Saturday, May 13, 2017

Diogenes' Lamp

Former FBI Director, James Comey, admitted he had enough evidence to prove Hillary guilty, even without the content of her emails.  He claimed that intent was missing in all her betrayals, including the deaths at Benghazi.  In Federal cases of breaches of national security, a prosecutor need only establish gross negligence and that was abundantly done. Hillary's deletions of the 30,000 emails after being notified that the investigation had begun were crimes in themselves: destruction of evidence and hindering a Federal investigation.  In those acts, there was clearly intent, even though it was not needed, to establish probable cause against her.  Ironically, Russia may provide the smoking gun, because they no doubt have every email that Hillary ever sent or received while Secretary of State, and this is why the media and the democrats are trying desperately, though in vain, to establish a conspiracy between Trump and Putin in order to discredit both.  They see the coming storm, but are frustrated because it is something over which they have only propaganda, no truth, as a weapon.

Comey should have not only been fired but indicted for dereliction of duty and gross incompetence; however there is plenty of time within the statue of limitations.  His quandary was his knowledge that either Hillary or Trump would be his next boss and he was trying to find a middle ground that would not offend either; but his inaction in itself was a crime.  Look for further legal action against both Hillary and Comey in the coming weeks. Another obstacle to ultimate justice in this case is the venue of most of the crimes: Washington DC, much like El Paso, where the government's task is as great of that of Diogenes and his Lamp in finding an honest man (for a juror). 

 Under Obama, America became a lot more like Mexico and other third world mordida-driven economies. Trump has an opportunity to be America's greatest president since Lincoln. His adversaries are a totally corrupt, national, mainstream media in cahoots with the Democrat Party. The credibility of both adversaries are at stake, they know it, and they are going to fight tooth and nail to keep their evil power with a daily barrage of lies, innuendo and false news.. A lot more is at stake than Trump's career: the future direction of America and the rule of law. 

Senator John Cornyn of Texas may be our next FBI Director.  Not my first choice, but a thousand times better than anything we've had in the past eight years. I'd like to see someone with federal prosecution experience.

Pray for America.

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