Monday, September 14, 2015

Why So Many Women Political Leaders Fear Immigration Law Enforcement

When I was working on my degree in creative writing at the University of Texas at El Paso in the early 1970s, an instructor, not long removed from the State of New York, once suggested a subject for writing projects.  How about  maids? he asked.  "Have you noticed that nearly everyone in El Paso has a maid? In New York if someone has a maid, they probably live on Park Avenue or some other rich section of the city." As an immigration officer, I had knowledge that would have embarrassed the instructor.  I could have told him that nearly all the maids in El Paso were working illegally in violation of immigration laws.

Up to the early 1960s, the INS (forerunner to ICE, a branch of the DHS now charged with enforcing immigration laws) still "worked" illegal maids.  Before the 1960s we used to investigate information regarding employment of an illegal maid in a household.  Sometimes we would nab them without information while they were working in the front yards of their employers' homes. By the mid 1960s, the INS had practically quit working illgal maids.  There were two reasons: first, they were low priority and second, they nearly always caused a big scene because the employers were so to desperately dependent upon them. Illegal maids were essential to maintaining their facade of an exalted lifestyle, A single woman could lose a few days work while trying to find another maid. A legal one would cost five times what she paid the illegal one, and what's more, be less dependable and subservient.  They usually would up hiring the same one, or another illegal one, within a few days.  I cannot recall an employer of an illegal maid ever being fined or prosecuted for that reason alone. 

 Many of these illegal maids were in possession of so-called border crossing cards (Form I-186) that permitted them to cross legally in the U.S. for shopping or visiting for a period not to exceed 72 hours.  However, it was one of the most abused privileges in the history of American immigration laws and a border crossing card was essential for most illegal maids.  A few, however, waded the river or entered by walking across the line in New Mexico .  When I was in the Army, I can remember  low-ranking married enlisted men of Fort Bliss, near El Paso, who lived off post bragged of having maids. These maids migrate to Juarez from small towns and large cities some distance from the border and a job that includes room, board and a small salary is manna from heaven compared to what they had in their impoverished villages in Mexico. The INS discontinued the Form I-186 in favor of a regular immigration visa soem time around the turn of the century (around 2000 AD).

By the 1970s, the hiring of illegal maids had become common,,not solely along the border, but across the nation. That was when we started hearing stories of uppity women in politics having to withdraw their names from nomination to important government positions due to being exposed as employers of illegal aliens.  Bill Clinton's first two nominees for the position of Attorney General had to withdraw due to having illegal maids.They were Zoe Baird and District Judge Kimba Wood of New York.  Linda Chavez, once a prominent Republican politician quickly sank into oblivion when it was discovered that she had a female working for in her home that was illegally in the country. Chavez claimed she was just "helping" the lady who was having some domestic problems with a spouse. but the public did not buy that spin.

Most women in the United States that are actively involved in politics have a morbid fear of an immigration clean-up like the one that occurred in the U.S. in 1954.  One of the major reasons is that so many of them exploit illegal immigration by hiring illegal maids to run their households.  The chores of illegal maids include making beds,  cooking, baby and being a nanny for the children of Middle class Americans, especially single women run households.  Many of these female politicians are living beyond their means and having a lowly-paid illegal maid is essential to freeing her up to be active in politics or active in the workplace outside the home--as a high-paid employee, or as the owner of a small business.  Thus, the illegal maid is essential to casting an image that would belie her economic means if the truth were known.

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Kentucky Rowan County Clerk vs. Same Sex Marriage

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She prostituted herself by taking a job that conflicted with her religious beliefs. Public service is NOT the place to demonstrate. Only a demented person would try to use a civil service job as a platform to demonstrate her beliefs. She is a Democrat and they are trying to palm her off as an anomaly when she perfectly well demonstrates Democrats' habit of abusing their authority--from President (the IRS and his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton), all the way down to the lowly county clerk. Donald Trump does not believe in citizenship rights for anchor babies, but he has not proposed refusing to issue them birth certificates. You petition llegislators to change laws you do not like; you do not punish a segment of the population whose beliefs conflict with yours as a public servant. Jail is her proper place. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

GWB's Hidden Amnesty

All during his Administration "Dubya" advocated a general, massive amnesty for illegal aliens.  He even went so far as to say that the amnesty was not an amnesty.  Obama was exploiting the Bush Amnesty when he aided and abetted the entry of 65,000  "children" into the U.S. and shipped them to centers that border patrolmen had never heard of .  Obviously, Obama's use of the Bush amnesty was well planned far in advance, just like he planned Bush's Fast and Furious operation. Instead of criticizing Bush's stupidity, he frequently exploits Bush's policies to his advantage.

When Bush 43 left office, he was real stingy with pardons.  The two border patrolmen that went to prison on trumped up charges received only commutation of their sentences. However, Bush was much more generous with illegal aliens (not to mention extremely deceptive with the American people).  Bush found  a way to saddle us with another humongous amnesty just a few days before he left office.  He gave it a fancy name that disguises the fact that it is one of the most liberal amnesties ever.  It uses children as a means to get entire families into the U.S.

“Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Congress transferred the care and custody of unaccompanied minor immigrants from the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to HHS.

“In 2008, the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (Bush) expanded the responsibilities of HHS, and required that the children must be placed "promptly" into the "least restrictive setting," that is in the best interest of the child. The act, a bipartisan effort that expanded on earlier efforts to protect unaccompanied children, was signed by George W. Bush shortly before he left office (emphasis mine).

“The law mandates that children be allowed to retain legal counsel and petition for the right to stay in the U.S. at an immigration hearing. Due to an overwhelming backlog in immigration cases -- there are currently over 360,000 pending cases pending, according to data gathered by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University - the children often wait months, or years, for a judge to hear their case.”

