Sunday, December 31, 2017

Will Religion Intimidate Our Government?

It is time we stopped the religious demagogues from mixing religion with government.  Religious people have screwed up every country they ever took over, including the Holy Roman Empire.   In almost every country in Europe, the Church called the political shots and had to approve every leader, every judge, etc.; they could overrule the government in all matters, especially sanctuary. 

Eventually, severe religious oppression brought about a spontaneous explosion of mass violence in  Europe called the French Revolution, which liberated most of Europe from the oppression of religion as practiced in the Holy Roman Empire..

The founding father of Democracy, President Thomas Jefferson, established a political doctrine called the “Wall of Separation” between our government and religion.   The ignorant fundamentalist demagogues called “religious leaders”  have been busy trying to erode that great doctrine ever since.

Nowadays, many elected politicians want to be addressed as "Reverend" instead of their political title. The New Testament made it clear that there was to be a separation of the Christian church and state; Jesus expressed that in his "render unto Caesar" statement.  Matthew 22:2.  There are many theocracies around the world, mostly Muslim, and invariably they practice much oppression, especially to women. We need to avoid that incursion into our own Government.

The court antics of former judge and church cleric , Willie Singletary, a former Philadelphia traffic court judge (recently convicted for multiple cases of corruption) is a blatant example of how much abuse so-called religions leaders foist upon our government, especially the court system.  Our spineless leaders need to call them out every time they invoke their religion as a defense against charges of malfeasance.

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Real Collusion Starts to Find Daylight

This week we found out that former FBI Director Comey, before Trump fired him, actually wrote a letter to Hillary clearing her of all her breaches of national security (by making up some new laws that suddenly declared that "intent" was an essential element to build a case of breach of national security).  Comey sent Hillary the letter TWO WEEKS before she actually came before his committee to testify regarding the server emails and her compromises of national security.  Then, when she appeared before his committee (and was never sworn in for obvious reasons), she obviously knew all of Comey's questions beforehand because she already had Comey's  letter clearing her from all allegations in advance of the "hearing."  These farcical "hearings" were taking place at the same time Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch, (the attorney general who held Hillary's fate in her hands) on the tarmac at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix (no doubt to remind Lynch of all the outstanding political IOUs he and Hillary had on Lynch's boss, Obama).

So, after all the political dust begins to settle, we learn that the actual collusion with Russia turns out to be between Hillary with Vladimir Putin.  Hillary very recklessly sold Putin 20% of our uranium supply for a pittance, but her Clinton Foundation became $120 million richer.  Some foreign geographical territory to the North seems to somehow have gotten involved, or tricked into, a circuitous routing of money into the Clinton Foundation. Uranium is the base source of fuel for nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, and we have never had so much of it that we can afford to sell it to Communist countries. Russia supplies other rogue nations, including North Korea,  with nuclear supplies and technology. 

All of these false stories about Republican "collusion" seems now to have been smokescreens behind which Obama and Hillary carried on bad deals with Russia while giving up much of our defense supply of uranium. It now also appears that the democrat (and media) strategy to keep all its colleagues out of jail is to keep Trump on the defensive with false charges of one kind or another and try to buy enough time to where everyone forgets all the facts.  The fog is starting to clear up, and it appears that Anthony Weiner may be the first to be hoisted by the democrat petards, but lets hope he will not be the last.  Democrats prefer stonewalling together and not making scapegoats of anyone because scapegoats tend to become whistleblowers. A corrupt government like Obama's cannot go on fooling the American public forever.  Republican President Abraham Lincoln said "You can fool all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time; but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Bush 43 Laments Emasculated Legacy by Attacking President Trump

I am re-publishing this in my blog because I cannot feel secure that it will be published on Topix Forums.  It did not immediately show up, which means it is probably getting reviewed by editors due to certain word-triggers that show that it is not sympathetic to democrats.

George Bush (Bush 43) probably never wrote a speech, but he can read one fairly well, as he did today on TV in his criticism of President Trump. The jackal-like Bush perceives Trump as (media-) wounded game that can now be criticized without fear of repercussions –because he can do it with the blessing of the corrupt media--with which he has chosen to collude.   

Bush 43 is finally trying to give us the impression that he has grown a pair--after boasting for 8 years that he did not criticize his successor (Obama) as some some kind of "matter of principle."  He had neither that, nor intelligence.  The truth is that Bush recognizes his inarticulacy, and was scared witless at the thought of being called a racist--even for Obama's non race-related malfeasance--and that explains his giving Obama a pass on every subversive, atrocious thing he chose to do.  Such pusillanimity helped Obama almost destroy the Republican Party and the country's borders and immigration laws.  Oh yeah, while he was president. Bush took credit for sending the Gang of 8 to hammer out that famous amnesty that  "was not an amnesty," which, in fact, would have been the most generous reward ever given to immigration law-breakers.  

