constitutionally –contemptuous Obama? He’ll get off the hook by blaming someone else and pettifogging the issue into oblivion by keeping the public focused on irrelevancies.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is the agency that regulates pensions. It is actually a Government agency working together with the Treasury Department.

The Obama Administration is trying to blame the PBGC for the “missing funds.” President harry Truman’s favorite axiom was “The Buck Stops Here,” and there was a sign on his desk to that effect.

In the Obama Administration the buck stops on the lowest government bureaucrat that they can find that will make a suitable scapegoat—but they do not even punish the scapegoats! We saw that strategy in action in the Fast and Furious scandal where the Obama Administration is trying to obfuscate the issue by blaming lower-ranking bureaucrats. However, he has not fired any of the scapegoats that he his blamed—AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA LETS HIM GET AWAY WITH IT!

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