Read more here:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We Can and Do Deport Thousands of Parents of Anchor Babies

Anchor babies are often separated from parents because the parents refuse to take them along when deported, or they refuse to find their own foster care parents. All anchor babies are dual nationals and if under age 18 can accompany their parents to their home countries; however, anchor baby parents sometimes think if they get stubborn, and refuse to exercise the option of taking the children, or of finding their own foster care parents, they can stay here. They are in for a big surprise. If ICE has to call the State child protective custody authorities, the parents lose all parental rights and most likely will never see the children again. CPC authorities are efficient--and swift.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Obama Amnesty Children Enslaved by Smugglers

Obama’s “executive order amnesty” for Central American children last year was actually a sham, humanitarian project to enslave the children.

“Arodolo Rigoberto Castillo-Serrano pleaded guilty Monday in federal court in Cleveland to single counts of forced labor conspiracy, forced labor, witness tampering and encouraging illegal entry into the country. His sentencing date is to be set.

“Castillo-Serrano, a 33-year-old Guatemalan, has been in the U.S. illegally for much of the past decade, prosecutors say. In some cases, prosecutors say, he made victims' family members sign over deeds to their property in Guatemala to pay for transporting the boys, with assurances they would be enrolled in school here. That never happened.

"His attorney Monday declined to comment until the sentencing.

"U.S. immigration policy dictates that unaccompanied minors trying to escape dangerous situations can't be turned away. Once the teens were in federal custody, false paperwork was submitted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement, according to the indictment issued in July. Then the conspirators took custody, promising to provide shelter and get them to court dates that would determine their immigration status.

"Instead, paid drivers known as "coyotes" whisked the boys to Ohio, where they essentially went underground, forced to work long hours, live in dilapidated trailers and hand over most of their earnings to pay for their passage to the U.S."

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Liberal Media is Poised to Anoint Carly Fiorina as GOP Candidate

Carly Fiorina seems to be on her way to anointment by the liberal media to be the 2016 Republican presidential candidate to face Hillary Clinton.  If the media succeeds, she will lose.  Both she and Hillary are where they are because the media says it is time for a woman to be President --like they said it was time for a black to be president in 2008.  The low-information electorate took the bait and elected Barack Hussein Obama. Hillary will win because the low information electorate is in her corner; in fact, whoever faces her will have to overcome that default  35% handicap of the low-information electorate that is  always awarded to the Democrat presidential candidate before the election starts. The Democrat candidate  has only to garner about 15% of the normal, national vote to win, and they always struggle to do even that. (Jimmy Carter got about 20% of the white vote in Georgia for Governor, but nearly 100% of the black vote.)

Carly Fiorina’s explanation as to why she was fired from her job as CEO of Hewlett Packard dodges the issue.   Here’s what she said on the TV show, Meet the press on July 15, 2015:

"It is a leader's job to challenge the status quo," Fiorina told Chuck Todd during her "Meet the Candidates" interview, "and when you do, you make enemies."

Carly Fiorina is a fraud.  She is NOT challenging the status quo in this presidential election.  In fact, she is depending very heavily on the status quo by trying to be anointed by the media as GOP candidate to face Hillary Clinton.  Like Obama played the race card when he had no answers, Fiorina is subtly playing the feminist card by attacking Trump and his fiery answer to Megan Kelly’s attempt to embarrass him at the GOP debates on 8/7/2015.  Fiorina wants it both ways.  She wants to compete in the rough and tumble world of American politics, but still wants to be treated as a “lady.”  

There are neither ladies nor gentlemen in the field of GOP or Democrat candidates.  Obama's lack of general decorum in is 2008 campaign referenced Vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, as a "pig with lipstick." Obama forever ended and semblance of decorum in American politics by introducing to it the law-of-the-jungle politics.  

Women’s lib keeps females from being addressed as "ladies" on shows like the presidential debates.  Prize fight announcers still  address the audience as “ladies and gentlemen,” but that is because women and men do not compete against one another in the same ring, or cage, as they do in politics. 

Fiorina tried psychological transference of her own armor chinks by telling Face the Nation today that Trump has a “thin skin.” Trump simply recognizes when he is being treated unfairly and he fights back.  He does not run into the corner and cry like a “schoolgirl,” and we may see Fiorina (which, ironically, in Italian, translates as "little flower") do just that before Trump finishes with her when they face off in a debate. She will probably wish she had stayed in the second tier of candidates where she belongs. She and other GOP candidates, in concert with the media, are desperately hoping to "finish off" Trump quickly and not have to face his truths, especially as relates to the status quo of illegal immigration, 


In Thursday night’s debates, Bret Baier already had Trump’s dander up before Megyn Kelly got to him with her cheap shot:

“Mr. Baier started out with a question that was ostensibly pointed at all 10 candidates but was really meant for just one: Mr. Trump.

“’Is there anyone onstage — and can I see hands — who is unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican Party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that person?” Mr. Baier asked.’”

If Fiorina faces Hillary in the 2016 general election (along with third party candidate, Donald Trump), she would lose even if Trump takes away 20% of the conservative vote because Hillary, though a couple of decades older than Fiorina, is actually  more attractive than Fiorina.  Fiorina does not have a pretty face.  She has an apparent malocclusion that may be the reason she talks with a noticeable lisp and a nasal wheeze.   

Less than a month since her last appearance on Meet the Press, Fiorina was back on their stage again today, 8/9/2015.  That is consistent with my deduction that CBS and the rest of the liberal media are grooming (anointing) her to be the GOP loser for 2016 in their vision of an all-female general election..

