Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Border Wall is Too Little, Too Late and a Waste of Money

The proposed Border Wall is a waste of money.  The U.S. could have stopped illegal immigration dead in its tracks a hundred years ago with a national ID like Mexico has.  Anyone gainfully employed in that country has one. That right-to-work I.D. document is called the Cedula de Profesion.  It is like our Social Security Card, except that it hasa  photo ID and other security enhancements. Our social security card can be easily reproduced with a copy machine--but just memorizing the number is as good as possessing the unlaminated, card-stock, paper document issued by the Government.  Legal workers in Mexico also have free medical care with their exclusive, government-owned Hospitales de Seguro Social.  These are full-service hostpitals restricted to use by legally-employed citizens.  That is the reason that Mexican ambulances continue to bring their sick and injured across the border to the U.S. hospitals that are designated to accept indigent patients. There are few independent, full-service hospitals in Mexico.

We won't ever have a national ID because organized crime does not want it.  It would be a threat to their lateral mobility, anonymity and ability to easily change their identity or steal someone else's.  Our populace,. as a whole, are dumbed down in education and so profoundly duped by political correctness that they cannot objectively judge anything they see, hear or read. Political correctness, impressment of the media by organized crime, and the media exaltation of  "diversity" are strategies of the e litists to keep the general population suppressed.. If you do not understand how that can happen, read the George Orwell novel, "1984."

Most of the illegal aliens that come here are illiterate peons that would be a drag on any society, but naturally, they prefer ours because, with welfare, they can live as well as those legal, professional  wage-earners in Mexico who invested a lot of time and money in education and training.

The U.S. Government has always been a co-conspirator in illegal immigration. The new Administration is no different from any of the past 60 years. Trump's immigratin programs are nothing more than window dressing. The Wall sounds good, and so does rounding up CRIMINAL aliens. Unfortunately, in effect, the Government has re-defined illegal immigration, such as that practiced by the Dreamers, their extended famiies, and condoned by our Government.. Notwithstanding, It is still a felony:


In WWII most farm labor in the Midwest was performed by POWs from Europe. As long as welfare pays more than the minimim wage, there will be no incentive for legal workers to seek employment in the U.S.  Employers use that as an excuse for hiring illegal aliens. Abundant welfare and low wages make that excuse a self-fulfilling prophesy. The only way to cure that excuse would be to raise the minimum wage to about $18.00 per hour, or decrease welfare to a such a low level (for the able-bodied) that it would incentivise working for a living.

We are now bordering on anarchy and violence that military intrervention will eventually become inevitable, unless we want another Bastille-type Revolution. The only impediment would be a national identiy card and strict adherence to the law by employees and employers, severe penalties for violators. The window of opportunity for that option is rapidly diasppearing. We SHOULD be concerned about Russian spy-ships lurking just off our shore.  When aircraft carriers and troop ships start showing up, it might be an incentive for most aliens to go home, but some, the fifth-columnists that now riot in the streets, will mysteriously stay behind.

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