Pedophiles and various types of sex predators gravitate toward professions of public trust in order to carry out their nefarious practices and to satisfy their rabid sexual deviations, almost with immunity. We have seen these types of rogues infiltrate almost every "respectful" profession. We see the phenomenon in such professions as education, the medical field, and even in the clergy.
Some people think of illegal alien traffickers as engaged in some kind of "noble" profession, the lofty image that some Internet trolls involved in the profession try to project. Often, dark and sinister motives are concealed undercurrents in these activities. Nowhere else can sick predators satisfy their urges better than in trafficking--and keep it so hidden from public view--because the media often accept them at their word that they are involved in altruistic endeavors.
Stories of horror of aliens shepherded by traffickers are frequently recounted to immigration authorities by aliens in custody being processed for exclusion or deportation. Traffickers recruit and organize movements by so-called refugees. Most are not educated enough to have a valid political opinion--historically the basis for most valid claims of oppression that qualify an applicant for refugee status. True cases of political or religious oppression are usually well documented by newspaper and kangaroo court accounts.
Traffickers in illegal aliens are familiar with third-world cops. The traffickers have the skill and wherewithal to bribe them when need be. The people that traffickers escort, especially their children, are totally at their mercy. It is against the wave of media madness to praise Trump for trying to keep children separated from irresponsible parents, some of whom even use their children as pawns in exchange to facilitate getting in arranged movements by traffickers. Present and former immigration officers see this often. All the mothers involved know their children are going to be violated on these long treks across international boundaries, and that is why all girls of child-bearing age age (12 and older) began getting birth control pills in order for the pills to be effective before the trek begins. . Unspeakable sexual crimes of rape and pedophilia are committed by the perverted traffickers. You are likely to get edited out of forums and other public media for telling this truth, and having said that, I am wondering why truthful, documented comments are not allowed by the moderators to answer the person that began a thread titled, "Ban CPS."
CPS and law enforcement officers are the nearest thing to guardian angels of abused and neglected children; yet they are viciously attacked--especially by those who have been exposed as perpetrators of crimes against their own children. It is a crime that the media and the public do not want to even think about, especially since so many of the guilty are in positions of public trust. That is the reason that positions of public trust are perfect havens for violators
Pedophiles and predators that pose as humanitarians in alien trafficking is a subplot of my first novel, "The Border Nightwalkers." The Border Patrol is a balcony seat above the stage of predators posing as humanitarians along the U.S.-Mexico border. .There are, however, a few exceptions on the border. Some faith-based organizations have sincerely tried to help drug addicts with religious-sponsored rehab centers in Mexico and in U.S. border cities. Most of those on the Mexican side of the border have been shut down by the cartels. Rehabilitation of drug addicts is the last thing the cartels want. These institutions are a subplot of my latest novel, "Undercover Hobo."
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