In Monday’s debate, Obama used the old “ACORN Browbeat”
against Romney, but Romney was not intimidated.
The browbeat consists of craning the neck extremely forward toward the
target and staring at him with an intense frown.
Another word for the Obama Browbeat was the”get in their
faces” tactic espoused by Obama and used by many of his agitators during the
election of 2008. Now that Americans
have awakened, at least to some degree, its usefulness is currently about the
same as (to use another Obama cliché) “horses and bayonets.”
Obama has had some practice at browbeating and filing
lawsuits against banks--as a representative of ACORN. One lending institution that Obama filed
charges against was Citibank. See:
There has been much controversy regarding the economic
impact of the CRA. The current Administration, of course, claims that the CRA is not to blame for so
many bank failures See The Subprime
Mortgage Crisis at:
An excerpt:
“Conservatives and
libertarians have also debated the possible effects of the Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA), with detractors claiming that the Act encouraged
lending to uncreditworthy borrowers,[134][135][136][137] and defenders claiming
a thirty year history of lending without increased risk.[138][139][140][141]
Detractors also claim that amendments to the CRA in the mid-1990s, raised the
amount of mortgages issued to otherwise unqualified low-income borrowers, and
allowed the securitization of CRA-regulated mortgages, even though a fair
number of them were subprime.[142][143]
“Federal Reserve Governor Randall Kroszner and Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair have stated their belief
that the CRA was not to blame for the crisis.”