Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Rhetoric of "Gap and Connect"

This is politically incorrect, but absolutely true, so let's hope, by some stroke of luck, it gets past the Topix censors. (So far, 05/27/2012, Topix has not published it. It was addressed to, and part of, the thread started by a forum member of the Memphis, TN, Topix Forum).

First, my condolences, Jobless One. (Illegal) immigration is here, there, and everywhere in the U.S., 365 days per year, but deportation is anathema to the Obama Administration. We are paying thousands of immigration agents to feebly attempt a "count" of illegal aliens in anticipation of the next amnesty (We've had three class-action amnesties since 1987). Obama is pro amnesty and Governor Mitt Romney is pro LEGAL immigration. That is a stark and real difference.

If there is a “round-up” going on in Memphis, or elsewhere, it does not necessarily mean that the illegal aliens are being sent home. Most are counted and released back into society to await the next amnesty.

The liberal, mainstream media is charging that Governor Mitt Romney cannot "connect" with, and that he has a "gap" to close with, the "Hispanic voters." The only "gaps" I see are the big mouths of the liberal commentators like that of Bob Schieffer, Gloria Borger and the other heavily biased, liberal mainstream reporters.

There is no legitimate "Hispanic" vote, so there cannot be a "gap” between them any any candidate. What most Hispanic Americans want, as citizens, is a job and to be, or remain, taxpayers, rather than burdens upon them. Competing with third world migrants is an obstacle, not a blessing to most of our law-abiding Hispanic citizens (Obama sees them as one and the same).

When there is widespread unemployment, it is insane to vote for someone (Obama) who wants to legalize up to 30 million new, uneducated, impoverished people who, rather than try to combat the despots in their homeland, want to take the easy way out and make themselves a burden on the U.S. taxpayer. Never mind that they bring to this country the same political passivity that allowed despots to take over and oppress their home countries.

Obama (along with his liberal media minions) lumps all Hispanics into one category and that includes a massive amount of illegal aliens. He promises all more handouts for their votes. It is a fact that some illegal aliens vote in our elections; hence liberals and Democrats are against voter I.D. The bribes he paid to get Obama Care passed into law, and now challenges the Supreme Court to strike down (a law "passed by a Democratic Congress”), are not dissimilar to the promises of more handouts in exchange for the "Hispanic vote," instead of a promise to return to the work ethic in this country.

As a jobless person, next November you can be one vote and one voice to help us to stop the invasion and contagion of insanity. We all must demand a stop to the invasion; and we must demand the enforcement of the Constitutional duty (Article IV, Section 4) for which Obama has shown the utmost contempt.

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