Tuesday, March 3, 2015

DHS Should Not Be Funded Anymore

"The world is far too dangerous for House Republicans to show so little regard for the security of American families." (Quite on the Yahoo web page.)

Really? It is time to choose your poison.

Which is more dangerous, terrorists? or a Manchurian Candidate that knows how to get what he wants by tying its funding to (seemingly) essential service programs?

The DHS does not protect our borders. Instead, it uses our Border Patrol and their resources to illegally] transport Obama's imported foreign constituents to safe houses deep in the interior of the U.S., a felony cognizant under 8 USC 1324(a)(i). Should taxpayers be funding activities detrimental to the survival of our Republic? Some Border Patrolmen who have recently deported illegal aliens are being threatened with criminal action by Obama, and he has sent for the aliens to come back, to be given safe passage through immigration and customs.

Do we really need the DHS? Terrorists are cowards and know that we are, in spite of Obama's disarmament efforts, an individually armed nation, and we can do without a DHS that is led by a so-called "leader" totally alien to American principles.The DHS should not only be eliminated as a Government Agency, but should be renamed the Department of Homeland Insurrection and banished to some place like Gitmo so we can supervise and observe their activities at all times.

It is time for a showdown, not capitulation and surrender to a dictator. Next year, in November, we true conservatives will remember Congressmen who sold out and surrendered their exclusive Congressional authority to legislate immigration laws, as opposed to those who stood up to domestic tyranny.

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