Is Bush cunning or what?  Wait...are we not talking about the same president 43 that sent  a message to "friends" in the Saudi Government, a few days after 911, and asked them to join his "Crusade" against the Taliban?  How can you get through Yale without knowing the anathema of that word to a Muslim?

This is that same incompetent excuse for a "leader" that  was asleep at the wheel when his Saudi Arabia "friends" (he boasted a special, close friendship with the Saudi bin Laden family) were sending scores of unqualified peon visitors to the U.S. for "pilot training"--and Bush's network of intelligence sycophants never noticed that these ineligible, insolvent,  lower-class "visitors"demanded "flight training" courses that would only enable them to turn a plane 180 degrees in air and guide it back to a designated building, including the Pentagon, and therein crash it. No one noticed that these unqualified, peon "visitors" were not interested in learning to  take off or land any planes.  Oh, yeah, they did learn how to disconnect the transponders on planes so that their plane's flight course could not be tracked with certainty by FAA radar. 

This is not a case of the pot (Bush) calling the kettle (Trump) black; it is a case of a turd called a golden chalice a spittoon.  No one will ever read a real, truthful biography about Bush 43 because it would be so astoundingly absurd as to defy reason.  And whoever would visit the library of a president who can be demonstrably shown to have never read a book.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

President Trump Deftly Passes the Buck

Did Donald Trump just pass the buck to Congress, or what?  What a cowardly way to solve the problem of the DACAs.  Obviously, Trump plans for the illegal aliens that Obama illegally smuggled into the U.S., transported and harbored, called “DACAs,” to get amnesty—but he wants Congress to persuade the people of the U.S. to swallow dictum without getting any blame for himself.  If the GOP rank and file let Trump get away with this (The Democrats love it—for it executes the will of their party—opens borders and grants amnesty for all), then they may as well have elected Hillary on November 8, 20-16. Reporters are saying that Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer have made a back room deal whereby they  essentially are willing to take the heat in order to help Trump save his image as a law and order president (while Schumer gloats up his sleeve).
Here is the law showing how POTUS Trump dodged the DACA issue and is trying to palm off the blame on Congress:

8 USC 1103 (a) “The Attorney General shall be charged with the administration and the enforcement of this Act [The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 as amended—the Act that our Government presently operates under] and all other laws relating to the immigration and naturalization of aliens, except insofar as this Act or such laws relate powers functions and duties conferred upon the President, the Secretary of State, the officers of the Department of State, or diplomatic or consular officers: PROVIDED HOWEVER, that determination and ruling by the Attorney General with respect to all questions of law SHALL BE CONTROLLING....”  (uppercase letters added for emphasis.)   Therefore, only Attorney General Jeff Sessions can issue legal directives on what to do with the DACAs and the other estimated 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S.  Trump, however, has already taken steps to weaken the image of Sessions by excoriating him for (wisely) recusing himself from participating in the investigation of collusion between the Trump Administration and Russia.   After essentially illegally stripping  the Attorney General of his Constitutional authority, Trump has assumed the role of “decider” with  what to do about the DACAs, but he wants to make it appear that Congress is to blame—for they surely will “solve the problem” with yet another amensty—the fourth in the past thirty years. That is the only thing they are empowered to do by Article One of the Constitution.

8 USC 1103 (a) goes on to describe the duties and authorities of all Department of Justice employees with regard to the enforcement of the Immigration and naturalization laws. They are available in their entirety at the Cornell Law web site.  You can read the law in its entirety and nowhere does it say that Congress has one whit of authority to enforce immigration laws.  That authority lays strictly under the purview of the President. Like most the politicians in the polluted swamp he says he is going to drain, Trump is playing a shell game.

So how should this slight of hand by Trump make any thinking conservative feel about the President’s  sincerity of enforcing immigration laws—the issue that ignited his base during the election of 2016?  Congress can do only one thing with immigration laws that might make it appear that President Trump is not shirking his duties: that is to grant  amnesty to illegal aliens, especially those called “DACAs”.  Congress cannot deport anyaone and they never have. That is the President’s exclusive responsibility, as set forth above in the first paragraph,  and his enforcement policies are to be carried out by the Attorney General whose orders and policies are CONTROLLING.

I have always thought that Trump is the consummate globalist president.  He owns more property abroad than any president ever, and  If he ends NAFTA, as he promised, he will replace it with something worse, for he has so much as said so.  Before he is finished, the Democrats will love him, but they will continue to assault him because he is not a democrat, even if our sovereignty is titally gone by the end of his presidency. . 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Sanctuary Has Become a Euphemism for Unlawful Activity

The Unitarian Universalist Church is looking more and more like a mob of racketeers.  They are heavily engaged in harboring illegal aliens, as well as aiding and abetting them to enter and remain in the United States in defiance of federal laws.  It bears little resemblance to a conventional “religion” as we perceive them, for they admit they have no creed, and, essentially, “anything goes.” Atheists are welcome as members.

