Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Donald Trump Is A Breath of Fresh Air

Since Ross Perrot have we had a presidential candidate who is not afraid to utter the truth. Like Ross Perot, Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air from all the stagnant and nauseating speeches of liberal political correctness of both major political parties.

 Donald Trump said we are not getting the best immigrants out of Mexico.  That is what the realists have been saying for decades.

The government of Mexico for years has been doing the same thing that Fidel Castro admitted doing during the Mariel Boatlift.  In the opening scene of the movie, "Scarface,: we see actual footage of Fidel Castro describing people his troops conveyed to the boats that President Jimmy invited smugglers to use to dump his offal onto the shores of Miami.  Fidel Castro said, "No los queremos!  Son escoria!"  (we do not want them; they are scum). Castro  emptied most of his mental and criminal institutions with  the knowledge, consent and cooperation of Democrat Jimmy Carter.

 Mexico has long been sending its huddled masses of illiterates and political malcontents to engage in their "activism" in this country.  Waving the U.S., flag does not fool anyone.  They are doing that because one of our fifth-columnist activist pointed out that they were advancing the wrong image (i.e., their real, transparent  image). As soon as they get their amnesty, out will come the Mexican flags again. These imported activists will continue to try to conceal  their degenerate and parasitic behavior by alluding to some kind of warped rationale of irredentism. The only difference between Fidel Castro and the Mexican leadership is that Castro is more honest.

Trump is saying what the Mexican government already knows while they continually lobby for America to open its borders to their  "emigrants."  Mexican politicians know that most of these people are "escoria," but they are not going to say that publicly.  They will make tongue-in-cheek utterances about "compassion" and "rights of immigrants," but they exalt in the fact that they are getting rid of their "escoria."

If you wonder why we need to go back to standards, and Common Core, it is because our schools have gone to hell and "educators" worry more about "diversity," and political correctness than teaching.  The answer is  in the  quality (or lack thereof) of our so called "immigrants,' from Mexico and Central America and our lowering of standards to accommodate them.  Bilingual education depends upon a steady stream of illegal illiterate immigrants who do not want to learn English.  K-12 bilingual education will make them illiterate in English and speak with a foreign accent their entire lives.

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate from either party that dares speak the truth and face reality. Ross Perot lost the presidency only because he wimped out with the lame excuse that he did not want to expose his family to the dirty world of politics--then belatedly got back in the race after alienating most of his original supporters.   That is where Trump differs from Perot and makes him a viable candidate. He will never apologize for being who he is.

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