The Iowa Agriculture Summit held its first ever meeting in Des Moines, Iowa today, March 7, 2015.
“The industry-sponsored summit — in which each hopeful answered questions on energy, the environment, immigration and food safety in solo sessions with agriculture businessman Bruce Rastetter — highlighted the demands that Iowans place on candidates to pay attention to the state that hosts the first presidential caucuses.”
It should surprise no one that liberal, amnesty advocate, Jeb Bush "won" this "summit."
Like his older brother, George 43, Jeb is mastering the Orwellian tactic of doublespeak (Bush 43 said, "This (amnesty) is not an amnesty,") showing his contempt for the intelligent and informed. Once an illegal alien is given any kind of Government clemency against deportation, he would perforce immediately becomes eligible for all the benefits of a legal alien, including welfare, Medicaid, free education, etc. Jeb Bush knew this, but lied through his teeth at the "Summit" about it. To give them less than the full benefits of a lawfully admitted alien for permanent residence would be to create a Government-styled caste, or class, system, that would be unconstitutional.
[2] It would take only a short time for some U.S. Judge to rip to shreds Jeb Bush's concept of an amnesty not being an amnesty.
No Democrat Congressman or presidential candidate attended the Farce because they believe that the so-called, “Hispanic vote,” is already in their
collective hip pocket. But, is it? Educated, citizen Hispanics know where Liberal Democrats
and their GOP amnesty allies are really coming from.
Democrat politicians had nothing to gain with rhetoric in a
state that is dependent upon cheap (illegal) labor. And Jeb Bush wants to dupe us into believing that he is a “conservative?”
Neither Democrat nor Republican liberals, like Bush, the
Gang of 8, Rick Perry, nor other advocates for amnesty, will tell Hispanics the
truth. The rich and powerful will not necessarily base their Hispanic employees’
wages upon the content of an Hispanic's education and ability, so much as upon his/her Hispanic surname. Wise Hispanics are indeed coming over to the Tea Party. It is the only political party for true
conservatives, the self-reliant; the only political party for those that want to be independent of Government
watch and ward.
Ted Cruz and true conservatives, should not have dignified
this farcical meeting their presence. It was rigged by Bruce Rastetter, and it was all about amnesty. Cruz doesn't have a prayer in that ring. True
conservatives, like Cruz, will have to write off plantation states with temporary (harvest season) sanctuary for illegal aliens--states, like Iowa and
Mississippi--in the primaries--if they want the GOP nomination for president in 2016. They need to concentrate their time and resources in states they can win--states that are fed up with the foreign invasion, runs on our welfare system by illegal aliens and some Congressmen that uphold only their contempt for the Constitution.
Iowa holds these meetings early on purpose--to
try to give their amnesty candidates a leg up on the competition, before the real
race for the nomination starts in the middle of an election year. Pseudo-conservative, amnesty-advocates, such as liberal Mike Huckabee, scored big in the early Iowa Caucus in 2012. It makes good headlines for a Media that wants to see the GOP lose again, but serves nobody in the GOP any useful purpose. The media wants to demoralize true conservatives and discourage them from even voting in the GOP presidential elections. Toss it out as an unreliable "poll" without any meaningful significance. It is an enemy Trojan Horse that serves the liberal Media's purpose by keeping unelectable liberals like Huckabee, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and other liberal GOP losers in the cluttered-field spotlight, giving the viable GOP candidates less free news and camera time.
Liberals and the super-rich's emissaries from both sides of the aisle, want amnesty for illegal aliens. Both want us to believe that the majority of the legal Hispanic voters in the U.S. want
unlimited immigration. Liberals from neither party will admit that Hispanics will suffer from another general amnesty due to
depressed wages. Big Industry wants a labor pool similar to Red China’s, one
that is functionally illiterate, and one that will help them at the ballot box to
weaken, or eliminate, the EPA, the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Department (which under Solis, does little enforcement anyway); they want laws profiting them
to bring back their factories from graft-ridden China and other third world
countries; the huddled masses of the third world to our south can give them that..