The charade of the mobsters in the UU are using America’s historical Constitutional freedom and protection of religion as an abusive maneuver to justify their trafficking in illegal immigration--by calling it a “sanctuary movement.”  In fact, its members’ motive is similar to that of many other pseudo religions in the U.S. today that try to build up their membership and their political and economic power by increasing their numbers through illegal immigration. They are part of the radical left-wing political movement in this country that has no loyalty to our Constitution, our country’s sovereignty, or to its future as a free nation. Pseudo religion is becoming an unprecedented danger to our continued existence as a free nation. At present, the UU is reportedly, boldly planning defiance of immigration law enforcement in Colorado under the guise of a so-called “sanctuary movement.”
For the record, “church sanctuary” ended as an international legal practice in 1806 with the end of the Holy Roman Empire.  For a thousand years (from Charlemagne to Napoleon), the Roman Catholic Church enjoyed immunity from all political leaders of the HRE while engaging in the practice of harboring fugitives from justice.  

Needless to say, there were, and still are, dangers in harboring fugitives from justice. The practice of sanctuary involves secrecy. We never know what other atrocities these felons commit when we allow them to pick and choose what national laws they wish to obey. If we recognize their self-described “sanctuary,” we recognize their autonomy as a microcosm, or enclave, of a government.  Obviously, it is in the best interest of pseudo religions to cover up what goes on in a sanctuary.  David Koresh covered up his evil doings for a long time before the Government finally mustered the courage to call his hand. So did Warren Jeffs and so do many other charlatans presently engaging in pseudo-religion. No church has the ability to vet applicants for sanctuary and protect themselves from the liability and dangers of harboring real and potential felons.  Nor do they really want to protect themselves; often criminals are behind the movement and they may engage in it to satisfy their own perverted interests—as did the “Reverend” Jim Jones before the massacre at Jonestown, Guyana.  Engaging in perversion is what distinguishes these de facto governmental separatists from bona fide religions. If they were on the up and up, they would have nothing to hide (as the word “sanctuary” implies); but too often what they are trying to conceal is criminal activity behind a screen of pseudo religion. As shown by the above examples, religion, particularly one engaged in illegal “sanctuary” is often a shield for criminal activities as well as political activism.  

Monday, June 12, 2017

Trump is the Embodiment of Disloyalty

How can Trump talk about "loyalty," when he has just stabbed his conservative base in the back?  When he granted his executive amnesty to nearly a million illegal aliens called "Dreamers," it wa the epitome of disloyalty. Those million  aliens are already anchors to at least five million more in their extended families who are already joining them. So, add six million more to the 20 million non-dreamers already here waiting for amnesty. Do not believe that Congress will soon pass a law (along with the coming amnesty)  barring amnesty beneficiaries, including Dreamers, from becoming citizens.  That is contrary to existing immigration law and probably unconstitutional, recalling the old "indentured servitude" laws by which many Europeans paid their passage to the British colonies in the 17th century. Indentured servitude was closely akin to slavery.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Farcical, Democrat James Comey Hearings

The so-called "Comey Hearing" began today with a hostile opening statement by the extremely biased Senator Mark Warner, He proceeded by making statements concluding with a condemnation of President Trump.  Warner twisted his remarks into questions that called for Comey to agree with him with a simple "yes," or "no,|" Warner appears to be an attorney representing James Comey in what is essentially an act of reprisal for his dismissal as head of the FBI. In a court of law, Warner would not get by with these leading statements, containing predicated conclusions disguised as "questions." He was simply using Comey as a mouthpiece to agree with his own hostile opinions. 

I am very troubled by the fact that the "evidence" that Senator Warner believes justifies bringing about this hearing are James Comey's "personal memos," meaning personal notes that Comey admits he made after each meeting with President Trump. At the hearing a few minutes ago, Comey admitted that he did not make notes after meetings with President George Bush (43), or after meetings with President Obama.

I have a serious problem with evidence that originated with the primary witness in allegations of "inappropriate conduct" by President Trump. This hearing centers upon the former FBI Director, James Comey's credibility.  Neither personal notes, nor memos written by anyone involved in an investigation, can hardly be considered probative evidence in an adversarial public airing of a conflict of political views. The Democrat members of the Senate Intelligence Committee lavished praise upon James Come's impeccable credentials, but those are highly subjective evaluations of Comey's credibility.  It goes to Democrat motivation: they see  Comey as a possible tool in their goal of destroying Trump. After all, Comey was the Democrats' ace-in-the hole in saving the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton--with his dubious act of “clearing” her for gross negligence in handling national security information. He did it by misinterpreting or misapplying the law, intentionally or otherwise. 

