As a lawyer, Megyn Kelly should know the difference between
a question and a statement. Her
statement to Trump at the first debate was a lengthy, poorly disguised, barrage
of embarrassing questions with predicated conclusions that highlighted her
hostile opinion, but not necessarily facts.
She wanted to turn the debate into the Megyn Kelly coming-out show. She gambled her career on her effort to
destroy Trump. She had hoped to win the
gamble and send her esteem among women activists soaring and become the hero of
an over-estimated "feminine movement". She must have felt that as a member of the
media, she could rely on all the other networks to join her smear of
Trump. They did, but the days of the
corrupt mainstream media bamboozling the majority is at an end.
The more the mainstream media tries to destroy someone, like
Trump, the stronger they make him. If women, or other minorities, want to get
involved in politics, from now on they must be able to stand the heat. With the
departure of Obama, we slough off the paranoia of criticizing any minority
politician, without a hint of a racial slur, yet still being called a
racist. Color became the King's X of
immunity from criticism, even if the criticism is dead on and right. The only good I can see coming out of the
Obama years is the awakening of the American male and restoring his
manhood. It will no longer be noble to
bow down before those inferior in intellect and ability. We have confused noblesse oblige with
cowardice and the latter has made us take a back seat to the mentally
challenged politicians running for office.
We have learned how needlessly skittish we had become of making any kind
of critical remark against any kind of minority.
Our career politicians paid the price of their spinelessness
by acquiescing to the election of a president totally at odds with American
culture and American values. Good
riddance to him and our paranoia. The Tea party is here to stay and we will, we
must, make it stronger. Anyone is
welcome as long as they are conservative, honest and have a firm grip on
reality. There is no room for career demagogues, the lazy and the phonies whose
only skill is a loud mouth and the ability to rouse the rabble with false
claims of oppression. .