Sunday, December 31, 2017

Will Religion Intimidate Our Government?

It is time we stopped the religious demagogues from mixing religion with government.  Religious people have screwed up every country they ever took over, including the Holy Roman Empire.   In almost every country in Europe, the Church called the political shots and had to approve every leader, every judge, etc.; they could overrule the government in all matters, especially sanctuary. 

Eventually, severe religious oppression brought about a spontaneous explosion of mass violence in  Europe called the French Revolution, which liberated most of Europe from the oppression of religion as practiced in the Holy Roman Empire..

The founding father of Democracy, President Thomas Jefferson, established a political doctrine called the “Wall of Separation” between our government and religion.   The ignorant fundamentalist demagogues called “religious leaders”  have been busy trying to erode that great doctrine ever since.

Nowadays, many elected politicians want to be addressed as "Reverend" instead of their political title. The New Testament made it clear that there was to be a separation of the Christian church and state; Jesus expressed that in his "render unto Caesar" statement.  Matthew 22:2.  There are many theocracies around the world, mostly Muslim, and invariably they practice much oppression, especially to women. We need to avoid that incursion into our own Government.

The court antics of former judge and church cleric , Willie Singletary, a former Philadelphia traffic court judge (recently convicted for multiple cases of corruption) is a blatant example of how much abuse so-called religions leaders foist upon our government, especially the court system.  Our spineless leaders need to call them out every time they invoke their religion as a defense against charges of malfeasance.