Those of us not afflicted with Democrat-type selective amnesia will remember that James Comey discovered serious breaches and gross negligence in Hillary Clinton's handling of highly sensitive classified information.  She did it through use of her illegal, personal email server when she was Secretary of State. After his investigation of Hillary Clinton, James Comey went so far as to say that the former Secretary of State would not be eligible for a security clearance that would entitle her to have access to classified information. However, Comey displayed his sympathy with Hillary Clinton by saying he found that she was not prosecutable because of  her"lack of intent" in blatant breaches in handling documents of national security.  This does not speak well for America's method of selecting its Government officials. We must ask how someone ineligible for a security clearance can achieve one of the highest offices in the land and be second in line for succession to the Presidency.  The State Department is the agency that handles the most serious information of a classified nature--such as handling foreign relations where the agency is instrumental in collecting most of our foreign intelligence.

After completely condemning Hillary Clinton's lack of competency and lack of qualification to handle classified information, Comey said that he did not prosecute her because the element of "intent" was missing in her mental state while compromising our national security,  Right there is where James Comey completely destroyed his own credibility.  If the Head of the FBI does not know what the essential elements of building a case of gross negligence in handling national security, he is either a liar or completely incompetent. That flies in the face of Democrat Senator Warner and Risch's glowing description of Comey's credibility. Intent is not an essential element in prosecuting a case of breach of security. This writer, and possibly others, believe that Comey's real motive in clearing Hillary Clinton was that he believed that she would be his boss after Presidential Inauguration Day on January.21, 2017.  The media's election polls certainly indicated that.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Trump's Welfare Reduction Plans

President Trump's new reduction in welfare programs, announced in the news today (May 23, 2017), might turn out to be the best incentive in the past fifty years to encourage people to start to work for a living again.

In physics, every action usually induces a reaction. Satisfying the altruistic instincts of social workers can become an albatross around the necks of other citizens--such as the business owners on Lubbock’s 34th Street (in the news today).  34th Street merchants told us that the homeless are no longer just panhandling there; they are demanding handouts. Some merchants interviewed by local TV reporters claim the indigents are even breaking into the businesses. Maybe they figure they are just as entitled to a free ride as those at Lubbock’s Grace Campus, a free housing community for the homeless. In Depression days, we would have called these, collectively, a “poor house.”  Unlike the erstwhile Depression era poor houses, this one occupies a large block adjacent to an industrial area and comprises a large number of wooden mini-houses. Originally, the social workers housed these occupants in box-like tents.

In the 1930s, FDR, under a federal program called FERA, essentially re-named the former poor farms to the more politically correct, “resettlement communities.” The Government pumped a lot more money into them and assigned a federal bureaucrat called, a Home Economist, to oversee the local leader, called a Community Manager. See: 

The original “community house” of the Ropesville, TX Resettlement Community has been moved a short distance, but it is still in Ropesville, near the original, Resettlement Community. A plaque commemorates it as one of FDR’s New Deal Programs. It sits adjacent to the large, once Government-owned, Poor Farm that juts deep into the center of the small town of Ropesville, TX.
Erskine Caldwell was one of the few Depression Era novelists bold enough to highlight the fears that the once proud farmers had of “ending up on the poor farm." They feared living with what they considered deadbeats abusing the welfare system in Government housing. Some literally preferred death to going to the poor farm, as in Caldwell’s "Tobacco Road."  The novel is much better and more realistic than the movie.

Nowadays, major publications, such as the NYT, snub novels that update welfare abuse, but make “best sellers” of authors that stick to the politically correct viewpoint of glorifying social workers and depicting all recipients as "unfortunate."These publications are in bed with the liberals who are not about to admit the failure of most of our mushrooming social welfare programs since WWII.  More than half of federal spending now goes to welfare, or so-called “safety net” programs that include Social Security (initiated during the FDR Administration) and its concomitant welfare programs.

Thanks to the advent of POD publishing, and such politically incorrect novels as my own “Undercover Hobo,” the public can now share a few esoteric, updated glimpses into the enormity of current welfare abuse. You might say I was “blessed” (from a writer’s viewpoint) with several years as a border guard checking boxcars, beating the bushes of hobo jungles, dislodging illegal aliens from unimaginable nooks, crannies and crevasses--and, most importantly, interacting with real hobos. I learned that accident-appearing, decapitations are often cover-ups for murders. I worked mostly nights so I could attend daytime college classes and study creative writing.

There will always be homeless people. Most, however, are homeless by choice, occasionally facilitated by social welfare programs. Most free spirits do not grow roots in the rescue missions of the larger cities and become “home guards” (permanent party) in the Skid Row rescue missions. Many are simply afflicted with wanderlust and a strong desire to survive by their own instincts. To be sure, there are misanthropes, like members of the FTRA, but they include wanderers who are occasionally willing to exploit the symbiotic relationship between social workers and the drifters (symbiotic, because these types accept handouts and create jobs for social workers). One of my characters, “Sandhouse,” introduced in Chapter 3 of “Undercover Hobo,” illustrates this phenomenon. These types will tolerate social compassion for only a short time; then they resume roaming. 

