Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obama Sells Off America

While Barack Obama’s latest campaign ad attacks on Governor Romney try to convince America that Romney’s foreign investments are “the problem,” wise Americans would rather see our successful entrepreneurs buying up foreign countries, than see foreign countries buying up the U.S. to fund Obama’s humongous welfare programs. Romney’s foreign investments are only a nibble, considering how much American real estate and industry Obama has recently sold off to China and other foreign countries.

"Secretary Clinton may not have pledged American homes to China, but the Obama administration may be willing to grant a financial guarantee as an incentive for China to convert U.S. debt into Chinese direct equity investment to establish Chinese ownership in U.S. successful corporations and potentially profitable infrastructure projects," Corsi wrote. "The Obama administration is now willing to put the U.S. up for sale to China to induce China to keep financing U.S. government deficit spending…

“Red Alert's author, whose books "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command" have topped the New York Times best-sellers list, said the plan to convert Chinese debt to equity investments in the United States could easily add another $1 trillion to outstanding Obama administration guarantees issued in the current economic crisis.”

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