Neither Iowa political power broker, Bruce Rastetter, nor
his harvester friends, care squat about what happens to their migratory, cheap,
agriculture labor after the crop harvest.
He and Iowa growers know that, after the harvest, their cheap laborers go "home" and help drain Texas' welfare system. They remain in Texas until their next gig of cheap labor, if they have any kind of document to buy some
temporary safe harbor from deportation--such as Rick Perry's Dream Act, a de facto amnesty for illegal alien students and their "unified" extended families. No illegal alien plans to work any longer than it takes him/her to get on welfare permanently where he/she can earn more for doing nothing. Utopia accomplished. The cycle begins again when the Iowa farmers start clamoring for more laxity on the border so they can get their crops harvested.
If not eligible for the Dream Act or other act of clemency, illegal farm workers may go back to Mexico for Christmas, knowing
that as long as Obama is President, the border will always be open for their return. Actually the border has always been easily breached, considering the revolving door policy that has always given illegal aliens as many chances as they need, with impunity for failed efforts, to get past the Border Patrol. The temporarily departed will be back in Texas by March or early April, in time to file Form
1040’s for their earned income tax credits, often six or seven thousand dollars on all wages earned,
legally or illegally in the U.S. the previous year. Illegal aliens do not even need a social
security number to file a 1040. All they need is an
ITIN (individual tax identification number) provided for free by the IRS. Vista
Volunteers assist illegal aliens to file 1040 returns (electronically). Barack Obama has warned Customs and Immigration
border guards against impeding his constituents’ profitable pursuits, lest there “be consequences.”
[3] B
Can illegal aliens re-enter the U.S. to claim EIC tax money he/she thinks the IRS owes him? Yes. Any illegal alien may be granted a waiver of a passport or visa for emergency or humanitarian reasons under 1182 USC(d)(4)A), such as coming to claim money "owed" to him by the IRS as EIC. The waiver may be granted by any immigration officer at the POE on behalf of the Attorney General, at the officer's discretion, if he thinks the application meets the criteria under 8 USC 1182(d)(4)(A). There is a (somewhat) safeguard that border inspectors may employ to keep such an illegal from staying in the U.S.: the surety bond.
[4] Although this bond is used extensively at international airport POEs, it has seldom been used at land border ports. This is another area where the INS had been remiss in its duties, as well as not using AFIS at the POE. Both areas would be too effective and therefore inconsistent with the institutionalized status quo of laxity in immigration law enforcement.
Obama notwithstanding, any present or past border guard will tell you that, beginning in late March, or early April, each year since 1975, Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal aliens and their smugglers always drop off drastically because pursuing EIC is no longer an urgent goal for illegal aliens.
An FYI to those hard working, tax-burdened citizens just beginning
to become outraged by EIC for illegal aliens: Illegal aliens have been getting earned income tax credits (EIC)
for 40 years. It was sloughed off on taxpayers during the lame-duck era of the Gerald Ford
Administration. Nothing in any of the EIC laws, or its revisions, have ever
proscribed illegal aliens from getting EIC. Some illegal aliens can almost double their
annual income, with the EIC portion--free money and tax-free income. Most illegal aliens do not earn enough income
to be required to file a 1040 IRS return, but they file one anyway (with help
from Vista Volunteers), only to get the EIC--expedited with free, electronic
“Enacted in 1975, the
initially modest EIC has been expanded by tax legislation on a number of
occasions, including the widely-publicized Tax Reform Act of 1986, and was
further expanded in 1990, 1993, and 2001, regardless of whether the act in
general raised taxes (1990, 1993), lowered taxes (2001), or eliminated other
deductions and credits (1986).[9] Today, the EITC is one of the largest
anti-poverty tools in the United States. (Most income measures, including the
poverty rate, do not account for the credit.)”