Monday, July 30, 2018

Why Charter Schools are Surging

This is a response/addendum to a forum response to the subject of skyrocketing charter schools in the San Antonio area.


There is a cause and an effect to everything.


The cause of the decline in public school education is mostly due to illegal immigration, and to some degree legal immigration that has given third world countries too large quotas. Blame congress because demographers gave them fair warning of the effect, but they went ahead and went against the interest of our country.  This “diversity thing” that educators are now pushing is just a rationale to somehow try to cover their asses for irresponsible behavior that has led to a Tower of Babel situation. Anyone that has read Genesis 11: 1-9 knows that humanity was much wiser 5,000 years ago than we are now because we usually listened to our God, at least in the scriptures.

Now we are bringing in people who violate our public school dress codes in the name of their foreign, non-Christian religion. They conceal their faces and anything they want to carry on their bodies.  They not only do not believe in our God, but anyone opposed to their religion are branded “infidels’ and they actually use alien  scriptures to justify exterminating us. Anyone that thinks we can assimilate the same kind of people that tore down the U.S. Trade Center on 9-11-01 is plain stupid. Their own dress codes are okay in their own schools, but many violate ours in the public schools and this contempt for our rules is helping cause more chaos and general contempt for education. They now mostly have their own schools and anyone who thinks they are teaching our history, our culture and the Western way of life is dumber than stupid.  


A downgrade in the quality of education, quality of teachers, a waste of money and politically correct schoolbooks that are historically incorrect and obfuscate important events in nation’s history.  We are a historical conquering nation and due to liberal pandering to them, minorities and liberals cannot wrap their brains around that fact. We are winners, but the losers were not only not run out of the country but also given an equal status that they never earned.  Their version of history now holds sway in the public schools because they are now the majority there due to white flight. Interesting and correct reference books are banned, and those acceptable are boring and do not ring true. Books and teachers are misleading and must, by fiat and politically correct guidelines, avoid important facts in order to not offend anyone who has been given a false image of reality in history and social events. Stupid new words are created to maintain political correctness and some of the best words in our older dictionaries have been banned or just omitted.  

 A large publisher could not publish the Peter Principle, a classic book by a famous educator, in this day and time because it is so truthful and steps on too many toes. Politically-correct pseudo-critics classify it as “humor,” because they are tone deaf to reality and because they do not have the intestinal fortitude to face reality.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Pedophiles and Predators Gravitate Toward Positions of Public Trust

Pedophiles and various types of sex predators gravitate toward professions of public trust in order to carry out their nefarious practices and to satisfy their rabid sexual deviations, almost with immunity. We have seen these types of rogues infiltrate almost every "respectful" profession.  We see the phenomenon in  such professions as education, the medical field, and even in the clergy.

Some people think of illegal alien traffickers as engaged in some kind of "noble" profession, the lofty image that some Internet trolls involved in the profession  try to project. Often, dark and sinister motives are concealed undercurrents in these activities. Nowhere else can sick predators satisfy their urges better than in trafficking--and keep it so hidden from public view--because the media often accept them at their word that they are involved in altruistic endeavors.

Stories of horror of aliens shepherded by traffickers are frequently recounted to immigration authorities by aliens in custody being processed for exclusion or deportation. Traffickers recruit and organize movements by so-called refugees. Most are not educated enough to have a valid political opinion--historically the basis for most valid claims of oppression that qualify an applicant for refugee status. True cases of political or religious oppression are usually well documented by newspaper and kangaroo court accounts.

Traffickers in illegal aliens are familiar with third-world cops. The traffickers have the skill and wherewithal to bribe them when need be. The people that traffickers  escort, especially their children, are totally at their mercy. It is against the wave of media madness to praise Trump for trying to keep children separated from irresponsible parents, some of whom even use their children as pawns in exchange to facilitate getting in arranged movements by traffickers.  Present and former immigration officers see this often. All the mothers involved know their children are going to be violated on these long treks across international boundaries, and that is why all girls of child-bearing age age (12 and older) began getting birth control pills in order for the pills to be effective before the trek begins. . Unspeakable sexual crimes of rape and pedophilia are committed by the perverted traffickers.  You are likely to get edited out of forums and other public media for telling this truth, and having said that, I am wondering why truthful, documented comments are not allowed by the moderators to answer the person that began a thread titled,  "Ban CPS." 

