Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Cinderella Factor

In order to understand the media’s coddling of Barack Obama, we might start by studying the psychology of the “Cinderella” story. By the media, I mean all the main television networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and other cable networks that carry “news” stories. The “media” for the purposes of this essay also include all the major national newspapers, magazines (including the tabloids), and some of the lesser known periodicals that convey local and national “news,” often grotesquely distorted, and nearly always liberally biased, to the American public.

The coddling of Obama will go down in history as a national disgrace where the media has violated every moral code that once made our press the envy of other countries in integrity. Our present, tightly-controlled, liberal bias in the media hearkens back to the Cold War when The USSR kept tight control over its two principal news sources: TASS and Pravda. Remember, the Bolsheviks described themselves as socialist and liberals until they led Russia to a totalitarian dictatorship (and so did Hitler before he took over Germany).

Almost every published news story in our mainstream media shows Obama in a favorable light; every published photo is carefully selected to flatter him and reinforce their fantasy of him as congenial and sympathetic. They contribute their own enchanting remarks, and we the public are oriented to believe that he is “handsome,” in spite of the over-sized, protruding, cupped outer ears that have caused us to describe certain people of the white race as “homely.” In fact, the long hair of the 1960s hippie movement was said by some to hide “homely” ears. If we mention the flared nostrils, the shortly-cropped, kinky hair and the large mouth, we risk being called “racists.”

However, it is just because of the above-mentioned, physical features that cause our black population to have their own, exclusive “beauty contests” for African-Americans only, such as the Miss Black America Pageant. Whites are not eligible for entry into the “Miss Black America” contest for one obvious reason: our concept of “beauty” is different from that of African-Americans. There have been some black females that won the Miss America Pageant, but remember: physical beauty is only one of many criteria that the judges consider. We should remember that the Miss America Pageant, and other similar “beauty contents” are not under government-control, as some people actually believe, and I have heard more than one young female say, “Miss America represents America.” The “Pageant,” is of course, a privately-owned organization that makes its own rules, and its winners represent the pageant. However, it is obvious that the Miss America Pageant bends sharply to political pressure in selecting its “winners,” and we see the influence of the globalist’s influence of “diversity” entering into their criteria for selection of winners.

To understand the Cinderella Factor, we must understand that the media certainly is not using the traditional, Anglo concept of beauty (or handsomeness) when they describe Obama as “handsome.” However, there are many other areas other than physical appearance where the media shows its bias in defending and nurturing their “Cin-derella.” The media, in tandem with the Democrat Party, had been grooming Obama as a “Cinderella Story” for a long time before the election of 2008. However, the real, fairy tale that we use as a template for “Cinderella stories” does not end when Cinderella becomes the princess of her land. She and the people of the kingdom lived happily ever after. In America’s “Cinderella story,” starring Barack Obama, it appears that someone other than the real Cinderella disguised himself and now turns out to be an impostor. It would be like re-writing the original fairy tale with a new twist, where, at the end, we reveal that Cinderella actually was one of her mean, ugly stepsisters in some kind of modern, Hollywood-type of disguise.

When finally exposed, the impact of our faux Cinderella will have much more effect than just exposing a charlatan in the White House. His influence is much more than just being the media’s poster boy and standard for a dubious, “beauty” template; his policies and his legacy will change American in a deleterious way for the rest of our “fairy tale;” that is, posterity. We will not know everything about “Cinderella” until after Obama leaves office when we finally gain access to records, especially school records, including closely-guarded theses that will tell us much about his thoughts and his concept of American and how he would like to change it. We may even see the original autobiography, for some strange reason not published, that had an editor’s introduction that said he was born in Kenya. The original was not titled, “Dreams of my Father,” but “Journeys of Blacks and Whites.”

We already know much of Obama’s philosophical outlook due to Freudian slips, when, early in his Presidency, he frequently used the Marxist phrase, “redistribution of wealth.” Truly, we have a President that is at war with capitalism and one who is nurturing national class warfare as evidenced by the radicals that surround him, and mentors, such as Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, in concert with the media that have groomed “Cinderella” to “rule” our nation “from day one.”

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