Saturday, June 30, 2012

ICE and DOJ Hit Rock Bottom

The Jovana Deas Case:A former Nogales, Arizona port inspector, promoted to investigations, was convicted for compromising classified information. We will never know exactly what all she divulged, or how much damage was done as a result.

"The judge said Deas' crimes undermined the credibility of American law enforcement while throwing Deas' agency into turmoil to determine the degree of damage done."The U.S. is lucky to have law enforcement agencies that are held in high esteem, Jorgenson said, noting other countries' police forces are viewed as criminals.”“

How can any sane and scrupulous person in the Justice Department have faith in it? Just yesterday, a U.S. Attorney refused to prosecute his boss, Eric Holder, after Holder was cited by Congress for contempt for refusal to cooperate in a Congressional investigation of the DOJ's apparent complicity, along with Mexican cartels, in the murder of at least two federal officers.

ICE Investigator Deas is apparently a naturalized U.S. citizen from Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico.

Our naturalization requirements have hit rock bottom as far as allowing aliens to become U.S. citizen. This is not an isolated case. We are not only getting the dregs of Mexican society for immigrants (who mostly "immigrate" illegally), but making them Federal officers. This comes on the heels of exposing the rotten-to-the core executive branch we have now, and its choice of Attorney General.

This latest scandal of POE corruption just scrapes the tip of the iceberg. The Nogales POE has long been a corridor for illegal drugs, humans and other contraband. It has been manned mostly by personnel who, at best, have one foot in Mexico and one in the U.S. as far as patriotism is considered.

One Nogales port director committed suicide a few years ago after he got caught co-conspiring with the Unitarian Universalist Racketeers. They were, and apparently still are, involved in a huge smuggling operation of illegal aliens that they, along with other churches, call a “sanctuary movement” --a euphemism to try to justify an illegal way of increasing their political power through increased membership and revenue, while illegally maintaining their tax-exempt status as a "non-profit" organization. Abuse of "freedom of religion" by pseudo-religious groups will eventually bring about the downfall of this nation.

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