Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ted Nugent and the Witch Hunt

Ted Nugent is just another pessimist. Many prominent people are talking about leaving the U.S. to live elsewhere if Obama is re-elected. Many fear that they will be persecuted by a leader whose best friends, before he was elected, were militant subversives, and they have not forgotten that his wife said that, before his election, she was never proud of the U.S. Future exiles want to take their honestly- earned wealth where they can enjoy it in retirement before Obama redistributes it to the parasites that elected him.

Some patriots, like Nugent, want to stay and confront whatever fate awaits the U.S. After such escapades as "Fast and Furious," many wonder exactly what Obama is up to; whether he wants to promote Marxism with a personally-selected drug war combatant in Mexico and Latin America. Many more are not certain as to whether Obama is even a citizen and what his motive is in objecting to requiring voters to present a picture ID. Someday, an expert on documents is going to go to Indonesia and to Kenya and observe those countries' public and personal records to see if they are consistent with his claims to U.S. citizenship. There are reports of inconsistencies.

Since we have no national ID card, anyone can counterfeit the documents that would be used to support a national ID card, but if we had a national ID card, the applicants would be examined by an expert, not some naive young girl registering voters after they pass a state driver's test. There are many reasons not to trust Obama and his Administration, and the person of Eric Holder and his radical views against gun ownership do nothing to alleviate the fears and suspicions.

I have not read any actual threat by Ted Nugent against the Government. Prophesies of self-doom can be interpreted many different ways. It therefore seems that the Secret Service is conducting an Obama-directed witch hunt. I expect to see a lot of that in the rest of this election year. Obama and his minions, many of questionable character, including his personally-selected Secret Service agents, are not going to give up power peaceably, and we are going to see election fraud on a scale that will make Kennedy and LBJ tactics look amateur. And I predict more witch hunts as diversions away from Obama's economic failures. Obama comes from ground zero in election fraud-Cook County, IL. As in any country, there are also those in the U.S. who would welcome a totalitarian Government and a despotic leader--those who think that they would personally profit from such a government--or those who would lose their current economic power.

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