In the Great Depression, city and county governments shared the cost of poor houses and poor farms with the federal government.  Dodging the local costs of welfare spawned the practice of officers from poorer counties transporting indigent transients to adjacent county lines, surreptitiously dropping them off, and telling them how to reach the poor farms, or poor houses, of the neighboring counties.

You must have lived for a long time to note the changing attitudes toward accepting welfare in America. When Erskine Caldwell wrote Tobacco Road, there was a strong indignity attached to welfare for most people. He wrote the book in 1932, the year FDR ousted Hoover after one term, when people called poor farms what they were; when “the poor” was a compound noun. Most of the people get that way nowadays through indolence and lack of ambition; not by some catastrophic event, like the Great Depression.  The importation of poverty from third world countries, outside legal channels, has expedited America’s drift to socialism, and it is approaching completion.  The election of Hilllary would have expedited it, but the attitudes are still there and the march toward socialism and its attached chains, is inexorable. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Diogenes' Lamp

Former FBI Director, James Comey, admitted he had enough evidence to prove Hillary guilty, even without the content of her emails.  He claimed that intent was missing in all her betrayals, including the deaths at Benghazi.  In Federal cases of breaches of national security, a prosecutor need only establish gross negligence and that was abundantly done. Hillary's deletions of the 30,000 emails after being notified that the investigation had begun were crimes in themselves: destruction of evidence and hindering a Federal investigation.  In those acts, there was clearly intent, even though it was not needed, to establish probable cause against her.  Ironically, Russia may provide the smoking gun, because they no doubt have every email that Hillary ever sent or received while Secretary of State, and this is why the media and the democrats are trying desperately, though in vain, to establish a conspiracy between Trump and Putin in order to discredit both.  They see the coming storm, but are frustrated because it is something over which they have only propaganda, no truth, as a weapon.

Comey should have not only been fired but indicted for dereliction of duty and gross incompetence; however there is plenty of time within the statue of limitations.  His quandary was his knowledge that either Hillary or Trump would be his next boss and he was trying to find a middle ground that would not offend either; but his inaction in itself was a crime.  Look for further legal action against both Hillary and Comey in the coming weeks. Another obstacle to ultimate justice in this case is the venue of most of the crimes: Washington DC, much like El Paso, where the government's task is as great of that of Diogenes and his Lamp in finding an honest man (for a juror). 

 Under Obama, America became a lot more like Mexico and other third world mordida-driven economies. Trump has an opportunity to be America's greatest president since Lincoln. His adversaries are a totally corrupt, national, mainstream media in cahoots with the Democrat Party. The credibility of both adversaries are at stake, they know it, and they are going to fight tooth and nail to keep their evil power with a daily barrage of lies, innuendo and false news.. A lot more is at stake than Trump's career: the future direction of America and the rule of law. 

Senator John Cornyn of Texas may be our next FBI Director.  Not my first choice, but a thousand times better than anything we've had in the past eight years. I'd like to see someone with federal prosecution experience.

Pray for America.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The People's Case Against James Comey

James Comey and Hillary Clinton both should be wearing orange jump suits. There might also be one that fits Loretta Lynch.

Hillary's breaches of national and international security are unspeakable crimes that have undoubtedly resulted in the deaths of many of ours and our allies'  intelligence agents, double agents and moles whose identities were revealed, through her illegal personal email server, easily hacked into by our enemies. Russia was even using Hillary's illegal server, when she was Secretary of State, as documented evidence source against their domestic, espionage agents. The CIA and the State Department are inextricably linked in intelligence endeavors.  Hillary often spoke of the State Department, and even blamed it, as if it were embodied in someone besides herself. Her defective mental wiring has long been obvious to those with even slight intuition.


Comey''s crime was dereliction of duty for not indicting Hillary when she was exposed as a tool of enemy agents.  It had already been established that Hillary was using  personal computers to cover up her "pay to play" business of bilking foreign countries out of tons of money (they thinking she was going to be the next president, and that, henceforth, this would be the way our corrupt government would conduct business--like your ordinary, third-world mordida country). The payola was laundered through Hillary’s and Bill’s “non-profit” Clinton Foundation

Comey's crime was exacerbated because he used the excuse of not indicting Hillary because "she didn't mean to do it."  "Intent" is not an essential element to establish a criminal case against a high-up Government official.  Ignorance, incompetence and irresponsibility has not, and never has, excused high crimes and misdemeanors of our Government officials against our own Government. We install politicians in Government offices under the assumption that they know what they are doing and that they are willing to accept responsibility for everything they do. That is implicit in their Oath of Office.

We understand that Comey was trying to survive while working under a supervisor, Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who had veto power over any case he might submit to her for prosecution.  Backing off was going at his job the wrong way.  Any Government employee is duty-bound to commit insubordination when he is given unlawful orders, or sees and fails to report, unlawful conduct, or dereliction of duty, by any other Government official.  He should have taken his case against Hillary and Lynch straight to Congress.  “Following orders” did not fly as an excuse for the NAZI’s at the Nuremberg war criminal trials, and it has not flown in this country, when challenged by law.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Would A Nationality Card Reduce Your Privacy?

The proposed wall on the border would be a tragic, wasteful boondoggle.

Organized crime has long been deeply embedded in our own government.  You’ve heard of our shaddow (deliberately misspelled in conjunction with "government" to avoid auto-deletion of the post) government, and it is as unscrupulous as that of any third world government, just much more sophisticated.  In the last half century, a few Congressmen have gone to prison, one president impeached, another forced to resign; but the “swamp” is still polluted. Since the ”roaring twenties” when crime bosses, like Al Capone and Luck Luciano,  were blatantly involved in politicians’ lives at the local and federal levels, the only thing that has changed are the criminals’ degree of sophistication and their astute dissimulation.

The reason we are the only industrialized country that does not have a national identity card, is that the clout of organized crime is powerful and understandably dedicated to actively opposing such a security device. The sine qua non of organized crime is free travel within the country with the ability to change their members' identity, often using a stolen one.

 Think of it: a security enhanced social security card could accomplish more than a one hundred foot high wall a thousand miles long at a fraction of the cost. Security enhancement could be a  current social security card being replaced with one that has a photo image of the bearer and coded information that could be machine read, or field-read, by authorized federal agents, just like the green cards, since their security enhancement in the mid-1970s.

As long as there are planes in Mexico and hundreds of mining companies capable of digging a mile long tunnel through solid rock in a matter of a few days, no border fence, or wall, is going to be security-relevant. Moreover, any gain would be offset by amnesties by a corrupt government, like that of Bush 43 who sneaked two amnesties through on us, (245(i) and Extension of 245(i), and failed at a third humongous one by his commission of the infamous "Gang of 8. There have been about 15 failed attempts to pass the Dream Act, but both Obama and Trump have issued executive orders governing it as if it were actually law.

Would a national identity card reduce your privacy?  Not significantly, because you have very little to lose. Privacy in the U.S. is a privilege restricted mostly to illegal aliens and criminals. Everyone in the U.S., except illegal aliens, criminals and the very poor, already have a national identity card: it is called a U.S. passport, necessary for most foreign travel since the discovery of easy infiltration of our borders by Middle Eastern terrorists.  Anyone who wants one, can buy an electronic  device that can read the account number of every credit card in your wallet. The life of honest people is an open book to organized crime, whereas honest people have no clue as to who the criminals are, though they may be living next door under assumed names.  You cannot hide your identity, address or biographical history from criminal cyber hackers.

Mexico has a very secure national identity card, restricted to the upper class, or gainfully employed.  It is called the “Cedula de Profesion.” This upper class in Mexico has many other benefits, such as free health clinics and  hospitals, not available to the “undocumented” class you see coming across the border illegally.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Trump's Biggest Mistake Yet

Trump should remember that he was not the first choice of many true conservatives.  Ted Cruz had a large following, too, and if he decides to run again in 2020, he may unseat Trump if the current president continues his rudderless trip through troubled immigration waters like another boatload of so-called (mostly Muslim) refugees headed for Europe's border-less society.

First of all, Trump's  proposed Border Wall is a waste of time and money and would be a concession of thousands of acres of border land to Mexico where citizens will no longer have access. Border Treaties have made the center of the Rio Grande the International boundary, and that is a lot of land to give away--even more than LBJ gave away with his "Chamizal Settlement."  Naive El Pasoans once proposed "river walks" along the Rio Grande, and if Mexico ever tosses out the cartels, such projects might be feasible--if it is not fenced off by a wall..

Trump';s announcement last week that the so-called Dreamers can now rest easy and not fear deportation was a broad, ill-conceived statement.  Actually the Dream Act never passed Congress and conservatives continue to oppose it. It has never been a law--only a proposal.  Obama created DACA based upon the imaginary law that never passed Congress, recruiting future applicants, aiding and abetting their illegal entry into the U.S. to grow the Democrat Party.  Now, Trump is showing his globalist colors by also assuming that if presidents can continue giving these still unclassified  illegal aliens breaks, the conservatives will come around and accept it. Some ill-informed ones will. 

Congress has consistently failed to pass the Dream Act into law after many attempts (see URL below) beginning with the Bush 43 Administration in 2001.  It was just one of several of Bush's proposed amnesties that he always described as "not amnesties," that never made it though Congress.  It spelled the demise of Marco Rubio and John McCain's campaigns for the nation's highest office, since they were members of the Gang of 8 that Bush 43 commissioned unsuccessfully to get yet another massive immigration amnesty passed into law.   Many Americans accepted Bush as  puppet of globalists, but now, most Americans are smarter than the puppet--at least they seem to have been until  now--while Trump takes his swing at the curve ball foisted upon us by globalist, open-border advocates and their think tanks.  Many of Trump's apparent supporters are jurors still out from openly supporting him, very circumspect about his apparent willingness to propagate the fictional immigration monster called "Dreamers."  The overwhelming majority of Trump's supporters voted for his as the lesser of two evils, the other choice being Hillary Clinton.  By no means does Trump have a mandate, and his low supporter percentage, 42%, is bound to sink much lower unless he does an about face on coddling the illegal wannabe "dreamers." Some, including myself, think Trump just came out as a true closet globalist who has, up to now, duped his conservative base.

The only way any politician can convince the majority of Americans that he/she is sincere about controlling illegal immigration is to defeat organized crime in Government by passing a law requiring a national identity card.  That would shift the burden of proof from ICE to applicants for employment and immediately identify unscrupulous employers of illegal aliens and make life much tougher on criminals, especially identity thieves.

Failed attempts by Congress to pass the Dream Act can be found here:

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Will there be a crackdown on Austin, Texas as a sanctuary city?  I guess we shall soon know.  Some sanctions are already being applied by the State, but new legislation proposed by Governor Abbott could do some damage to Travis County.

Bill O'Reilly Misleads the Public

On the O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel tonight, I heard Bill O'Reilly repeat again his often quote that illegal entry into the United States is a civil offense and not a crime.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  First offense is a misdemeanor and a second offense can be a felony. Here is the law obtained from the Cornell Law site:

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
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(a)Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Border Wall is Too Little, Too Late and a Waste of Money

The proposed Border Wall is a waste of money.  The U.S. could have stopped illegal immigration dead in its tracks a hundred years ago with a national ID like Mexico has.  Anyone gainfully employed in that country has one. That right-to-work I.D. document is called the Cedula de Profesion.  It is like our Social Security Card, except that it hasa  photo ID and other security enhancements. Our social security card can be easily reproduced with a copy machine--but just memorizing the number is as good as possessing the unlaminated, card-stock, paper document issued by the Government.  Legal workers in Mexico also have free medical care with their exclusive, government-owned Hospitales de Seguro Social.  These are full-service hostpitals restricted to use by legally-employed citizens.  That is the reason that Mexican ambulances continue to bring their sick and injured across the border to the U.S. hospitals that are designated to accept indigent patients. There are few independent, full-service hospitals in Mexico.

We won't ever have a national ID because organized crime does not want it.  It would be a threat to their lateral mobility, anonymity and ability to easily change their identity or steal someone else's.  Our populace,. as a whole, are dumbed down in education and so profoundly duped by political correctness that they cannot objectively judge anything they see, hear or read. Political correctness, impressment of the media by organized crime, and the media exaltation of  "diversity" are strategies of the e litists to keep the general population suppressed.. If you do not understand how that can happen, read the George Orwell novel, "1984."

Most of the illegal aliens that come here are illiterate peons that would be a drag on any society, but naturally, they prefer ours because, with welfare, they can live as well as those legal, professional  wage-earners in Mexico who invested a lot of time and money in education and training.

The U.S. Government has always been a co-conspirator in illegal immigration. The new Administration is no different from any of the past 60 years. Trump's immigratin programs are nothing more than window dressing. The Wall sounds good, and so does rounding up CRIMINAL aliens. Unfortunately, in effect, the Government has re-defined illegal immigration, such as that practiced by the Dreamers, their extended famiies, and condoned by our Government.. Notwithstanding, It is still a felony:

In WWII most farm labor in the Midwest was performed by POWs from Europe. As long as welfare pays more than the minimim wage, there will be no incentive for legal workers to seek employment in the U.S.  Employers use that as an excuse for hiring illegal aliens. Abundant welfare and low wages make that excuse a self-fulfilling prophesy. The only way to cure that excuse would be to raise the minimum wage to about $18.00 per hour, or decrease welfare to a such a low level (for the able-bodied) that it would incentivise working for a living.

We are now bordering on anarchy and violence that military intrervention will eventually become inevitable, unless we want another Bastille-type Revolution. The only impediment would be a national identiy card and strict adherence to the law by employees and employers, severe penalties for violators. The window of opportunity for that option is rapidly diasppearing. We SHOULD be concerned about Russian spy-ships lurking just off our shore.  When aircraft carriers and troop ships start showing up, it might be an incentive for most aliens to go home, but some, the fifth-columnists that now riot in the streets, will mysteriously stay behind.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

President Trump May Re-Write and Re-issue His Executive Order on the "ban."

President Trump's executive order concerning the intensive vetting of aliens from problem countries in the Middle East will probably be resubmitted next week and the so-called ban re-instated.

