Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Obama-Biden Snake-Oil Cure

In recent years the old snake-oil salesman jokes have subsided, but only because of their trite use. The allegory is still as true as it was in the American frontier days when the travelling snake-oil salesmen roamed the west. The allegory value still applies significantly to the Barack Obama sales effort to get the American public to accept Obama Care. The main difference between Obama and the travelling snake-oil salesman is that the salesman could be far away on his itinerary before his customers figured out that the snake-oil cure-all cured nothing. In fact, it may have made a few people sick in the stomach in addition to whatever other ailments they may have had. Unlike the snake-oil salesmen of the Old West, Obama won’t be far away if we buy Obama Care; he’ll be our “leader” for four more years.

Obama Care works the same way as snake oil. Joe Biden is up on the bandwagon telling us that once we enact Obama Care, we’ll find that it works fine. In other words, he is asking us to be the Obama Care guinea pig. The frontier snake-oil salesman always had a shill (fellow grifter) in the audience to testify as to how great snake oil was. Joe Biden’s demagoguery works the same way. Like snake-oil, there is no money-back guarantee for Obama Care. Once we buy it, it’s ours from here to eternity.

We see such blatantly biased commentators as Bob Schieffer caustically attack Mitt Romney and the opponents of Obama Care at every opportunity. Americans should take that as a good sign—they are genuinely worried about Romney-and only Romney, among the Republican candidates for President. The Democrats and their partner, the mainstream media are worried, and in their relentless demagoguery, have no intention of giving the American people or the Republicans an even break. They try to be subtle, but anyone who has been watching Bob Schieffer or CBS for very long, knows that he has never been subtle. He is the perfect shill for the snake-oil scam called Obama Care.

The media and the Democrat leaders continue to give Obama a pass on every SNAFU, and let him laugh off every critical error, including the one he made with the Russian President, Medvedev. Biden tries to reverse-spin it to show “Romney’s Inexperience.” See:

Obama’s blatant plagiarism in the 2008 campaign was “laughed off,’ and he and the media tried to equate it with using old clichés and sayings long in the public domain to demonstrate to the dumbed-down American public that there really is no such thing as plagiarism (remember that “just words” speech?). See:

Obama and his Attorney General have consistently tried to convince us that the rule of law and the Constitution are irrelevant. Remember Fast and Furious? I’ll bet Bob Schieffer has forgotten.

The actor, W.C. Fields, was a perfect portrayal of the snake-oil salesman in the parody (musical and movie), “Poppy.” Poppy is the snake-oil salesman’s young daughter to whom he once philosophized, "And if we should ever separate, my little plum, I want to give you just one bit of fatherly advice: Never give a sucker an even break!"


Neither the mainstream news media nor Obama is ever going to give the American sucker an even break. They have us where they want us: dumbed down through the corrupted education system, the news media and the propaganda of demagogue snake-oil-salesmen politicians.

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