Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Confederate Flag Means Different Things to Different People.

To some, the Confederate flag represents a failed effort to secede, the last gasp effort to part from the herd and be independent--the way our founding fathers did four score and seven years before the Confederate flag was designed. The Civil War proved that secession is possible only when the standing army is on the other side of the ocean.  When army and people are on the same side of the ocean, the herd wins. Our founding fathers had no problem with slavery. The term "men," has since been redefined, and that is what causes the confusion.

Recently, an uneducated, minority Federal judge made a speech and incorrectly stated that our Constitution declares all men to be created  equal.


The Declaration of Independence is not part of the Constitution.  In his Gettysburg address, Abraham Lincoln did not claim that all men are created equal.  He merely stated that our founding fathers were dedicated to a "proposition" that all men are created equal.  He was referring to the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.  Again, the definition of "men" came into play when our founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence. The fact that the secessionists lost did not validate Lincoln's utterance, and history tells us that Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation to attract black soldiers into the Union Army due to mass desertions and lack of dedication by white men of the northern states. On several occasions, Lincoln admitted that he was a racist and that he planned to send all black men back to Africa after the Civil War. That plan was being implemented when he was assassinated.  

The concept of "equal creation" is an egalitarian concept, historically promulgated by Marxist governments to palm off an idea as truth. They have never proved it to be a truism. It plays up to the ego of  humankind, but despots use it only as a ploy to gain the support of the masses.  In 1810, U.S. Congress made an effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to forbid noble birth, or inherited titles.  That proposition is still waiting for 26 states to ratify it. See:


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Donald Trump Is A Breath of Fresh Air

Since Ross Perrot have we had a presidential candidate who is not afraid to utter the truth. Like Ross Perot, Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air from all the stagnant and nauseating speeches of liberal political correctness of both major political parties.

 Donald Trump said we are not getting the best immigrants out of Mexico.  That is what the realists have been saying for decades.

The government of Mexico for years has been doing the same thing that Fidel Castro admitted doing during the Mariel Boatlift.  In the opening scene of the movie, "Scarface,: we see actual footage of Fidel Castro describing people his troops conveyed to the boats that President Jimmy invited smugglers to use to dump his offal onto the shores of Miami.  Fidel Castro said, "No los queremos!  Son escoria!"  (we do not want them; they are scum). Castro  emptied most of his mental and criminal institutions with  the knowledge, consent and cooperation of Democrat Jimmy Carter.

 Mexico has long been sending its huddled masses of illiterates and political malcontents to engage in their "activism" in this country.  Waving the U.S., flag does not fool anyone.  They are doing that because one of our fifth-columnist activist pointed out that they were advancing the wrong image (i.e., their real, transparent  image). As soon as they get their amnesty, out will come the Mexican flags again. These imported activists will continue to try to conceal  their degenerate and parasitic behavior by alluding to some kind of warped rationale of irredentism. The only difference between Fidel Castro and the Mexican leadership is that Castro is more honest.

Trump is saying what the Mexican government already knows while they continually lobby for America to open its borders to their  "emigrants."  Mexican politicians know that most of these people are "escoria," but they are not going to say that publicly.  They will make tongue-in-cheek utterances about "compassion" and "rights of immigrants," but they exalt in the fact that they are getting rid of their "escoria."

If you wonder why we need to go back to standards, and Common Core, it is because our schools have gone to hell and "educators" worry more about "diversity," and political correctness than teaching.  The answer is  in the  quality (or lack thereof) of our so called "immigrants,' from Mexico and Central America and our lowering of standards to accommodate them.  Bilingual education depends upon a steady stream of illegal illiterate immigrants who do not want to learn English.  K-12 bilingual education will make them illiterate in English and speak with a foreign accent their entire lives.

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate from either party that dares speak the truth and face reality. Ross Perot lost the presidency only because he wimped out with the lame excuse that he did not want to expose his family to the dirty world of politics--then belatedly got back in the race after alienating most of his original supporters.   That is where Trump differs from Perot and makes him a viable candidate. He will never apologize for being who he is.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Common Core Fights Socially Engineered Illiteracy

Incompetent U.S. District Judges

The Declaration of Independence is not part of the Constitution. It's purpose was to list grievances against the Crown of England to justify the British American Colonies for declaring independence from England.

Almost daily, in the headlines we see how certain elements of our society rely upon hearsay and misconceptions in their daily lives. Demagogues have an iron grip on the minds of many Americans who are either incapable, or ill disposed to discovering what is law and what is not. We should be appalled that a Federal District Judge, Arenda L. Wright, makes absurd statements without researching the law.


NBC has long gotten a pass for erroneous telecasting, sometimes deliberate, especially when Brian Williams was news anchor, but a U.S. District Judge cannot be given a pass.  No law says that all men in the U.S. are created equal. In fact, the phrase, "all men" does not appear in the Constitution.  Equal creation, but not cradle to grave egalitarianism (as proposed by Marxism), was merely a "proposition" in the Declaration of Independence, but it is not a part of the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address reiterated the “proposition,” but he never said it was the law of the land, or anything other than a proposition.

Another popular misconception about our Constitution is that titles of nobility are outlawed. Not true. That was another "proposition," by Congress in 1813, but it was never ratified by more than 26 of the states.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mr. Mealy-Mouth, Lindsey Graham, Doubles Down on Amnesty Advocacy

Today, on CBS' Face the Nation, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reiterated his commitment to amnesty for illegal aliens.  The mealy-mouthed politician says we cannot deport eleven million illegal aliens.  Eleven million was the estimated figure twenty years ago. Today, the figure is probably closer to 50 million, because Obama has virtually eliminated the mission of the Border Patrol

Lindsey Graham says he is in favor of letting all illegal aliens stay, but he says he wants to make their pathway to citizenship "long and hard."  That should qualify as the stupid mark of the century. All they want is to stay here, and they know that you cannot change the Constitution to create a second-class citizenry.  It they stay, there is no way you can keep them from enjoying the benefits of all  citizens, except voting and working for the Government (though there is evidence some of them already enjoy those benefits).  If fact, with amnesty, illegal aliens will have an easier time than many middle-class Americans because there is a whole plethora of social welfare programs, private and federal, from which they will benefit.

This mealy mouth Graham is not even a good liar.  We know what he means when he advocates amnesty. Agriculture is still a leading industry in South Carolina and it is among the leading tobacco producing states.  Intelligent citizens do not work in the tobacco industry.  In addition to the many carcinogenic insecticides connected with growing tobacco and other agriculture products, there is the problem of fungus, mold and the natural poisons in tobacco.  Graham knows the importance of tobacco exports and their contribution to the national trade balance, but his position has nothing to do with sympathy with the plight of illegal aliens. He is not the altruist that he wants to dupe us into believing.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

  • "ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two days before President Barack Obama announced a posthumous Medal of Honor for black World War I soldier Henry Johnson, a family got staggering news about the legacy of heroism that had inspired them for generations and through three wars. They weren't related to Johnson by blood after all".

  • We live in an era when facts are easier than ever to obtain, yet an era where people are more and more willing to accept hearsay than facts. We see the phenomenon in claims of police misconduct and in elections. 35% of the people in the electorate will vote for Hillary based on the fact she is a Democrat and disregard any facts that detract from a media generated illusion of saintliness.
On C SPAN I recently heard Joel Garreau (Council on Foreign Relations) say that ten years from now they will not even teach reading and writing in the public schools.  About 35% of Americans  are already functionally illiterate and it won't make much difference because they already rely on hearsay for what they think they know.