Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Juan Williams Spins the Obama Litany

Is Juan Williams trying to curry favor with Obama in order to get a more secure job? How much longer does he have with Fox News? If his job at Fox News is not in jeopardy, then Fox News is in jeopardy of losing a lot of viewers.

Williams was fired from NPR due to a “politically incorrect” statement he made regarding the fear some Americans have of flying on the same planes as other passengers that they can identify as Muslims. Here is what he said:

“…when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

Lately, when Williams is brought on the O’Reilly Factor to give a liberal tilt to Obama’s views, he talks incessantly, regurgitating the Obama litany of lies regarding how the Administration is going to save Medicare, when Obama has already taken steps to do away with it. Obama Care, if not rescinded, will not take full force and effect for at least two years, and there is no plan for a smooth transition. Obama Care will take half a $trillion from Medicare over the next decade. Many doctors have already stopped taking Medicare patients because of the low payments they receive.

Obama and Williams both misrepresent Paul Ryan’s plan, the only political plan on the horizon that has a chance to save Medicare. Today, Williams would not let John Sununu get a word in edgewise to voice the Paul Ryan Plan, and apparently O’Reilly is not able to control the NPR transplant. They should either fire him or put him in a job where he can write his liberal activist books and stay off the debate programs. He is still a Democrat who thinks they can only win if they stifle the opposition view by talking louder, heckling or doing whatever it takes to obfuscate or misrepresent the GOP policies and to impress the less intelligent. In short, he has become an obnoxious, vociferous, Obama trooper.

Some of us want to hear opposing views, the conservative view, and that is why we tune in to Fox News. Fox News had better be more careful what fired media people they rescue from NPR, CNN, etc. Greta Van Susteren worked out all right after being let go by CNN, but Williams has not forgotten his liberal bias and he seemingly does not want Fox News to promulgate any view other than his.

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