Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Trump's Welfare Reduction Plans

President Trump's new reduction in welfare programs, announced in the news today (May 23, 2017), might turn out to be the best incentive in the past fifty years to encourage people to start to work for a living again.

In physics, every action usually induces a reaction. Satisfying the altruistic instincts of social workers can become an albatross around the necks of other citizens--such as the business owners on Lubbock’s 34th Street (in the news today).  34th Street merchants told us that the homeless are no longer just panhandling there; they are demanding handouts. Some merchants interviewed by local TV reporters claim the indigents are even breaking into the businesses. Maybe they figure they are just as entitled to a free ride as those at Lubbock’s Grace Campus, a free housing community for the homeless. In Depression days, we would have called these, collectively, a “poor house.”  Unlike the erstwhile Depression era poor houses, this one occupies a large block adjacent to an industrial area and comprises a large number of wooden mini-houses. Originally, the social workers housed these occupants in box-like tents.

In the 1930s, FDR, under a federal program called FERA, essentially re-named the former poor farms to the more politically correct, “resettlement communities.” The Government pumped a lot more money into them and assigned a federal bureaucrat called, a Home Economist, to oversee the local leader, called a Community Manager. See: 

The original “community house” of the Ropesville, TX Resettlement Community has been moved a short distance, but it is still in Ropesville, near the original, Resettlement Community. A plaque commemorates it as one of FDR’s New Deal Programs. It sits adjacent to the large, once Government-owned, Poor Farm that juts deep into the center of the small town of Ropesville, TX.
Erskine Caldwell was one of the few Depression Era novelists bold enough to highlight the fears that the once proud farmers had of “ending up on the poor farm." They feared living with what they considered deadbeats abusing the welfare system in Government housing. Some literally preferred death to going to the poor farm, as in Caldwell’s "Tobacco Road."  The novel is much better and more realistic than the movie.

Nowadays, major publications, such as the NYT, snub novels that update welfare abuse, but make “best sellers” of authors that stick to the politically correct viewpoint of glorifying social workers and depicting all recipients as "unfortunate."These publications are in bed with the liberals who are not about to admit the failure of most of our mushrooming social welfare programs since WWII.  More than half of federal spending now goes to welfare, or so-called “safety net” programs that include Social Security (initiated during the FDR Administration) and its concomitant welfare programs.

Thanks to the advent of POD publishing, and such politically incorrect novels as my own “Undercover Hobo,” the public can now share a few esoteric, updated glimpses into the enormity of current welfare abuse. You might say I was “blessed” (from a writer’s viewpoint) with several years as a border guard checking boxcars, beating the bushes of hobo jungles, dislodging illegal aliens from unimaginable nooks, crannies and crevasses--and, most importantly, interacting with real hobos. I learned that accident-appearing, decapitations are often cover-ups for murders. I worked mostly nights so I could attend daytime college classes and study creative writing.

There will always be homeless people. Most, however, are homeless by choice, occasionally facilitated by social welfare programs. Most free spirits do not grow roots in the rescue missions of the larger cities and become “home guards” (permanent party) in the Skid Row rescue missions. Many are simply afflicted with wanderlust and a strong desire to survive by their own instincts. To be sure, there are misanthropes, like members of the FTRA, but they include wanderers who are occasionally willing to exploit the symbiotic relationship between social workers and the drifters (symbiotic, because these types accept handouts and create jobs for social workers). One of my characters, “Sandhouse,” introduced in Chapter 3 of “Undercover Hobo,” illustrates this phenomenon. These types will tolerate social compassion for only a short time; then they resume roaming. 

In the Great Depression, city and county governments shared the cost of poor houses and poor farms with the federal government.  Dodging the local costs of welfare spawned the practice of officers from poorer counties transporting indigent transients to adjacent county lines, surreptitiously dropping them off, and telling them how to reach the poor farms, or poor houses, of the neighboring counties.

You must have lived for a long time to note the changing attitudes toward accepting welfare in America. When Erskine Caldwell wrote Tobacco Road, there was a strong indignity attached to welfare for most people. He wrote the book in 1932, the year FDR ousted Hoover after one term, when people called poor farms what they were; when “the poor” was a compound noun. Most of the people get that way nowadays through indolence and lack of ambition; not by some catastrophic event, like the Great Depression.  The importation of poverty from third world countries, outside legal channels, has expedited America’s drift to socialism, and it is approaching completion.  The election of Hilllary would have expedited it, but the attitudes are still there and the march toward socialism and its attached chains, is inexorable. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Diogenes' Lamp

Former FBI Director, James Comey, admitted he had enough evidence to prove Hillary guilty, even without the content of her emails.  He claimed that intent was missing in all her betrayals, including the deaths at Benghazi.  In Federal cases of breaches of national security, a prosecutor need only establish gross negligence and that was abundantly done. Hillary's deletions of the 30,000 emails after being notified that the investigation had begun were crimes in themselves: destruction of evidence and hindering a Federal investigation.  In those acts, there was clearly intent, even though it was not needed, to establish probable cause against her.  Ironically, Russia may provide the smoking gun, because they no doubt have every email that Hillary ever sent or received while Secretary of State, and this is why the media and the democrats are trying desperately, though in vain, to establish a conspiracy between Trump and Putin in order to discredit both.  They see the coming storm, but are frustrated because it is something over which they have only propaganda, no truth, as a weapon.

Comey should have not only been fired but indicted for dereliction of duty and gross incompetence; however there is plenty of time within the statue of limitations.  His quandary was his knowledge that either Hillary or Trump would be his next boss and he was trying to find a middle ground that would not offend either; but his inaction in itself was a crime.  Look for further legal action against both Hillary and Comey in the coming weeks. Another obstacle to ultimate justice in this case is the venue of most of the crimes: Washington DC, much like El Paso, where the government's task is as great of that of Diogenes and his Lamp in finding an honest man (for a juror). 

