Thursday, July 2, 2015

Donald Trump Arouses National Veriphobia

Donald Trump has aroused veriphobia (fear of truth) in the psyches of liberals, the mainstream media and their political allies in this country.  Those attacking Trump, especially the media, want to banish him to the lunatic fringe and marginalize him.  They are not different from the medieval Inquisitors of Joan of Arc, or the prosecutors and the priests that meant to destroy the protagonist of Albert Camus’ classic novel, “The Stranger.”  If they cannot destroy Trump, they risk invalidation through transparency of their treasonous actions and speeches--all highlighting a warped rationale for open borders--and they risk loss of the loyalty of their confederates, especially illegal aliens. 

Advocates of open borders have various motives.  If a President is elected that is dedicated to enforcing immigration laws, some businesses see it as a loss of customers—customers that purchase their goods with mostly, Government-issued welfare dollars. However, the most vociferous advocates have much more sinister motives. The media refers to them with the innocuous term, “Hispanic activists.” They are actually irredentists, and they call their movement the “Reconquista.” The Reconquista has the ultimate goal of destruction of the American language, history, culture and nearly all the institutions that we cherish. If you read their manifestos, you will see that they do not conceal their motives. The “activists” disguise many of these movements within “non-profit” charitable organizations.

The bilingual education lobby, dependent upon a steady influx of illegal aliens, mostly Latinos, for their perpetuity, aids and abets the irredentist movement.   The Government that they hope to destroy subsidizes many of them. While we concentrate on the terrorists winning the hearts and minds of our youth, these self-styled revolutionaries have already won the streets.  The “streets” include our preparatory schools and institutions of higher learning where teachers and professors advance their ideology.  They are intimidating American youth, some of whom even want to be part of their movement.

 The Mexican invasion includes many Marxists that make their way to safe houses, again subsidized by charity organizations and our own Government, and the irredentists put them to work.   Obama gives illegal aliens free transportation via Border Patrol buses and vehicles to the safe houses in the interior where the Government then takes care of their needs.

Donald Trump’s major detractors, including the business entities that are severing ties with him, and the  mainstream media, do not fear that he will change America so much as they fear exposure of their own nefarious activities, if he is elected president.  They fear the spotlight upon their own cowardice, treason and warped rationale for open borders. These unscrupulous people, like medieval Inquisitors, are more than willing to create and destroy a scapegoat to deflect attention from their cowardly, shameful, treasonous, criminal and degenerate actions and speeches defending the Mexican invasion. Our Constitution, especially Article IV, part four, which the President and Congress swore to uphold and defend when they took their Oath of Office, guarantees us a republican form of Government and the protection of all states from foreign invasion. 

The President and most Congressmen committed perjury when they took their Oath of Office, swearing to uphold and defend our Constitution.  The irredentists want to trash the entire document.

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