Monday, July 30, 2018

Why Charter Schools are Surging

This is a response/addendum to a forum response to the subject of skyrocketing charter schools in the San Antonio area.


There is a cause and an effect to everything.


The cause of the decline in public school education is mostly due to illegal immigration, and to some degree legal immigration that has given third world countries too large quotas. Blame congress because demographers gave them fair warning of the effect, but they went ahead and went against the interest of our country.  This “diversity thing” that educators are now pushing is just a rationale to somehow try to cover their asses for irresponsible behavior that has led to a Tower of Babel situation. Anyone that has read Genesis 11: 1-9 knows that humanity was much wiser 5,000 years ago than we are now because we usually listened to our God, at least in the scriptures.

Now we are bringing in people who violate our public school dress codes in the name of their foreign, non-Christian religion. They conceal their faces and anything they want to carry on their bodies.  They not only do not believe in our God, but anyone opposed to their religion are branded “infidels’ and they actually use alien  scriptures to justify exterminating us. Anyone that thinks we can assimilate the same kind of people that tore down the U.S. Trade Center on 9-11-01 is plain stupid. Their own dress codes are okay in their own schools, but many violate ours in the public schools and this contempt for our rules is helping cause more chaos and general contempt for education. They now mostly have their own schools and anyone who thinks they are teaching our history, our culture and the Western way of life is dumber than stupid.  


A downgrade in the quality of education, quality of teachers, a waste of money and politically correct schoolbooks that are historically incorrect and obfuscate important events in nation’s history.  We are a historical conquering nation and due to liberal pandering to them, minorities and liberals cannot wrap their brains around that fact. We are winners, but the losers were not only not run out of the country but also given an equal status that they never earned.  Their version of history now holds sway in the public schools because they are now the majority there due to white flight. Interesting and correct reference books are banned, and those acceptable are boring and do not ring true. Books and teachers are misleading and must, by fiat and politically correct guidelines, avoid important facts in order to not offend anyone who has been given a false image of reality in history and social events. Stupid new words are created to maintain political correctness and some of the best words in our older dictionaries have been banned or just omitted.  

 A large publisher could not publish the Peter Principle, a classic book by a famous educator, in this day and time because it is so truthful and steps on too many toes. Politically-correct pseudo-critics classify it as “humor,” because they are tone deaf to reality and because they do not have the intestinal fortitude to face reality.

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