CPS and law enforcement officers are the nearest thing to guardian angels of abused and neglected children; yet they are viciously attacked--especially by those who have been exposed as perpetrators of crimes against their own children.  It is a crime that the media and the public do not want to even think about, especially since so many of the guilty are  in positions of public trust. That is the reason that positions of public trust are perfect havens for violators

Pedophiles and predators that pose as humanitarians in alien trafficking is a subplot of my first novel, "The Border Nightwalkers." The Border Patrol is a balcony seat above the stage of predators posing as humanitarians along the U.S.-Mexico border. .There are, however,  a few exceptions on the border. Some faith-based organizations have sincerely tried to help drug addicts with religious-sponsored rehab centers in Mexico and in U.S. border cities.  Most of those on the Mexican side of the border have been shut down by the cartels. Rehabilitation of drug addicts is the last thing the cartels want.  These institutions are a subplot of my latest novel, "Undercover Hobo."

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Who is to Blame for the Border Crisis?

  • Blame? Start with religion; more specifically the Catholic Religion, which does nothing to encourage birth control.. It is the primary religion of most of the third world morass of human supersaturation. Then look at their leader, the Pope, who, in effect, tells the morass that it is okay to breach the walls of another country--that is, any except the Vatican, which has walls over forty feet high. 
    Our other enemies, beyond religion, are gloating and using their propaganda machine to accelerate our demise. They include the U.S. media, duty-bound to keep our focus on "compassion," and away from our duties under Article IV, part 4 of our once-sacred Constitution: To protect all states from foreign invasion. Enemies of those states include the fifth-columnists, also called the Deep-State bureaucracy--planted, overstaffed and indoctrinated by Obama,in social, domestic nihilism. Then look at Congress who has one half of the responsibility for dereliction in enforcing Article IV, part 4. The other half of that duty belongs to the President--the only patriot trying to keep his oath: to uphold and defend our Constitution, including Article IV, part 4

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Will the Trump-Putin Meeting Result in Rapprochement?

Rapprochement between Russia and the U.S. is the worst nightmare of the Deep State. Russia leads the world in cyber warfare and they can recover any email once thought deleted.  Whether they share it with Trump is problematic, and that is the reason the liberals, the media and the rest of the Deep State must do everything they can to keep relations between the U.S. and Russian inharmonious.  Rapprochement would totally destroy the raison d'etre of the Mueller witch hunt.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Forensic Advances in the past 70 years.

Our prisons are overcrowded and convicted criminals are being released back onto street after sering on fractions of the time sentenced by a judge or jury.

Is there more crime now than there was back in the 1950s when I left home to enter the military?  If you read the headlines, the police blotters, the police mug shots, you tend to think that there is much more crime now, in proportion to the population, than there was when I graduated from a small, rural school in West Texas in 1953..

I believe that we are indeed living in a time when there is more contempt for law, but at the same time technological advances, not only in forensic science, but other innovations, such as cell phones, low-cost camcorders and security cameras around one's house have shortened the odds of a criminal beating the system and having a long criminal career without an  arrest.  The Internet, the super highway of information, now provides us much more opportunities to learn about crime and criminals.  There are numerous data banks on the Internet that keep public records, arrests, civil actions such as divorces, and other data that are overwhelming if you compare the information we had available when I was in high school. Hiding one's dark side is much harder now than 70 years ago. Our lives are open books for whomever is interested in looking into your personal life's history. Computers have become the nemesis on anyone seeking privacy in his/her personal life. 

