Thursday, March 26, 2015

Drowing in Compassion

When referring to illegal immigration, the word "compassion"  is liberal left-wing, Marxist propaganda.

The most common falsehood spread by the propagandists relates to so-called separation of parents from their children by deportation. IT IS NEVER NECESSARY!

The reason it is never necessary to separate minor children from their parents is because illegal aliens giving birth to children in the U.S. always convey their  nationality and citizenship to their children under international law.  It is called the principle of "jus sanguinis."   It is the same law by which Ted Cruz obtained U.S. citizenship through his mother.

Therefore, parents being deported never have to leave their children behind due to a loophole in U.S. law, the 14th Amendment.

The 14th Amendment was never meant to be a loophole for so-called anchor-babies.  It's purpose was to create U.S. citizenship for the United States residents, end Reconstruction and stop the violence in the Deep South.  After the Civil War, carpetbagger governments, composed mostly of black minorities and former Union Army Officers, in the South were tyrannical, punishing former Confederate soldiers by disenfranchising them from their states' citizenship--the only kind of citizenship around in 1869, until the 14th Amendment created U.S. citizenship.

The Council on Foreign Relations and other globalist organizations would like to see the end of national citizenship, loyalties to countries of birth and international borders. Unfortunately, most U.S. politicians seem beholden to them because of their power and money.  That is the only reason they, and THEIR media (yes, they own and control it like they do much of our economy and politics) are always clamoring for another amnesty for illegal aliebs.  The im;portation of illiterate, third-world peons are the future voters that they hope to give them everything they want in exchange for Government handouts.

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda, once said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it will be believed.  Goebbels was more honest than the U.S. media, most politicians  and the left-wing Marxists.  He told the people exactly what he was going to do, then he did it.

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