Sunday, February 8, 2015

Brian Williams Brings Survival Mode to NBC

CBS tried to save news anchor Dan Rather after he used forged documents to try to discredit George Bush’s military record. It did not work, because you cannot forge facts as long as intelligent people are around to investigate alleged “evidence.” Dan Rather’s desire to manufacture false news and advance his own liberal agenda turned out to hoist him by his own petard, and such malfeasance will also bring about Brian Williams’ downfall.

Brian Williams is finished as anchor for NBC news.  A few liberals (like those that post on other threads of certain forums, to whom integrity is irrelevant) will back him, like they back Obama, no matter what crime he commits. In spite of recent newscasts studded with his manifold lies, Williams is hoping Americans will forget that he was NBC News anchor and responsible for telecasting that altered tape of George Zimmerman’s conversation with the police dispatcher.  In addition to News Anchor, Brian Williams has the title "Editor in Chief of NBC News."  In the tape, Zimmerman had said that the suspect looked like he was “up to no good.”  Several more transmissions ensued between the police dispatcher and Zimmerman before Zimmerman's response to the dispatcher's query regarding the ethnic appearance of Trayvon Martin.  Physical descriptions are necessary to help responding officers locate a suspect, and the description usually includes ethnicity or race. It has nothing to do with profiling. In response to a direct question from the dispatcher as to the description of Trayvon Martin, including his ethnicity or race, Zimmerman responded, “He looks black.”

NBC News spliced a faux, pejorative predicate into juxtaposition with the apparent subject of a single, compound sentence, joined by a semicolon. It came out on NBC News as:  “He looks like he is up to no good; he looks black,” Reconstructed in that frame, it makes the subordinate clause, "he looks black" appear to modify the main clause, "He looks like he is up to no good," and define why he looks like he is up to no good (because he is black).  The final effect was obviously machinated by NBC News and Brian Williams to make Zimmerman appear to be an obdurate racist, and Williams knew it.  Williams, Al Sharpton and all the demagogues know that surnames can sway the thought of real bigots and those easily duped. To them, a name like “Zimmerman” has to be of German-American ancestry, and  considered “Anglo,” by liberal bigots.  They did not bother to investigate.  It turned out that Zimmerman is a member of a minority (Hispanic) ethnic group. However, the die was cast, and the incompetent Florida State Prosecutor, Angela Corey, Al Sharpton, all the rabble-rousers and latter-day Jacobins swarmed across the Rubicon of no return. Sharpton put on his tunnel vision blinders, loaded up his Procrustean Bed, tagged it with "Geroge Zimmerman Prime Racist," and got a blessing from fellow rabble-rouser  Barack Obama, who declared the street thug, Trayvon Martin, to be "his son."  Sharpton let it be known that he had zeroed in on his target, Zimmerman, and that he thenceforth would be impervious to facts and truths. 

Astute observers will recognize that NBC is (belatedly) allowing publicity of Williams’ history of lies and falsified news to solidify their own case against him.  Even the liberals will see (but never admit it; because, as said above, to them, integrity is irrelevant) that Williams has no integrity and that the Justice Department should prosecute both him and NBC, revoke their license for the libel and slander against Zimmerman, and  put NBC out of business.   It is not scapegoating; it is now survival mode (CYA) for NBC.

(I know Obama reads my blogs, and if he does not use "Procrustean Bed" to depict Republicans within two weeks, I will be surprised.)

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