Carly Fiorina seems to be on her way to anointment by the
liberal media to be the 2016 Republican presidential candidate to face Hillary
Clinton. If the media succeeds, she
will lose. Both she and Hillary are
where they are because the media says it is time for a woman to be President --like
they said it was time for a black to be president in 2008. The low-information electorate took the bait
and elected Barack Hussein Obama. Hillary will win because the low information
electorate is in her corner; in fact, whoever faces her will have to overcome
that default 35% handicap of the low-information
electorate that is always awarded to the
Democrat presidential candidate before the election starts. The Democrat
candidate has only to garner about 15% of the normal,
national vote to win, and they always struggle to do even that. (Jimmy Carter got
about 20% of the white vote in Georgia for Governor, but nearly 100% of the
black vote.)
Carly Fiorina’s explanation as to why she was fired from her
job as CEO of Hewlett Packard dodges the issue. Here’s what she said on the TV show, Meet the
press on July 15, 2015:
"It is a leader's job to challenge the status
quo," Fiorina told Chuck Todd during her "Meet the Candidates"
interview, "and when you do, you make enemies."
Carly Fiorina is a fraud.
She is NOT challenging the status quo in this presidential
election. In fact, she is depending very
heavily on the status quo by trying to be anointed by the media as GOP
candidate to face Hillary Clinton. Like
Obama played the race card when he had no answers, Fiorina is subtly playing
the feminist card by attacking Trump and his fiery answer to Megan Kelly’s attempt to
embarrass him at the GOP debates on 8/7/2015. Fiorina wants it both ways. She wants to compete in the rough and tumble
world of American politics, but still wants to be treated as a “lady.”
There are neither ladies nor gentlemen in the
field of GOP or Democrat candidates. Obama's lack of general decorum in is 2008 campaign referenced Vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, as a "pig with lipstick." Obama forever ended and semblance of decorum in American politics by introducing to it the law-of-the-jungle politics.
Women’s lib keeps females from being addressed as "ladies" on shows like the presidential debates. Prize
fight announcers still address the
audience as “ladies and gentlemen,” but that is because women and men do not
compete against one another in the same ring, or cage, as they do in politics.
Fiorina tried psychological transference of her own armor chinks by telling
Face the Nation today that Trump has a “thin skin.” Trump simply recognizes when he
is being treated unfairly and he fights back.
He does not run into the corner and cry like a “schoolgirl,” and we may
see Fiorina (which, ironically, in Italian, translates as "little flower") do just that before Trump finishes with her when they face off in a
debate. She will probably wish she had stayed in the second tier of candidates where
she belongs. She and other GOP candidates, in concert with the media, are desperately hoping to "finish off" Trump quickly and not have to face his truths, especially as relates to the status quo of illegal immigration,
In Thursday night’s debates, Bret Baier already had Trump’s
dander up before Megyn Kelly got to him with her cheap shot:
“Mr. Baier started out with a question that was ostensibly
pointed at all 10 candidates but was really meant for just one: Mr. Trump.
“’Is there anyone onstage — and can I see hands — who is
unwilling tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the
Republican Party and pledge to not run an independent campaign against that
person?” Mr. Baier asked.’”
If Fiorina faces Hillary in the 2016 general election (along
with third party candidate, Donald Trump), she would lose even if Trump takes
away 20% of the conservative vote because Hillary, though a couple of decades
older than Fiorina, is actually more attractive than Fiorina.
Fiorina does not have a pretty face.
She has an apparent malocclusion that may be the reason she talks with a
noticeable lisp and a nasal wheeze.
Less than a month since her last appearance on Meet the Press, Fiorina was back on their stage again today,
8/9/2015. That is consistent with my deduction that CBS and the rest of the
liberal media are grooming (anointing) her to be the GOP loser for 2016 in their vision of an all-female general election..