I was raised on a farm 18miles from the closest incorporated city.  We did not get electricity on our farm until I was about 5 years old.  We never had a telephone and our family did not get television until my senior year in high school.  I did not see a radio until I was about 5 years old. Looking back, I am aware of what all I missed in comparison to today's youth; indeed aware of  all the innovations that I presently enjoy in my home.  We have Direct TV, the Internet, cell phone and ine line telephone.

(To Be Continued).

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Could the Internet Actually Be Preventing Crime?

When one reads the obscene material that appears on some forums, you start to realize that the Internet just might be a safety net for potential serial criminals with fantasies and fetishes common to psychopaths.  Some seem to have a need to be insulted in the most degrading way, often with allusions to homesexuality  with innumerable sordid connotations. Some seem not only to invite it, but relish it. They seem to dish it out with full expectations of receiving replies in kind. 

The Golden State Killer started out with petty crimes,  accompanied by a fetish for feminine underwear and jewelry.  During his home invasions, he often took samples of both with him. When he got discovered by a victim of a burglary,, he began raping and killing.  He always maintained a home, a  respectable job and a modicum of civil respect, a necessary front to live a double life of crime, and at the same time deflect suspicion. One wonders whether society might have been spared many of his outrageous burglaries, sexual assaults and murders, if he had had an outlet like the Internet to live out his fantasies vicariously, interacting with people of similar thoughts and fantasies. 

It goes without saying that it takes a sick person to sit behind a keyboard almost 24/7 and gutter converse almost entirely about the most degrading homesexual fantasies, whether uttering them,. or receiving them.  Obscene innuendo is often probably just disguised as "insults," for it appears there are often two people indulging feverishly and simultaneously.  One shudders to think what sort of outlets they would use to satisfy their fantasies, if it were not the Internet. .

Monday, May 21, 2018

Conservatives Need to Remind Trump of Who Elected Him

"Unity through Diversity"

That's what I read on the T shirt of a major-college co-ed recently.  If you think about the origin of the word "diversity" and realize that it is a cognate of "divide," a light will suddenly flash through your head and make you realize that the phrase is the epitome of an oxymoron. It is as dumb as saying, "Chill out by walking through fire."

Yet, exploitation of the clichés of mush-brained college students and liberals could be the only possible argument of certain Congressmen in trying to cram another amnesty for illegal aliens down our throats last week.  They have been trying to do it since the Gang of 8 was commissioned by Bush 43 to hammer out another amnesty for illegal aliens; one that can be force-fed down the throats of conservatives.  Call these "advocates" part of the "Deep State," for they have no affinity with patriotic America. They will not give up; and if we are not vigilant, they will find a way to dupe us again and leave sane Americans scratching their heads in befuddlement.

We are talking about those disciples of open borders that came close to passing another amnesty bill last week.  And they had the blessing of  President Trump.  True conservatives need to remind Trump that we are not quite as dumb as we were when Reagan and Bush 41 pushed the last general amnesty down our gullets in 1987--and the two follow up amnesties (to take care illegal aliens that "fell through the cracks" of the amnesty of 1987).  Specifically, the "follow-up" amnesties were called "245(i)," and "Extension of "245(i)," respectively.

Conservatives  need to remind Trump who put him in office. For our most recent salvation from another amnesty, we can thank a new coalition in Congress called the House Freedom Caucus.  True conservatives in Congress have found a way, at least temporarily, to stop the insanity in Washington; an insanity that is the enemy of the nation and the friend of open borders. The new strategy of patriots in Congress involves compromise with some Democrats, but it can be compared with the another old cliché "Fighting fire with fire."   Read about it here:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Will We Have Sports Betting in Texas?

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that individual states may now have sports betting. Will this affect Texas?

Are you kidding me?  The only sure bet you can make is that Texan sports fans that want to bet legally will still have to go to New Mexico, Louisiana or Oklahoma.

Texas politicians' most precious cash flow has come from the political contributions from the gambling interests from our bordering states: Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico.  All these states have gambling casinos and sports betting.  A big chunk of their revenue comes from Texas big money gamblers--and the border stares do not want any competition from Texas.  They want that Texas money to continue to flow into their states--not out of it (should Texas voters legalize sports gambling). Hence, the out-of-state casino owners will dig deep into their pockets and use their dollars, which is synonymous with political clout, to keep sports betting out of Texas. And our politicians will be happy to accommodate them as long as the lucrative "political contributions" keep coming from the out-of-state gambling interests. 

It took us nearly a century to get parimutuel wagering on horses legalized in Texas, but professional gamblers do not bet much on horse races.The big races are held at racetracks (out of state), where they combine casino gambling with horse betting, both available at the tracks.  Those slot machines bring in far more money than the races. It is casino money that made possible those big purses like the annual WinStar graded stake race at Sunland Park, NM

Keep that in mind when you vote for the "god old boy" politicians that put on their pious faces at Sunday School, but on Mondays, take money from the big gambling interests.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Caravan Asylum Seekers are Guilty of Criminal Fraud

 All  members of that “caravan” that came to our border through Mexico, or bordering Central American countries, seeking “asylum” in the U.S., are guilty of criminal fraud under under Federal law.

8 USC 1182(a)(6)(C)


(i)            IN GENERAL.—Any alien who by fraud or willfully misrepresenting a material fact seeks … entry into the United States or other benefit provided under this act is excludable (and prosecutable for a felony that includes imprisonment for up to five years).

Precedent decisions governing asylum have made it clear that an applicant for asylum must be seeking

“…to escape immediate danger or imminent persecution…”

First we need to clarify that Central America is not a country. The geographical area includes several countries that are in no way united as a single country. None of the caravan members can show that, after they “escaped” their home country, where they allege they were in "immediate danger or imminent persecution” afterwards, as they continued the journey toward our border.

If the caravan members had been bona fide asylum applicants, they would have applied for asylum at the first border they crossed while leaving their “persecuting” country. The fact that they were freely allowed to leave their home country is prima facie evidence that they were not "oppressed" in their home country. Our asylum laws were developed mostly to aid refugees from oppressive Communist countries that built walls to keep  people in. The Mariel Boatlift event of 1980 proved that oppressive regimes have become wiser and now recognize the opportunity for getting rid of their non-productive population by SENDING them to the U.S. (To be fair, there were a few bona fide refugees in that event.)

The U.S. has diplomatic relations with all those “Central American” countries whence come the fraudulent refugee applicants (the caravan), and it seems that it would be a slap in their faces for our Government to declare that they were oppressive to  humble, poorly educated peons with no demonstrable  political beliefs.  However,these countries' leaders well know that their economy benefits enormously from remittances of money sent home by emigrants to relatives in the their home countries. The banana republic leaders know as well as you and I that these peon asylum frauds are simply seeking to better themselves economically (mainly through welfare; very few will ever become financially solvent, if allowed to stay in this country). 

Until recent years, most asylum seekers were embroiled in politics, making their well-documented claims of "imminent danger" credible. We used to require proof―such as jail records and newspaper accounts of oppression of the specific applicant (and his/her immediate family). Our corrupt, incompetent Congress has created a monster by watering down asylum laws to effectively include economic refugees--poor people with no credible proof of oppression for their religious or  political beliefs. American religions have gotten involved, hoping to build up their tithers--supporting Sinclair Lewis’ statement (through a fictional character) that "If Fascism ever comes to this country it will come “wrapped in the flag,  holding a bible.” An overload of perennially-needy, illiterate, third-world imports will help us along the road to socialism, a fact of which Democrats are joyously aware.

For further reading on requirements of applicants for asylum, see:

Friday, April 27, 2018

Arrest of the Golden State Killer

 Although they now have proof beyond doubt as to who the Golden State Killer is, police are tight-lipped about their method of tracking him (through one of the killer’s relative's DNA), and they are not saying which genealogy lab gave them their initial lead. These records are, no doubt, often inadvertently, made public by relatives who, through a common effort, are trying to track their ancestry, and openly discuss their efforts on Internet forums.  One can only imagine the hullabaloo forthcoming, especially from the DNA genealogy labs.  They make their living by tracking ancestry for their customers through the use of DNA.

However, I cannot see the police's method of obtaining their lead through use of a relative's DNA having a gigantic impact on the genealogy labs. A wanted killer is not likely to submit his DNA to them anyway.  However, if you have black sheep on the lam in your family, you might give the police a lead through your own DNA while you are trying to track your ancestry.  As for me, if I have a relative on the lam, I say lock him/her up. Giving the police a lead through my DNA submitted to a genealogy lab would not deter me from using such methods to track my ancestry. Anyway,  I already know who my relatives are back to the mid-1800s, and farther back than that does not really interest me.

When all is said and done, the police finally have their man, and his prosecution is undoubtedly going to cause some police procedural controversies far and wide.  James DeAngelo, the alleged Golden State Killer, is a former cop, a fact that investigators long suspected by his ability to cover up evidence, and by other clues.  He obviously knew all about investigative methods.  He never left fingerprints or other available evidence that he (at the time) knew of, when he began his crime spree; At the beginning of his serial rapes and murders, DNA was not yet available for use by the police―and he left plenty of it at the early crime scenes.

DeAngelo was tracked down by the discovery of DNA from a relative who sent it to a yet un-named genealogy lab. There is going to be a big argument in this trial as to whether DNA from a genealogy business is public information, and perhaps many other unprecedented issues are going to arise. If a relative publishes his/her information on a public forum used by a group of related people, I cannot see a problem.  It seems like it would be similar to eavesdropping a conversation, or finding an incriminating note on the Internet or in the dumpster. Hearsay information from eavesdropping might not be admissible evidence; it might be judged to be hearsay, but such information taken from a public Internet forum between relatives exchanging information might be different.

Illegally-obtained evidence can get the most dangerous criminals off the hook, and since this case is California-based, anything can happen.  A conviction is bound to be appealed under the Fourth Amendment.  The arrest and most of the crimes took place within the jurisdiction of the 9th U.S. Court of Appeals, the worst possible place to get justice.  This case could drag out far beyond 72-year-old, James De Angelo’s, remaining, expected life span, and the grim reaper might cheat society out of his paying the supreme penalty.  However, the proceedings should at least keep him in plenty of misery for the rest of his life.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Gaslighting and Ad Hominem Argument

The charge of "racism" in the U.S. has become a shelter of obfuscation for those who cannot make a logical argument to support their position of supporting degenerate social customs. It is another form of gaslighting and ad hominem argument to try to discredit the opponents of encroaching socialism and fifth-column treason;. It is effective only for those who are amenable to demagoguery; those of lower intellect, or totally lacking thereof. In intellectual authority, those who practice it are barely one notch higher than their dupes..

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Why Trump Should Not Meet With Robert Mueller

Probably at least 90% of all government cases against subjects under federal investigation are prosecuted AFTER SELF INCRIMINATION by the person interrogated (interviewed?).   In such interviews, I suppose there is no Miranda Warning, but nevertheless, a person can be prosecuted based on statements, even unworn ones, by investigators.  Sometimes transcripts of such "interviews " deviate grossly from the verbatim statements actually made by both the interrogator and the target of the investigation.  When the interrogator tells the target that an interview will not be recorded, that should sent up a huge, red flag.  Unrecorded "records" give them more leeway to write the transcript of an interview anyway they want, since only a secretary is responsible for getting it right (but it then can be "edited" by the interrogator to say what he wants it to say). Federal investigators have no more scruples than any other investigator, and since the comprehensive corrupting influences of Obama, they should be viewed with even more circumspect. Like the corrupt media, they can easily use the power of the written word (designed to their needs) to gain advantage. With all the intrigue swirling around the harassment of President Trump and the demoncrat maniacal passion to defrock him,  their credibility is about as low as the mainstream media, and that depth rivals the whale excrement at the bottom of Challenger Deep.

Such interrogation and recording methods of investigators can also be utilized to exonerate someone they want to, especially political confederates with known ties. An example is James Comey's farcical "investigation" of Hillary's multiple breaches of national security, and her destruction of 32,000 emails (which the Russians and every spy in the world probably lifted off the cloud storage system--where they can never be deleted. Russians have been prosecuting spies, using evidence lifted from Hillary's computers).  The decision to exonerate Hillary was reportedly already written up before Comey started his investigation of her; and we assume Bill Clinton was assured of that fact at the "Tarmac Meeting" with Loretta Lynch, then Attorney General, and at that time holding prosecutorial discretion--discretion no doubt guided by her boss,  Obama.

 Comey made a ridiculous effort at CYA  by creating a false element to the path of prosecuting a National security breach by saying Hillary "did not intend"  to break the law.  Intent is totally irrelevant in National security cases,and that is why we have security clearances (which Hillary illegally never had). Comey himself said that she was unqualified to get a security clearance, supposedly for her history of mishandling national security information.

Robert Mueller is a demoncrat with former ties to Hilary Clinton and should have recused himself from any investigation (inquiry?) long ago for his conflicts of interest.  Moreover, the scope of his investigation has been violated and digressed into totally extraneous areas, in violation of the limits of his commission.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Censorship and the Drift Backward Toward a Return to Theocracy

Did you ever read an unabridged edition of Don Quixote?  In the mid-pages we read a lengthy report by "his official censor," explaining why he let this novel pass muster. They did not call them editors or moderators back in those days.  It was the age of the Inquisition and the Church had to approve all published material, even fictional novels, to prevent anti-Government propaganda.  Some say Don Quixote is actually the first novel.  They say that truth is stranger than fiction, but the novel is a vehicle that can get through the political censorship storm with subtle truth that is obvious to the discerning eye. The discerning eye is one that can "read between the lines."

The theocratic Holy Roman Empire  ruled Europe from the end of the Roman Empire in the late 15th century until the French Revolution. Bush 43 gave a return to theocracy a big boost by allowing so-called "faith-based" schools to receive Government aid,  just like public schools.

Historically then, writers have always sought to find ways to get around censorship.  Before Quixote, they did it in more strained ways.  Shakespeare protected his neck by telling tales of kings and nobles that lived two hundred years earlier.  Some say that certain Mother Goose Rhymes were thinly disguised satire of the nobility in England. Aesops' Fables told stories of folly meant to reflect evil and power abuse back in the BCE.  Jesus did it with "parables."

 After a final stormy year of Government service in the old INS branch of the DHS, I decided to retire.  Upon being notified of my intention to retire, my supervisory office in Nogales, AZ,    immediately mailed me the old "non disclosure" Form 189, warning me that if I published anything derived from my government knowledge and experiences, I could have all the royalties diverted to the Government.  There were also not-so-subtle hints of punishment for divulging classified information.  My bosses in Arizona knew that I had obtained a degree in creative writing while studying part-time as a Border Patrol Agent in El Paso.  I planned to write mostly fiction, but that would not have allayed the concerns of my bosses in Nogales, AZ, some fifty miles from my duty station in Sasabe.  I knew that if I had refused to sign the non-disclosure form, they could have denied my application to retire.  So try and stop me, I said inwardly, by signing the non-disclosure form.  I then stuck a smiley face on it with a winking eye.   I still have a copy of the form and the stick-note with the smiley face and winking eye. 

They say that fact is stranger than fiction, but fiction has historically made a darn good vehicle to convey truth for discerning readers.  "Discerning," in this sense, to quote another old cliche, means an ability to read between the lines. 

I think I did some good as a troublemaker who had read the law and tried to enforce it, contrary to the agency as a whole , which has been grossly guilty of dereliction of duty, almost since its inception in 1924. I did my best to highlight this miserable policy that allowed our land to become flooded with illegal aliens--by sometimes demanding a passport as proof of U.S. citizenship--required by law.  I frequently violated policy by applying the law as written at the sacrifice of any hopes of advancing in the bureaucracy, of which I had had none since my earliest years in the agency. I defied illegal policy often at the risk of getting phony criminal charges trumped on me, which I once did, but finally, with great sacrifice, I finally everything dismissed. 

One change that I feel that I was instrumental in was in forcing the Government to require a passport for all applicants for admission to the U.S. at land ports of entry.  That law had been ignored for decades on the Mexican, and other, land borders. It is found in 8 CFR 235.1, and other parts of Federal Law. The disaster of 9-11-01 came seven years after I retired, but I had always known it was coming, but I expected it actually to be much worse. Bush 43's open border policies to coincide with the NAFTA agreement made such a catastrophe inevitable.  And we still have not secured out borders enough to keep out terrorists. Trump is at loggerheads with the Democrats who see illegal immigration as a way to increase their political strength, since most third world immigrants become Democrats if they legalize. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Name Says it All

Democrats have begun to call El Pao politician Beto O'Rourke "Kennedy-esque."  I guess they think it is cool to conjure up the image of one of America's most notorious crime families, also called the "Irish Mafia," originally led by Godfather Joseph Kennedy Sr.  The more things change in American politics, the more they remain the same.  On the border, our government looks more and more like Mexico, the source of most of our new immigrants. They have become the target of most pandering and demagoguery by establishment politicians. Even Trump seems to belatedly realize this. There are no such things as "political refugees" because they bring their problems with them, along with their values--and they infect the rest of us as we assimilate to THEIR standards. That's what happens when we do not control immigration and start letting it control us.

The mob seems to prosper more when they control politics without running for office.  When that happens, the body count of the more prominent among them starts rising. Al Capone was one of the most powerful politicians of his time, but he was wise enough to not run for office and was content to pull the puppet strings from behind the scenes. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Benita Alexander: Professional Duper Who Was Duped in the Most Outrageous Way

I once heard that con artists can victimize almost anyone—even another con artist!  That fact led me to ruminate about the story of Benita Alexander.

Benita Alexander used to be a television producer and investigative reporter for one of the big American con artist corporations: NBC.  Example: they gave a lateral arabesque-type  “promotion” to Brian Williams to get him out of the mainstream eye.  Even the face of CBS' disgraced Dan Rather is still seen on certain oblivious channels, but such good fortune does not appear in the works for Benita.

The mainstream media in recent years have abandoned  all pretenses of being fair and balanced; they have jumped onto the bandwagon of the liberal/progressive fantasy joy ride that frequently betrays them for what they are: propagandists for the national left-wing political movement.  Hollywood is part of it. They are unified in their effort to vilify President Trump, and they fanatically believe they can destroy him for trouncing their Pygmalion airhead, Hillary Clinton, in the 2016 general election. 

A couple of years ago Benita Alexander believed that she was going to wed the most famous doctor in the world, that her wedding would be presided over by Pope Francis, that every major world foreign leader would be at her wedding.  However, she argued with her fiance about having Vladimir Putin at her wedding; she was shrewd enough to know that Putin would be anathema to her fantasy view of the world--and that of her professional associates--why the Pope might be offended.  However, her husband insisted that Putin was so powerful that it would only be proper to include him among the world leaders who would attend their wedding.

 When the bubble finally burst, NBC managers tried to distance themselves as far as possible from her.

Benita Alexander had fallen from the highest lofts of Democratic-type fantasy to the level of doormat in the field of matching wits with real con artists. NBC will not tell her story because she has become the epitome of what normal people hate about the media; those within mostly enjoy the role of the dupers, not the dupes.

Instead of her story being highlighted on NBC, her story is now being told on the Investigative Discovery Channel, and if blatant scandal follows its usual course, we can soon expect a book that  she hopes to make her rich and famous and fill in the void left by the international con artist, Paolo Macchiarini; Macchiarini, whom she once thought to be the knight in shining armor that would lift her to the pinnacle of world fame.

