Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mr. Mealy-Mouth, Lindsey Graham, Doubles Down on Amnesty Advocacy

Today, on CBS' Face the Nation, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reiterated his commitment to amnesty for illegal aliens.  The mealy-mouthed politician says we cannot deport eleven million illegal aliens.  Eleven million was the estimated figure twenty years ago. Today, the figure is probably closer to 50 million, because Obama has virtually eliminated the mission of the Border Patrol

Lindsey Graham says he is in favor of letting all illegal aliens stay, but he says he wants to make their pathway to citizenship "long and hard."  That should qualify as the stupid mark of the century. All they want is to stay here, and they know that you cannot change the Constitution to create a second-class citizenry.  It they stay, there is no way you can keep them from enjoying the benefits of all  citizens, except voting and working for the Government (though there is evidence some of them already enjoy those benefits).  If fact, with amnesty, illegal aliens will have an easier time than many middle-class Americans because there is a whole plethora of social welfare programs, private and federal, from which they will benefit.

This mealy mouth Graham is not even a good liar.  We know what he means when he advocates amnesty. Agriculture is still a leading industry in South Carolina and it is among the leading tobacco producing states.  Intelligent citizens do not work in the tobacco industry.  In addition to the many carcinogenic insecticides connected with growing tobacco and other agriculture products, there is the problem of fungus, mold and the natural poisons in tobacco.  Graham knows the importance of tobacco exports and their contribution to the national trade balance, but his position has nothing to do with sympathy with the plight of illegal aliens. He is not the altruist that he wants to dupe us into believing.

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