 Under Obama, America became a lot more like Mexico and other third world mordida-driven economies. Trump has an opportunity to be America's greatest president since Lincoln. His adversaries are a totally corrupt, national, mainstream media in cahoots with the Democrat Party. The credibility of both adversaries are at stake, they know it, and they are going to fight tooth and nail to keep their evil power with a daily barrage of lies, innuendo and false news.. A lot more is at stake than Trump's career: the future direction of America and the rule of law. 

Senator John Cornyn of Texas may be our next FBI Director.  Not my first choice, but a thousand times better than anything we've had in the past eight years. I'd like to see someone with federal prosecution experience.

Pray for America.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The People's Case Against James Comey

James Comey and Hillary Clinton both should be wearing orange jump suits. There might also be one that fits Loretta Lynch.

Hillary's breaches of national and international security are unspeakable crimes that have undoubtedly resulted in the deaths of many of ours and our allies'  intelligence agents, double agents and moles whose identities were revealed, through her illegal personal email server, easily hacked into by our enemies. Russia was even using Hillary's illegal server, when she was Secretary of State, as documented evidence source against their domestic, espionage agents. The CIA and the State Department are inextricably linked in intelligence endeavors.  Hillary often spoke of the State Department, and even blamed it, as if it were embodied in someone besides herself. Her defective mental wiring has long been obvious to those with even slight intuition.


Comey''s crime was dereliction of duty for not indicting Hillary when she was exposed as a tool of enemy agents.  It had already been established that Hillary was using  personal computers to cover up her "pay to play" business of bilking foreign countries out of tons of money (they thinking she was going to be the next president, and that, henceforth, this would be the way our corrupt government would conduct business--like your ordinary, third-world mordida country). The payola was laundered through Hillary’s and Bill’s “non-profit” Clinton Foundation

Comey's crime was exacerbated because he used the excuse of not indicting Hillary because "she didn't mean to do it."  "Intent" is not an essential element to establish a criminal case against a high-up Government official.  Ignorance, incompetence and irresponsibility has not, and never has, excused high crimes and misdemeanors of our Government officials against our own Government. We install politicians in Government offices under the assumption that they know what they are doing and that they are willing to accept responsibility for everything they do. That is implicit in their Oath of Office.

We understand that Comey was trying to survive while working under a supervisor, Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who had veto power over any case he might submit to her for prosecution.  Backing off was going at his job the wrong way.  Any Government employee is duty-bound to commit insubordination when he is given unlawful orders, or sees and fails to report, unlawful conduct, or dereliction of duty, by any other Government official.  He should have taken his case against Hillary and Lynch straight to Congress.  “Following orders” did not fly as an excuse for the NAZI’s at the Nuremberg war criminal trials, and it has not flown in this country, when challenged by law.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Would A Nationality Card Reduce Your Privacy?

The proposed wall on the border would be a tragic, wasteful boondoggle.

Organized crime has long been deeply embedded in our own government.  You’ve heard of our shaddow (deliberately misspelled in conjunction with "government" to avoid auto-deletion of the post) government, and it is as unscrupulous as that of any third world government, just much more sophisticated.  In the last half century, a few Congressmen have gone to prison, one president impeached, another forced to resign; but the “swamp” is still polluted. Since the ”roaring twenties” when crime bosses, like Al Capone and Luck Luciano,  were blatantly involved in politicians’ lives at the local and federal levels, the only thing that has changed are the criminals’ degree of sophistication and their astute dissimulation.

The reason we are the only industrialized country that does not have a national identity card, is that the clout of organized crime is powerful and understandably dedicated to actively opposing such a security device. The sine qua non of organized crime is free travel within the country with the ability to change their members' identity, often using a stolen one.

 Think of it: a security enhanced social security card could accomplish more than a one hundred foot high wall a thousand miles long at a fraction of the cost. Security enhancement could be a  current social security card being replaced with one that has a photo image of the bearer and coded information that could be machine read, or field-read, by authorized federal agents, just like the green cards, since their security enhancement in the mid-1970s.

As long as there are planes in Mexico and hundreds of mining companies capable of digging a mile long tunnel through solid rock in a matter of a few days, no border fence, or wall, is going to be security-relevant. Moreover, any gain would be offset by amnesties by a corrupt government, like that of Bush 43 who sneaked two amnesties through on us, (245(i) and Extension of 245(i), and failed at a third humongous one by his commission of the infamous "Gang of 8. There have been about 15 failed attempts to pass the Dream Act, but both Obama and Trump have issued executive orders governing it as if it were actually law.

Would a national identity card reduce your privacy?  Not significantly, because you have very little to lose. Privacy in the U.S. is a privilege restricted mostly to illegal aliens and criminals. Everyone in the U.S., except illegal aliens, criminals and the very poor, already have a national identity card: it is called a U.S. passport, necessary for most foreign travel since the discovery of easy infiltration of our borders by Middle Eastern terrorists.  Anyone who wants one, can buy an electronic  device that can read the account number of every credit card in your wallet. The life of honest people is an open book to organized crime, whereas honest people have no clue as to who the criminals are, though they may be living next door under assumed names.  You cannot hide your identity, address or biographical history from criminal cyber hackers.

Mexico has a very secure national identity card, restricted to the upper class, or gainfully employed.  It is called the “Cedula de Profesion.” This upper class in Mexico has many other benefits, such as free health clinics and  hospitals, not available to the “undocumented” class you see coming across the border illegally.