Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The End of the Good Times

If we believe the polls, Obama is going to be re-elected.

An Obama re-election means that there are more consumers than producers. The Obama promise to "redistribute the wealth" in the U.S. does not take cognizance of the fact that wealth producers are not slaves of the state. The USSR and Russia learned that lesson the hard way, after a disastrous 70-year experiment.

Industrialists are watching this election closely and they are poised to move their remaining factories to foreign countries if Obama is re-elected.

The work ethic that made America great is dangling by a thread. The takers are now the majority and the taxpayers are the minority. Obama and Fed Chief Bernanke think that they can produce more wealth by printing up more paper money. Economists know that the value of money must be based on goods and services produced by people who believe in the work ethic. Those people are a dying breed in America.

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