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Donald Trump Arouses National Veriphobia

Donald Trump has aroused veriphobia (fear of truth) in the psyches of liberals, the mainstream media and their political allies in this country.  Those attacking Trump, especially the media, want to banish him to the lunatic fringe and marginalize him.  They are not different from the medieval Inquisitors of Joan of Arc, or the prosecutors and the priests that meant to destroy the protagonist of Albert Camus’ classic novel, “The Stranger.”  If they cannot destroy Trump, they risk invalidation through transparency of their treasonous actions and speeches--all highlighting a warped rationale for open borders--and they risk loss of the loyalty of their confederates, especially illegal aliens. 

Advocates of open borders have various motives.  If a President is elected that is dedicated to enforcing immigration laws, some businesses see it as a loss of customers—customers that purchase their goods with mostly, Government-issued welfare dollars. However, the most vociferous advocates have much more sinister motives. The media refers to them with the innocuous term, “Hispanic activists.” They are actually irredentists, and they call their movement the “Reconquista.” The Reconquista has the ultimate goal of destruction of the American language, history, culture and nearly all the institutions that we cherish. If you read their manifestos, you will see that they do not conceal their motives. The “activists” disguise many of these movements within “non-profit” charitable organizations.

The bilingual education lobby, dependent upon a steady influx of illegal aliens, mostly Latinos, for their perpetuity, aids and abets the irredentist movement.   The Government that they hope to destroy subsidizes many of them. While we concentrate on the terrorists winning the hearts and minds of our youth, these self-styled revolutionaries have already won the streets.  The “streets” include our preparatory schools and institutions of higher learning where teachers and professors advance their ideology.  They are intimidating American youth, some of whom even want to be part of their movement.

 The Mexican invasion includes many Marxists that make their way to safe houses, again subsidized by charity organizations and our own Government, and the irredentists put them to work.   Obama gives illegal aliens free transportation via Border Patrol buses and vehicles to the safe houses in the interior where the Government then takes care of their needs.

Donald Trump’s major detractors, including the business entities that are severing ties with him, and the  mainstream media, do not fear that he will change America so much as they fear exposure of their own nefarious activities, if he is elected president.  They fear the spotlight upon their own cowardice, treason and warped rationale for open borders. These unscrupulous people, like medieval Inquisitors, are more than willing to create and destroy a scapegoat to deflect attention from their cowardly, shameful, treasonous, criminal and degenerate actions and speeches defending the Mexican invasion. Our Constitution, especially Article IV, part four, which the President and Congress swore to uphold and defend when they took their Oath of Office, guarantees us a republican form of Government and the protection of all states from foreign invasion. 

The President and most Congressmen committed perjury when they took their Oath of Office, swearing to uphold and defend our Constitution.  The irredentists want to trash the entire document.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How Mexico Dumps their Criminals in the U.S.

 Around noon, one day several years ago, my wife and I patronized a small restaurant across from the west side of the village plaza in Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua.  While we dined, we watched at least 200 young men climbed onto railway freight cars of a departing train, very unmolested by the train crew or any local law enforcement agency. The servers told us that the train stops there every day to drop off a freight car or two—and pick a car or two--and people—lots of people, all young men from about age 17-25. Villa Ahumada seems to be a staging are for potential illegal immigrants that  come from villages from miles around that do not have a railroad to the border. Some riders come into Villa Ahumada on the train.

The practice of affording free transportation to so-called immigrants to the U.S. has been an institutionalized policy of the Mexican Government since they nationalized all the railroads during the Mexican Revolution.   Following the Revolution, the entirety of the Mexican rail system was nationalized between 1929 and 1937. After the Mexicans ran the railroad off the proverbial cliff in 2009, it was privatized again, and American investors once again own a controlling interest.  They seem to be willing to risk losing their investment without remuneration again.  Illegal riders are still unmolested by either the railroads or the Mexican authorities, foreign ownership not withstanding.

Although the liberal media ignores the fact, Donald Trump recognizes that our politicians have surrendered our sovereignty to Mexico.  If you believe the media, Mexicans are now calling the shots as to which Republican candidate has a chance to win the American Presidential election in 2016.  The self-styled revolutionaries made some huge progress  in the early 1990s when they got American secondary and college educators to place major emphasis on “diversity.”  It was a way of watering down our education system to accommodate a Tower of Babel approach to “progress.”

 Criminals are given two choices by local Mexican authorities: either go the U.S. (illegally, of course) or go to jail.  Jail is often a euphemism for a shallow grave a few miles out of town in unofficial cemeteries for troublemakers. Mexico does not have even a small percentage of the jails or prisons needed to house all their criminals.

Although they never use the term, many of Mexico’s potential revolutionaries and other troublemakers find America’s “free speech” an outlet for things they dare not say about their government in Mexico.  One big problem is our own troublemakers, Hispanic activists that see themselves as self-styled irredentists are channeling these imported troublemakers' energy into their “movement” that they call “La Reconquista.”  The term, “Reconquista”  means, “re-conquest,” and was coined by the Spaniards when they got run out of New Mexico by the Navajos, and for 12 years plotted their (successful) “re-conquest” of Santa Fe and New Mexico in the 17th century.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015, the CBS News Anchor stated that NBC severed their ties with Donald Trump due to Trump’s recent “derogatory remarks about immigrants.”  Of course, that is a lie that rivals any from erstwhile NBC Anchor, “Lyin' Brian” Williams.  Trump knows that we are a nation of immigrants and if the Government handled immigration according to law, it is a good thing, and we get good, educated and law abiding Immigrants.  Moreover, Trump's commentary on illegal Mexicans is directed to the Mexican Government, not the good, screened true immigrants that abide by our immigration laws. Even the term “immigrants” has been corrupted by the media sources, like Scott Pelley, to avoid use of the correct term for when they usually mean “illegal aliens.”

