Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama's Impeachable Offense Against the Constitution

The last President to be impeached for Usurpation of Powers was Andrew Johnson. After impeachment, Johnson was saved from conviction and imprisonment by one vote in the Senate in 1865. Bill Clinton was impeached for blatant perjury and saved from conviction by a corrupt Democrat Senate, ignoring the evidence and thus marking a downward spiral in national moral values. Clinton was a self-described “relativist” who seemed to believe that moral values have no legitimate, historical bases.

Comes now Barack Hussein Obama who has clearly committed the offense for which president Andrew Johnson was impeached: Usurpation of (Congressional) powers. Naturalization and immigration laws, come exclusively under the purview of Congressional authority pursuant to Article II, Section 8 of the Constitution.

Obama has illegally assumed the power to grant stays of deportation, and possibly suspension of deportation, to certain classes of illegal aliens without consultation or approval by Congress. Authority to grant Suspensions and stays of deportation authority are found in Title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act. This Act has been in force, with minor amendments, since December 24, 1952, when Congress passed it over Democrat President Harry Truman’s veto. It is also known as the McCarran-Walter Act. The override of Truman’s veto is prima facie evidence that Congress has exclusive authority over naturalization and immigration (Title II and Title III of the McCarran-Walter Act, respectively).

Authority to grant stays of deportation is part of Title II of the Immigration and Nationality Act. See:
Stays of Deportation: 8 C.F.R. 241.21
Also see:

Suspension of Deportation: Title 8 United States Code 12.40.20 and 1240.21.

The Impeachment of President Johnson for Usurpation of Powers: