Sunday, July 8, 2012

Texas Attorney General Fights for Texas Voter ID

Article in the the Amarillo Globe News 7/8/2012:

“Texas Attorney General Abbott returns to D.C. for voter ID fight | Amarillo Globe-News”

Texas needs this law more than any other state. In addition to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the State, there may be some actually serving in political offices. With the advent of the Obama prepotency, we have been reduced to two branches of Government, with the Supreme Court dangling by a thread and kissing up to Obama in hopes of retaining some Constitutionally awarded powers (and like Obama, usurping the power of Congress by edict, as the Chief Justice did by “editing” Obama Care without remanding it to Congress to decide whether the mandate is a tax).

The City Council of El Paso voted to boycott Arizona due to that state's victory in the Supreme Court authorizing civil authorities to arrest illegal aliens. El Paso is suspect due to the enormous amount of corruption recently uncovered by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. These people fear transparency as much As Obama, perhaps even more, for if they are ever arrested, we'll find out whom their fingerprints really belong to, and how many fugitives are among them.

There is some hypocrisy on the part of Governor Perry, however, for the Texas Dream Act, supported by him and David Dewhurst, is nothing more than a backdoor amnesty for Texas' large illegal alien population. History shows that when one member of a (large) extended family gets a foot in the door, the extended family soon follows. If you doubt it, check out the last two amnesties, 245(i) and Extension of 245(i) since the 21st century began. Perry and Dewhurst count illegal aliens as legal residents to give them a break on college tuition. His "You don't have a heart!" speech, denouncing those who are tired of illegal alien amnesties [3 since 1987: IRCA, 245(i), and Extension of 245(i)], during the GOP Presidential debates, got him laughed out of being a viable candidate for President. Texans need to start rewarding those who abide by the law, not illegal aliens. Dewhurst’s biggest fear of Ted Cruz is the fact that he has been a consistent advocate of border control and opponent of amnesty for illegal aliens.

Senate candidate Dewhurst is attacking his opponent, Ted Cruz with one single negative ad. Every U.S. citizen who has a 401(k) account has money invested in the corporate factories in China and many of the third world countries. In fact, pressure on the American corporations abroad transfers pressure to our politicians to a "let 'em come," policy in reference to the economic refugees that those countries want to get rid of and send over here to be tax burdens on homebound Americans. This fact also debunks the mainstream media's attack on Mitt Romney for having money invested abroad. Instead of not "connecting" with the common people, as the Obama-biased media trumpets, he is the epitome of the average American who has money invested in stocks or in a 401(k) plan; all are foreign investors to a degree larger than they realize.

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