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Confederate Flag Means Different Things to Different People.

To some, the Confederate flag represents a failed effort to secede, the last gasp effort to part from the herd and be independent--the way our founding fathers did four score and seven years before the Confederate flag was designed. The Civil War proved that secession is possible only when the standing army is on the other side of the ocean.  When army and people are on the same side of the ocean, the herd wins. Our founding fathers had no problem with slavery. The term "men," has since been redefined, and that is what causes the confusion.

Recently, an uneducated, minority Federal judge made a speech and incorrectly stated that our Constitution declares all men to be created  equal.

The Declaration of Independence is not part of the Constitution.  In his Gettysburg address, Abraham Lincoln did not claim that all men are created equal.  He merely stated that our founding fathers were dedicated to a "proposition" that all men are created equal.  He was referring to the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.  Again, the definition of "men" came into play when our founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence. The fact that the secessionists lost did not validate Lincoln's utterance, and history tells us that Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation to attract black soldiers into the Union Army due to mass desertions and lack of dedication by white men of the northern states. On several occasions, Lincoln admitted that he was a racist and that he planned to send all black men back to Africa after the Civil War. That plan was being implemented when he was assassinated.  

The concept of "equal creation" is an egalitarian concept, historically promulgated by Marxist governments to palm off an idea as truth. They have never proved it to be a truism. It plays up to the ego of  humankind, but despots use it only as a ploy to gain the support of the masses.  In 1810, U.S. Congress made an effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to forbid noble birth, or inherited titles.  That proposition is still waiting for 26 states to ratify it. See:

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Donald Trump Is A Breath of Fresh Air

Since Ross Perrot have we had a presidential candidate who is not afraid to utter the truth. Like Ross Perot, Donald Trump is a breath of fresh air from all the stagnant and nauseating speeches of liberal political correctness of both major political parties.

 Donald Trump said we are not getting the best immigrants out of Mexico.  That is what the realists have been saying for decades.

The government of Mexico for years has been doing the same thing that Fidel Castro admitted doing during the Mariel Boatlift.  In the opening scene of the movie, "Scarface,: we see actual footage of Fidel Castro describing people his troops conveyed to the boats that President Jimmy invited smugglers to use to dump his offal onto the shores of Miami.  Fidel Castro said, "No los queremos!  Son escoria!"  (we do not want them; they are scum). Castro  emptied most of his mental and criminal institutions with  the knowledge, consent and cooperation of Democrat Jimmy Carter.

 Mexico has long been sending its huddled masses of illiterates and political malcontents to engage in their "activism" in this country.  Waving the U.S., flag does not fool anyone.  They are doing that because one of our fifth-columnist activist pointed out that they were advancing the wrong image (i.e., their real, transparent  image). As soon as they get their amnesty, out will come the Mexican flags again. These imported activists will continue to try to conceal  their degenerate and parasitic behavior by alluding to some kind of warped rationale of irredentism. The only difference between Fidel Castro and the Mexican leadership is that Castro is more honest.

Trump is saying what the Mexican government already knows while they continually lobby for America to open its borders to their  "emigrants."  Mexican politicians know that most of these people are "escoria," but they are not going to say that publicly.  They will make tongue-in-cheek utterances about "compassion" and "rights of immigrants," but they exalt in the fact that they are getting rid of their "escoria."

If you wonder why we need to go back to standards, and Common Core, it is because our schools have gone to hell and "educators" worry more about "diversity," and political correctness than teaching.  The answer is  in the  quality (or lack thereof) of our so called "immigrants,' from Mexico and Central America and our lowering of standards to accommodate them.  Bilingual education depends upon a steady stream of illegal illiterate immigrants who do not want to learn English.  K-12 bilingual education will make them illiterate in English and speak with a foreign accent their entire lives.

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate from either party that dares speak the truth and face reality. Ross Perot lost the presidency only because he wimped out with the lame excuse that he did not want to expose his family to the dirty world of politics--then belatedly got back in the race after alienating most of his original supporters.   That is where Trump differs from Perot and makes him a viable candidate. He will never apologize for being who he is.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Common Core Fights Socially Engineered Illiteracy

Incompetent U.S. District Judges

The Declaration of Independence is not part of the Constitution. It's purpose was to list grievances against the Crown of England to justify the British American Colonies for declaring independence from England.

Almost daily, in the headlines we see how certain elements of our society rely upon hearsay and misconceptions in their daily lives. Demagogues have an iron grip on the minds of many Americans who are either incapable, or ill disposed to discovering what is law and what is not. We should be appalled that a Federal District Judge, Arenda L. Wright, makes absurd statements without researching the law.

NBC has long gotten a pass for erroneous telecasting, sometimes deliberate, especially when Brian Williams was news anchor, but a U.S. District Judge cannot be given a pass.  No law says that all men in the U.S. are created equal. In fact, the phrase, "all men" does not appear in the Constitution.  Equal creation, but not cradle to grave egalitarianism (as proposed by Marxism), was merely a "proposition" in the Declaration of Independence, but it is not a part of the Constitution. Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address reiterated the “proposition,” but he never said it was the law of the land, or anything other than a proposition.

Another popular misconception about our Constitution is that titles of nobility are outlawed. Not true. That was another "proposition," by Congress in 1813, but it was never ratified by more than 26 of the states.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mr. Mealy-Mouth, Lindsey Graham, Doubles Down on Amnesty Advocacy

Today, on CBS' Face the Nation, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reiterated his commitment to amnesty for illegal aliens.  The mealy-mouthed politician says we cannot deport eleven million illegal aliens.  Eleven million was the estimated figure twenty years ago. Today, the figure is probably closer to 50 million, because Obama has virtually eliminated the mission of the Border Patrol

Lindsey Graham says he is in favor of letting all illegal aliens stay, but he says he wants to make their pathway to citizenship "long and hard."  That should qualify as the stupid mark of the century. All they want is to stay here, and they know that you cannot change the Constitution to create a second-class citizenry.  It they stay, there is no way you can keep them from enjoying the benefits of all  citizens, except voting and working for the Government (though there is evidence some of them already enjoy those benefits).  If fact, with amnesty, illegal aliens will have an easier time than many middle-class Americans because there is a whole plethora of social welfare programs, private and federal, from which they will benefit.

This mealy mouth Graham is not even a good liar.  We know what he means when he advocates amnesty. Agriculture is still a leading industry in South Carolina and it is among the leading tobacco producing states.  Intelligent citizens do not work in the tobacco industry.  In addition to the many carcinogenic insecticides connected with growing tobacco and other agriculture products, there is the problem of fungus, mold and the natural poisons in tobacco.  Graham knows the importance of tobacco exports and their contribution to the national trade balance, but his position has nothing to do with sympathy with the plight of illegal aliens. He is not the altruist that he wants to dupe us into believing.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

  • "ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two days before President Barack Obama announced a posthumous Medal of Honor for black World War I soldier Henry Johnson, a family got staggering news about the legacy of heroism that had inspired them for generations and through three wars. They weren't related to Johnson by blood after all".

  • We live in an era when facts are easier than ever to obtain, yet an era where people are more and more willing to accept hearsay than facts. We see the phenomenon in claims of police misconduct and in elections. 35% of the people in the electorate will vote for Hillary based on the fact she is a Democrat and disregard any facts that detract from a media generated illusion of saintliness.
On C SPAN I recently heard Joel Garreau (Council on Foreign Relations) say that ten years from now they will not even teach reading and writing in the public schools.  About 35% of Americans  are already functionally illiterate and it won't make much difference because they already rely on hearsay for what they think they know. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

IV Ziedrich, Student of the U of Nevada Says Bush 43 To Blame for Creating ISIS

As an Independent Conservative, I can say there is merit to University of Nevada Student Ivy Ziedrich statement  (5/13/2015) to Jeb Bush, that his brother (Bush 43) created ISIS.  When Bush 43 came to office, he was not unlike Obama in thinking that the world would run itself and all they had to do was sit back and reap the spoils, The terrorists patiently prepared for their economic war against the U.S. during the Clinton Administration, but they waited patiently for Bush to assume power before they attacked en masse (they know how to take advantage of liberal policies).  Bush 43's puppeteers, Dick Cheney and the stuttering Karl Rove were not rocket scientists, just like Valerie Jarrett is not one for Obama.  Wasn't Osama bin Laden's parents guests of the Bush's when the twin towers came down? And wasn't Bush’s primary concern to get them out of the country before his puppeteers decided on a course of action against the terrorists? (in WWII, we put those Japanese "Peace Missionaries" in prison--we did not send them home to protect them).  I know that some current "historians" are trying to alter facts, but I, for one, do not have a short term memory.  People that fancy themselves "conservatives" are just as easy to dupe as people that fancy themselves liberal.   Bush 41, Dubya's' "daddy" engineered the most liberal amnesty ever for illegal aliens in 1987.  When Bush 43 came to power, you did not even need a passport to enter the U.S. across the land borders, and the GOP (post Eisenhower), like the Democrats, had always been happy with that status quo.  Dubya was never able to state a clear objective as to why he invaded Iraq, other than Hussein "tried to kill my daddy."

In the next election, we must choose our poison.  Both parties kowtow to the super-rich think tanks that finance elections, and the think tanks, like the Council on Foreign Relations and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, say that (U.S.) borders are artificial.  They do not mean Russia's, China's--or Switzerland's where they have their specie (not dollars)  stashed.  If you think our political outlook is gloomy, you are coming to terms with reality. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Changing Education Standards

"The Texas House (recently) passed Senate Bill 149, which creates a graduation committee at each high school to assess whether students should graduate even if they fail as many as two of the five end-of-course tests they take as part of the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness.”

In a declining society, bureaucracies have traditionally changed definitions and requirements in order to obfuscate failure and to meet current standards.  In other words, to create the illusion that they are meeting standards, they change the standards. The author of “The Peter Principle” was an educator, and his book graphically demonstrates the point; but predictably, educators dismissed it as humorous satire, diminishing its impact on education

In today’s world, anyone who wants a high school, or a college, diploma can get one.  That is the reason we see college graduates, especially in the liberal arts, busing tables at Starbucks (at least the pay is better than McDonalds).

In ages past, overcoming one’s self was a much nobler achievement than a college degree.  That was what Nietzsche meant when he coined the term “overman.” Actually, the term was misinterpreted and initially called “superman,” its meaning corrupted by the vagaries of translating an ancient manuscript of Zoroastrianism. Overcoming one’s self has never been easy, and its achievement usually means isolating one’s self from one’s roots, or natural-born legacy.

The prophesies of Zarathustra dealt with a segment of humankind’s subtle and psychological quest for simplicity and mediocrity.   Islam, a much simpler religion, eventually replaced Zoroastrianism in the latter’s place of origin, Persia.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Senator Rand Paul Wants to Redefine Amnesty

George Orwell's "1984" was first published in 1949, but its prophecies are still manifesting themselves.  One of the tricks of a dystopian, dictatorial society, as described in "1984," is to change the names of things to make them sound better, or more palatable to the people affected by them.  In his prophetic novel, "1984," Orwell coined the terms "double-speak," and "double-think" to describe how the government dupes people into accepting better-sounding synonyms to overcome the anathematic connotations of words.

George Bush II was the first to tell us that amnesty for illegal aliens is not amnesty.  He tried to redefine it, but could not come up with a suitable synonym.  Neither can Rand Paul, who recently appeared on Megyn Kelly's show on Fox News.  Paul struggled to come up with a synonym other than "immigration reform," or "pathway to citizenship."  (Bush also tried to deceive us into accepting a huge amnesty for illegal aliens during his second term.)

  I suppose Rand Paul remembers that the last general amnesty for illegal aliens in 1987 was called the "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1987" (or IRCA).   Politicians promised us that the 1987 amnesty law included a requirement that the border would be thenceforward secured and no further amnesties would be needed.  The people bought it. "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." was a saying that Bush II could never quote correctly, though he tried, but always screwed it up.  It also applies to his and other politicians' attempts to dupe us on amnesties for illegal aliens.  Since 1900 there have been dozens of amnesties for illegal aliens, but most of them have been for smaller groups.  The ones in 1952 and 1987 were general amnesties. Law-breaking seems to have become the preferred method for immigrating to the U.S. ,which tells you that we are not getting the quality of immigrants we would, if we stick to the quotas for all countries. It shows in our declining education standards, especially in literacy.

Rand Paul alluded to the fact that none of the immigration amnesties for illegal aliens actually used the term "amnesty,' and indeed this term does not appear in the immigration law books.  Most often, amnesties for illegal aliens are referred to by the laws that define them.  Title 8 of the United States Code includes all immigration laws, as does the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended.  Sub-parts of 8 USC define amnesties for illegal aliens; for example the last two amnesties, one in the late 1990s and one in the early 2000s were called "241(i)" and "Extension of 245(i)", respectively, as they appear in the I&N Act of 1952, as amended, and as 8 USC 1255 and its subparts.

Drowing in Compassion

When referring to illegal immigration, the word "compassion"  is liberal left-wing, Marxist propaganda.

The most common falsehood spread by the propagandists relates to so-called separation of parents from their children by deportation. IT IS NEVER NECESSARY!

The reason it is never necessary to separate minor children from their parents is because illegal aliens giving birth to children in the U.S. always convey their  nationality and citizenship to their children under international law.  It is called the principle of "jus sanguinis."   It is the same law by which Ted Cruz obtained U.S. citizenship through his mother.

Therefore, parents being deported never have to leave their children behind due to a loophole in U.S. law, the 14th Amendment.

The 14th Amendment was never meant to be a loophole for so-called anchor-babies.  It's purpose was to create U.S. citizenship for the United States residents, end Reconstruction and stop the violence in the Deep South.  After the Civil War, carpetbagger governments, composed mostly of black minorities and former Union Army Officers, in the South were tyrannical, punishing former Confederate soldiers by disenfranchising them from their states' citizenship--the only kind of citizenship around in 1869, until the 14th Amendment created U.S. citizenship.

The Council on Foreign Relations and other globalist organizations would like to see the end of national citizenship, loyalties to countries of birth and international borders. Unfortunately, most U.S. politicians seem beholden to them because of their power and money.  That is the only reason they, and THEIR media (yes, they own and control it like they do much of our economy and politics) are always clamoring for another amnesty for illegal aliebs.  The im;portation of illiterate, third-world peons are the future voters that they hope to give them everything they want in exchange for Government handouts.

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda, once said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it will be believed.  Goebbels was more honest than the U.S. media, most politicians  and the left-wing Marxists.  He told the people exactly what he was going to do, then he did it.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Ted Cruz for President

(Reprinted from my comment on the Yahoo News Page)

BTW, to the Yahoo know-nothings in re nationality law: Cruz is a native born (i.e., by birth) citizen of the U.S pursuant to 8 USC 1401(e). Unlike Obama, his mother had the citizenship AND the U.S. residence requirements to convey U.S. citizenship to him at birth.

No other candidate knows and loves our Constitution better than Cruz. Texas entrusted him to represent them as their Solicitor General in no less than 9 Supreme Court cases. Not only does he know the Constitution, he has the oratory skills necessary to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic (of which there are too many within our borders).

Cruz' early candidacy announcement is more proof of his honesty and willingness to take chances. We already know who the other candidates are; most are alien-amnesty advocate wimps waiting until they think the political wind is blowing favorably. They are of the Weeping John Boehner ilk, of which we have too many. Cruz had his haters in Texas when he ran for the Senate, like those on this Yahoo Page, but he not only overcame those haters, he also overcame the Texas Big Spenders (Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst spent $18 million of his own money and still lost to him). Cruz is Tea Party and that is one of his biggest assets.The GOP cannot beat Hillary without the support of the Tea Party voters and the true conservative Independents.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Jeb Bush is NOT the Man: The Iowa Agriculture Summit Farce Dedicated to Amnesty

The Iowa Agriculture Summit held its first ever meeting in Des Moines, Iowa today, March 7, 2015.

“The industry-sponsored summit — in which each hopeful answered questions on energy, the environment, immigration and food safety in solo sessions with agriculture businessman Bruce Rastetter — highlighted the demands that Iowans place on candidates to pay attention to the state that hosts the first presidential caucuses.” [1]

It should surprise no one that liberal, amnesty advocate, Jeb Bush "won" this "summit."

Like his older brother, George 43, Jeb is mastering the Orwellian tactic of doublespeak (Bush 43 said, "This (amnesty) is not an amnesty,") showing his contempt for the intelligent and informed. Once an illegal alien is given any kind of Government clemency against deportation, he would perforce immediately becomes eligible for all the benefits of a legal alien, including welfare, Medicaid, free education, etc. Jeb Bush knew this, but lied through his teeth at the "Summit" about it.  To give them less than the full benefits of a lawfully admitted alien for permanent residence would be to create a Government-styled caste, or class, system, that would be unconstitutional.[2] It would take only a short time for some U.S. Judge to rip to shreds Jeb Bush's concept of an amnesty not being an amnesty.

No Democrat Congressman or presidential candidate attended the Farce because they believe that the so-called, “Hispanic vote,” is already in their collective hip pocket.  But, is it? Educated, citizen Hispanics know where Liberal Democrats and their GOP amnesty allies are really coming from. 
Democrat politicians had nothing to gain with rhetoric in a state that is dependent upon cheap (illegal) labor.  And Jeb Bush wants to dupe us into believing that he is a “conservative?”

Neither Democrat nor Republican liberals, like Bush, the Gang of 8, Rick Perry, nor other advocates for amnesty, will tell Hispanics the truth. The rich and powerful will not necessarily base their Hispanic employees’ wages upon the content of an Hispanic's education and ability, so much as upon his/her Hispanic surname. Wise Hispanics are indeed coming over to the Tea Party.  It is the only political party for true conservatives, the self-reliant; the only political party for those that want to be independent of Government watch and ward.

Ted Cruz and true conservatives, should not have dignified this farcical meeting their presence. It was rigged by Bruce Rastetter, and it was all about amnesty.  Cruz doesn't have a prayer in that ring.  True conservatives, like Cruz, will have to write off plantation states with temporary (harvest season) sanctuary for illegal aliens--states, like Iowa and Mississippi--in the primaries--if they want the GOP nomination for president in 2016.  They need to concentrate their time and resources in states they can win--states that are fed up with the foreign invasion, runs on our welfare system by illegal aliens and some Congressmen that uphold only their contempt for the Constitution.

Iowa holds these meetings early on purpose--to try to give their amnesty candidates a leg up on the competition, before the real race for the nomination starts in the middle of an election year.  Pseudo-conservative, amnesty-advocates, such as liberal Mike Huckabee, scored big in the early Iowa Caucus in 2012. It makes good headlines for a Media that wants to see the GOP lose again, but serves nobody in the GOP any useful purpose. The media wants to demoralize true conservatives and discourage them from even voting in the GOP presidential elections. Toss it out as an unreliable "poll" without any meaningful significance.  It is an enemy Trojan Horse that serves the liberal Media's purpose by keeping unelectable liberals like Huckabee, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry and other liberal GOP losers in the cluttered-field spotlight, giving the viable GOP candidates less free news and camera time.

Liberals and the super-rich's emissaries from both sides of the aisle, want amnesty for illegal aliens. Both want us to believe that the majority of the legal Hispanic voters in the U.S. want unlimited immigration.  Liberals from neither party will admit that Hispanics will suffer from another general amnesty due to depressed wages. Big Industry wants a labor pool similar to Red China’s, one that is functionally illiterate, and one that will help them at the ballot box to weaken, or eliminate, the EPA, the Department of Labor's  Wage and Hour Department (which under Solis, does little enforcement anyway); they want laws profiting them to bring back their factories from graft-ridden China and other third world countries; the huddled masses of the third world to our south can give them that..

Neither Iowa political power broker, Bruce Rastetter, nor his harvester friends, care squat about what happens to their migratory, cheap, agriculture labor after the crop harvest.  He and Iowa growers know that, after the harvest, their cheap laborers go "home" and help drain Texas' welfare system.  They remain in Texas until their next gig of cheap labor, if they have any kind of document to buy some temporary safe harbor from deportation--such as Rick Perry's Dream Act, a de facto amnesty for illegal alien students and their "unified" extended families.  No illegal alien plans to work any longer than it takes him/her to get on welfare permanently where he/she can earn more for doing nothing.  Utopia accomplished. The cycle begins again when the Iowa farmers start clamoring for more laxity on the border so they can get their crops harvested.

If not eligible for the Dream Act or other act of clemency, illegal farm workers may go back to Mexico for Christmas, knowing that as long as Obama is President, the border will always be open for their return.  Actually the border has always been easily breached, considering the revolving door policy that has always given illegal aliens as many chances as they need, with impunity for failed efforts, to get past the Border Patrol. The temporarily departed will be back in Texas by March or early April, in time to file Form 1040’s for their earned income tax credits, often six or seven thousand dollars on all wages earned, legally or illegally in the U.S. the previous year. Illegal aliens do not even need a social security number to file a 1040.  All they need is an ITIN (individual tax identification number) provided for free by the IRS.  Vista Volunteers assist illegal aliens to file 1040 returns (electronically).   Barack Obama has warned Customs and Immigration border guards against impeding his constituents’ profitable pursuits, lest there “be consequences.” [3]  B

Can illegal aliens re-enter the U.S. to claim EIC tax money he/she thinks the IRS owes him?  Yes.  Any illegal alien may be granted a waiver of a passport or visa for emergency or humanitarian reasons under 1182 USC(d)(4)A), such as coming to claim money "owed" to him by the IRS as EIC. The waiver may be granted by any immigration officer at the POE on behalf of the Attorney General, at the officer's discretion, if he thinks the application meets the criteria under 8 USC 1182(d)(4)(A). There is a (somewhat) safeguard that border inspectors may employ to keep such an illegal from staying in the U.S.: the surety bond.[4] Although this bond is used extensively at international airport POEs, it has seldom been used at land border ports.  This is another area where the INS had been remiss in its duties, as well as not using AFIS at the POE.  Both areas would be too effective and therefore inconsistent with the institutionalized status quo of laxity in immigration law enforcement.   
Obama notwithstanding, any present or past border guard will tell you that, beginning in late March, or early April, each year since 1975, Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal aliens and their smugglers always drop off drastically because pursuing EIC is no longer an urgent goal for illegal aliens.

An FYI to those hard working, tax-burdened citizens just beginning to become outraged by EIC for illegal aliens:  Illegal aliens have been getting earned income tax credits (EIC) for 40 years. It was sloughed off on taxpayers during the lame-duck era of the Gerald Ford Administration.  Nothing in any of the EIC laws, or its revisions, have ever proscribed illegal aliens  from getting EIC. Some illegal aliens can almost double their annual income, with the EIC portion--free money and tax-free income.  Most illegal aliens do not earn enough income to be required to file a 1040 IRS return, but they file one anyway (with help from Vista Volunteers), only to get the EIC--expedited with free, electronic filing.

 “Enacted in 1975, the initially modest EIC has been expanded by tax legislation on a number of occasions, including the widely-publicized Tax Reform Act of 1986, and was further expanded in 1990, 1993, and 2001, regardless of whether the act in general raised taxes (1990, 1993), lowered taxes (2001), or eliminated other deductions and credits (1986).[9] Today, the EITC is one of the largest anti-poverty tools in the United States. (Most income measures, including the poverty rate, do not account for the credit.)”[5]

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

DHS Should Not Be Funded Anymore

"The world is far too dangerous for House Republicans to show so little regard for the security of American families." (Quite on the Yahoo web page.)

Really? It is time to choose your poison.

Which is more dangerous, terrorists? or a Manchurian Candidate that knows how to get what he wants by tying its funding to (seemingly) essential service programs?

The DHS does not protect our borders. Instead, it uses our Border Patrol and their resources to illegally] transport Obama's imported foreign constituents to safe houses deep in the interior of the U.S., a felony cognizant under 8 USC 1324(a)(i). Should taxpayers be funding activities detrimental to the survival of our Republic? Some Border Patrolmen who have recently deported illegal aliens are being threatened with criminal action by Obama, and he has sent for the aliens to come back, to be given safe passage through immigration and customs.

Do we really need the DHS? Terrorists are cowards and know that we are, in spite of Obama's disarmament efforts, an individually armed nation, and we can do without a DHS that is led by a so-called "leader" totally alien to American principles.The DHS should not only be eliminated as a Government Agency, but should be renamed the Department of Homeland Insurrection and banished to some place like Gitmo so we can supervise and observe their activities at all times.

It is time for a showdown, not capitulation and surrender to a dictator. Next year, in November, we true conservatives will remember Congressmen who sold out and surrendered their exclusive Congressional authority to legislate immigration laws, as opposed to those who stood up to domestic tyranny.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Ted Cruz Does Well in the CPAC Straw Poll

Senator Ted Cruz came in third in the CPAC straw poll--not with any help from pseudo-conservative Fox News—nor from  its liberal allies, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and Aljazeera, but IN SPITE OF them.  That is a very good sign for this early in the season.  Cruz faced a similar obstacle when running for Senator against the old guard Republican establishment in Texas and won--in spite of the millionaires’ and the media's support for the opposition in favor of maintaining the status quo.  The liberal media wants to select the GOP (loser) presidential candidate in 2016 the way the NY Times did in 2012, and later dismantle him, the way they did Romney, with unprecedented vituperative. 

Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and most of the GOP 2016 hopefuls have at one time advocated amnesty; and those who were members of the “Gang of 8” worked fervently with the most liberal Democrats for an amnesty  for illegal aliens.  See:

The ambitious presidential candidates mentioned in the above paragraph are liberals masquerading as conservatives. All the most publicized candidates, except Cruz, are in the hip pockets of the global elitists that want to flood this country with cheap labor and establish a labor pool and obedient socialist electorate--similar to China's.

Ted Cruz is the by far best speaker and orator of the potential GOP candidates for president, and he is a Constitutional expert that has always adhered to its principles.  As Texas Solicitor General, he argued nine cases for Texas before the Supreme Court of the United States.  The Republican establishment is presently letting Obama intimidate them, by holding the purse strings of the economy hostage, threatening to veto a bill to operate the DHS, unless it includes funding for his declared amnesty for illegal aliens. Only the Tea Party members of Congress are not quaking in their boots (like John Boehner).

 Only the Tea Party in the U.S. Congress leads the fight for rule of law, the Constitution, our sovereignty, the integrity of our border and maintaining our way of life.  Only the newly elected Tea Party members in Congress dare charge Obama with the legally correct impeachable offense of usurpation of the powers of Congress and the separation of powers of the three branches of Government. In a debate with Hillary, Ted Cruz will have a long-term memory of her malfeasance from Arkansas to First Lady to (incompetent) Secretary of State.  Ted Cruz will rip her to shreds in a debate, without stuttering or needing an Obama-type Teleprompter.

That is exactly why the liberal media, including Fox News, are deathly afraid of Ted Cruz,  and they will pull out all the stops to try to discredit him, including making up false stories and having their minions cross party lines to vote for his opponents in GOP primaries. The old guard GOP defeated the Tea Party candidate that way in the Mississippi in 2014, sending stagnated, dull, status-quo Thad Cochran back to the Senate to help try to stop the Tea party.  Fasten your seat belts, folks.  Ted Cruz  survived a tougher battle in the Texas Senate race, and if he wins, true change is coming.