Obama had Chief Justice John Roberts as his personal secretary to do the re-writing of his Obamacare, then along with the other SCOTUS members passed it into law.  Blacks ordinarily get a pass on many mistakes but the courts jumped through their proverbial derrieres to make  America's first black president a success because...well, because he was America's first black president.

Trump does not have the luxury of the courts coddling him like they did Obama.  He is therefore vulnerable to the courts' quibbling and pettifogging his every action, their aiding and abetting the left wing activists, fifth-columnist opponents of law and order and the advocates of anarchy.

Trump should have paid more attention to hiring experts in immigration law, particularly in the fields of examinations and exclusions. Examiners have to write publishable reports of every denial, backing it up with quoted law and precedent decisions.  The best are not lawyers because the vagaries of immigration law are intimidating and they must depend upon impoverished clients, or such organizations as the Legal Aid Society or other charitable sources for their fees.

Immigration Examiners historically worked their way up though the Border Patrol and other divisions of immigration law enforcement.  A few enjoyed encyclopedic memories and the faculty of instant recall. Such skills are now blunted by computers, and I believe, make one mentally lazy.

Most of those "immigration experts" on Trump's staff seem to have been mostly involved in the physical round-up aspect of immigration law enforcement, without in-depth learning in immigration law. Trump should not have ignored the learned, self-taught specialists.  It is hard to conceive, but a few years ago some, if not most, of the real experts in immigration law were also "cowboys" early in their immigration law enforcement careers.  Going from the Border Patrol to Immigration Examinations was an unsettling experience. When I applied for that job in 1975, I went from Fort Hancock, Texas to Los Angeles.  I had just received my degree in English, and I was later told that that was the reason I was selected. I later learned that the job would require  mountains of typewritten reports on my personal adjudications of all sorts of applications for a wide array of immigration benefits, but mostly for permanent residence in the U.S. Many such benefits required the applicant to possess certain skills, from doctors to rocket scientists. Some applicants were movie actors and others were professional athletes. Soon after arrival in L.A. District Office, I was detailed to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) for advance training.

Former President Reagan started appointing big campaign contributors, such as Howard Ezell, former Weinerschnitzel CEO, to such powerful decision-making jobs as Southwest Regional Commissioner of the INS.  Such "outsiders" tended to promote sycophants with no regard for merit. In the late 1980s the old INS became just another trove of political spoils. Ezell, seemingly a frustrated, wannabe law-man, liked to go out on raids with enforcement personnel andactually chase the (always) fleeing aliens. Instead of battling the open- border advocates, President Reagan eventually caved in and signed on to the biggest immigration amnesty in  history (IRCA, in 1986).

For the first time ever, last night I found myself agreeing with Geraldo Rivera.  He said that Trump's executive order (on the so-called ban) was "bush league" in the way it was written. Indeed, it was dead in the water before it got off the ground.  Trump is in bad need of some real immigration experts to combat the lurking vultures of left-wing opposition in the courts. If I were young again, I might volunteer to help without compensation, but advancing age and declining energy, now forbid it.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Firing of Megyn Kelly From Fox News

As a lawyer, Megyn Kelly should know the difference between a question and a statement.  Her statement to Trump at the first debate was a lengthy, poorly disguised, barrage of embarrassing questions with predicated conclusions that highlighted her hostile opinion, but not necessarily facts.  She wanted to turn the debate into the Megyn Kelly coming-out show.  She gambled her career on her effort to destroy Trump.  She had hoped to win the gamble and send her esteem among women activists soaring and become the hero of an over-estimated "feminine movement".  She must have felt that as a member of the media, she could rely on all the other networks to join her smear of Trump.  They did, but the days of the corrupt mainstream media bamboozling the majority is at an end. 

The more the mainstream media tries to destroy someone, like Trump, the stronger they make him. If women, or other minorities, want to get involved in politics, from now on they must be able to stand the heat. With the departure of Obama, we slough off the paranoia of criticizing any minority politician, without a hint of a racial slur, yet still being called a racist.  Color became the King's X of immunity from criticism, even if the criticism is dead on and right.  The only good I can see coming out of the Obama years is the awakening of the American male and restoring his manhood.  It will no longer be noble to bow down before those inferior in intellect and ability.  We have confused noblesse oblige with cowardice and the latter has made us take a back seat to the mentally challenged politicians running for office.  We have learned how needlessly skittish we had become of making any kind of critical remark against any kind of minority.

Our career politicians paid the price of their spinelessness by acquiescing to the election of a president totally at odds with American culture and American values.  Good riddance to him and our paranoia. The Tea party is here to stay and we will, we must, make it stronger.  Anyone is welcome as long as they are conservative, honest and have a firm grip on reality. There is no room for career demagogues, the lazy and the phonies whose only skill is a loud mouth and the ability to rouse the rabble with false claims of oppression. .