Friday, October 20, 2017

The Real Collusion Starts to Find Daylight

This week we found out that former FBI Director Comey, before Trump fired him, actually wrote a letter to Hillary clearing her of all her breaches of national security (by making up some new laws that suddenly declared that "intent" was an essential element to build a case of breach of national security).  Comey sent Hillary the letter TWO WEEKS before she actually came before his committee to testify regarding the server emails and her compromises of national security.  Then, when she appeared before his committee (and was never sworn in for obvious reasons), she obviously knew all of Comey's questions beforehand because she already had Comey's  letter clearing her from all allegations in advance of the "hearing."  These farcical "hearings" were taking place at the same time Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch, (the attorney general who held Hillary's fate in her hands) on the tarmac at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix (no doubt to remind Lynch of all the outstanding political IOUs he and Hillary had on Lynch's boss, Obama).

So, after all the political dust begins to settle, we learn that the actual collusion with Russia turns out to be between Hillary with Vladimir Putin.  Hillary very recklessly sold Putin 20% of our uranium supply for a pittance, but her Clinton Foundation became $120 million richer.  Some foreign geographical territory to the North seems to somehow have gotten involved, or tricked into, a circuitous routing of money into the Clinton Foundation. Uranium is the base source of fuel for nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, and we have never had so much of it that we can afford to sell it to Communist countries. Russia supplies other rogue nations, including North Korea,  with nuclear supplies and technology. 

All of these false stories about Republican "collusion" seems now to have been smokescreens behind which Obama and Hillary carried on bad deals with Russia while giving up much of our defense supply of uranium. It now also appears that the democrat (and media) strategy to keep all its colleagues out of jail is to keep Trump on the defensive with false charges of one kind or another and try to buy enough time to where everyone forgets all the facts.  The fog is starting to clear up, and it appears that Anthony Weiner may be the first to be hoisted by the democrat petards, but lets hope he will not be the last.  Democrats prefer stonewalling together and not making scapegoats of anyone because scapegoats tend to become whistleblowers. A corrupt government like Obama's cannot go on fooling the American public forever.  Republican President Abraham Lincoln said "You can fool all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bush 43 Laments Emasculated Legacy by Attacking President Trump

I am re-publishing this in my blog because I cannot feel secure that it will be published on Topix Forums.  It did not immediately show up, which means it is probably getting reviewed by editors due to certain word-triggers that show that it is not sympathetic to democrats.

George Bush (Bush 43) probably never wrote a speech, but he can read one fairly well, as he did today on TV in his criticism of President Trump. The jackal-like Bush perceives Trump as (media-) wounded game that can now be criticized without fear of repercussions –because he can do it with the blessing of the corrupt media--with which he has chosen to collude.   

Bush 43 is finally trying to give us the impression that he has grown a pair--after boasting for 8 years that he did not criticize his successor (Obama) as some some kind of "matter of principle."  He had neither that, nor intelligence.  The truth is that Bush recognizes his inarticulacy, and was scared witless at the thought of being called a racist--even for Obama's non race-related malfeasance--and that explains his giving Obama a pass on every subversive, atrocious thing he chose to do.  Such pusillanimity helped Obama almost destroy the Republican Party and the country's borders and immigration laws.  Oh yeah, while he was president. Bush took credit for sending the Gang of 8 to hammer out that famous amnesty that  "was not an amnesty," which, in fact, would have been the most generous reward ever given to immigration law-breakers.  

Is Bush cunning or what?  Wait...are we not talking about the same president 43 that sent  a message to "friends" in the Saudi Government, a few days after 911, and asked them to join his "Crusade" against the Taliban?  How can you get through Yale without knowing the anathema of that word to a Muslim?

This is that same incompetent excuse for a "leader" that  was asleep at the wheel when his Saudi Arabia "friends" (he boasted a special, close friendship with the Saudi bin Laden family) were sending scores of unqualified peon visitors to the U.S. for "pilot training"--and Bush's network of intelligence sycophants never noticed that these ineligible, insolvent,  lower-class "visitors"demanded "flight training" courses that would only enable them to turn a plane 180 degrees in air and guide it back to a designated building, including the Pentagon, and therein crash it. No one noticed that these unqualified, peon "visitors" were not interested in learning to  take off or land any planes.  Oh, yeah, they did learn how to disconnect the transponders on planes so that their plane's flight course could not be tracked with certainty by FAA radar. 

This is not a case of the pot (Bush) calling the kettle (Trump) black; it is a case of a turd called a golden chalice a spittoon.  No one will ever read a real, truthful biography about Bush 43 because it would be so astoundingly absurd as to defy reason.  And whoever would visit the library of a president who can be demonstrably shown to have never read a book.