It does make a good scam-type of crime story for ID, but it does nothing to improve the image of Benita Alexander, a career duper for NBC who got duped in the most outrageous fashion.  As much as NBC would like to forget Benita Alexander, she will always be associated in name and by the schematic flaws of the profession.

 Like most megalomaniacs in the fantasy world of modern, mainstream media (which is now synonymous with the Democrat Party), Benita Alexander believes that hope springs eternal for fame and fortune. She decided to revert to playing the poor, pitiful victim in the ID production of her story. There she is playing the role of the underdog in hopes that this new cocoon of a scheme will spawn an eventual Cinderella who will someday rise up from her eponymous ashes and marry the Prince--at least figuratively; all that if the book becomes a best seller. For me, it would be just another "best seller" puffed by the NYT that I will have to pass up because I see scam stories in the news every day.  What makes this story worthy of this essay is because it falls into the category of poetic justice.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Will Evangelicals save the Trump presidency in 2020?

Trump fantasizes that the Evangelicals may save his presidency in 2020, but it will not go down that way.

Point Source:

Congressional advocates of every amnesty claimed that theirs was the last, and "Now we control the border."  Reagan's 1986 IRCA meant Immigration REFORM and CONTROL Act. We had two more clean-up amnesties since then [245(i) and Extension of 245(i)].  The majority of Congressmen in both parties are the rogue leaders of our rogue nation that exploits cheap labor.They forget that all those illegally imported third world stoop laborers—and handmaids that feminists exploit—want socialism (which they get a taste of with social welfare programs they exploit while still illegal)--and the Democrats promise it as a way of life, after legalization. 

The gestation from illegal immigrant to Democrat voter is about 15-20 years.   The end of the Republican Party likely will come whenever Trump leaves office.  The Democrats thought it came with the election of Obama, but it rose for one last gasp in 2016.  However, Trump's lies and broken promises appear to be the GOP's political epitaph. The GOP's only hope for revival and survival is to oust Trump in the 2020 primary with an honest, patriotic candidate like Trey Gowdy or Ted Cruz.  No matter who the GOP runs, he’ll be labeled the devil incarnate and a racist by the Democrat/Hollywood corrupt media alliance, and he has to be willing to take on more libel and slander than Andrew and Rachel Jackson. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Who Killed Kennedy and Why?

I always thought the assassination of JFK was the culmination of a turf war between the Carlos Marcello New Orleans mob and the Joseph Kennedy crime family. Marcello had long controlled big-time smuggling across the Gulf waters. When Kennedy started dismantling the AC&W radar sites along the Mexican border in 1961, Marcello probably feared the Irish Mafia's land and air smuggling across the Mexican border would put his sea vessel smuggling across the Gulf out of business. Russia promptly took advantage of our dismantling the southern border radar and moved into Cuba intermediate range ballistic missiles, much more efficient than the longer-range ones.

When it comes to mob turf wars, many people get involved, including some Government officials. Speculation as to whether LBJ was a co-conspirator is still alive by historians.

I served as an Air Force aircraft and warning (AC&W) Operator from 1953 until 1957, and later, I served in the Border Patrol from 1962 until 1975--and got a hands-on view of both operations. I left Border Patrol to serve in a different branches of the old INS, now part of the Department of Homeland Security, mostly as an Inspector, Examiner or Criminal Investigator. It took a few years for me to realize just how corrupt our Government is when it comes to both contraband and illegal alien smuggling. Either crime can be controlled if the Government had the will.

On April 3, 2003, in an interview with Fox News, General Tommy Franks said that any country that wants to can control its borders.

Pending Legislation

Being the majority party means nothing if you do not know how to use the power. Reagan took them to the brink more than once in their stand-offs, even assigning which non-emergency Government employees to stay home. The Democrats always caved in. Let the Democrats biggest constituency be late getting their welfare checks just once and Trump will have them where he wants them