Monday, June 13, 2016

Donald Trump May Be Our Last-Gasp Hope of Freedom

Donald Trump is the only possible answer to the maleficent drift that the media has taken this country since the Eisenhower days.  The media manufactures all our heroes and villains and tell us what is politically correct.  Cowards, traitors, draft-dodgers and criminals have become paradigms of political correctness.  Social engineering by the communist-controlled media has developed the Millennials and their warped thought processes, or lack thereof. The communists have been in control of the media since the early 1960s,  and most people are not smart enough to throw off their yokes of stupidity, so they  keep electing subversives like Carter, Obama and Clinton.

Now almost all our federal district judges are liberal democrats.  Their social engineering has wrought unisex toilets, and they have approved abortion of third-trimester fetuses and the harvest of their body parts. 

Witness the Arizona District of the 9th U.S. Circuit, Court.  All 5 of the federal judges are not only democrats but minorities--except possibly one, a guy named "Tuchi," who is married to a Mexican-American. It is no wonder that Arizona has been overrun by crime, drug cartels and illegal aliens. The communist-controlled media is trying to destroy the only semblance of Arizona justice in the person of Joe Arpaio.

Nowadays, only Anglo-Americans qualify as the butts of all the jokes by the late-night comedians because the so-called, stand-up comedians are a gutless bunch of brown-nosing, politically-correct  hacks and wouldn't know true humor if it jumped up and bit them on their asses. If planted shills, canned laughter and cues did not tell the Pavlov-reflex Millennials when to laugh, the late-night shows would be out of business. When a nation loses its humor, it has lost its raison d'etre.

There is another small ray of hope for America.  The New York Times has been caught at what most of us have recognized for a long time.  They compose a best-seller list of books based upon what is more profitable to them and their corporate alliances--with designs upon making their chosen "best sellers" self-fulfilling.  True literary talent is obfuscated by the corporate media and can be found only by the truly passionate searcher--mostly in private blogs and self-publishing, over which the mass media has no control.  The giant media is trying desperately to maintain control over the ignorant minds that they have developed and extinguish the cyber ray of hope. Some conservatives hope, and even predict, that the New York Times and most of the large, brick-and-mortar publishing houses will sink into oblivion, perhaps as early as ten years from now.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Should Donald Trump Question the Impartiality of U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Is Trump Justified in Questioning the Fairness of U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

…United States District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the man presiding over the class-action lawsuit against Trump University, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien….  Read more at:

Arizona is a paradigm of a border State being overrun by illegal aliens.  Former Governor Janet Napolitano (represented Anita Hill who filed that frivolous sexual harassment case against (later) SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas) who was the Head U.S. Attorney for the Arizona Federal Judicial District filed more charges against Border Patrolmen than she did narcotics  and/or  illegal alien traffickers.  Today every Federal Judge in the Arizona District is either a Clinton or Obama appointee.  and 100% of them are either a minority, or married to a minority. 

One Frank Zapata, now a Senior Judge (semi-retired) in Arizona, had just been appointed by Bill Clinton in 1996 when he heard a case of a young Hispanic male, I’ll refer to as ‘X,’ who had come to a border POE two years earlier just as it was closing in early 1994 and presented an Arizona Driver’s license and a Tucson High school ID as his “proof” of citizenship.  The DL showed him to be 18 months older than the school ID.  A computer check revealed that his father was an illegal alien under deportation proceedings for large-volume narcotics smuggling, and had just been released from Safford Federal Prison (Zapata’s Home town).  Inspection was deferred until the next day to give inspectors a chance to have his mother come to the POE to present an alleged birth certificate “proving” that he was a U.S. citizen. She lived more than an hour’s drive away and inspectors were not permitted to leave the POE open after closing hours at 9 p.m.  X had the option of driving some 20 miles to a 24/7 POE for immediate adjudication of his application for admission.  The applicant, X, refused to return to Mexico and had to be forcibly removed and turned over to Mexican customs authorities who determined that X was a Mexican citizen, at least through derivation, if not by birth.   The next day X’s lawyer went to every newspaper TV station, to Mexican Consuls in Tucson and Phoenix and expressed his outrage that X had not been admitted and claimed that his client had been assaulted by POE personnel. Every news media published the lawyer's  story as if it were gospel truth.  Federal Law has always required a U.S. passport for all applicants, citizens and aliens alike, at ports of entry, but the law had never been enforced.

The lawyer sued the Government for a substantial amount and after a couple of years (1996), the prosecution and defense (Government) met in Judge Zapata’s chambers for a “settlement” conference.  The Government always tries to settle these frivolous law suits out of court because of the time and expense (as well as the unpredictability of juries in civil cases).  The two litigating parties agreed on a modest amount and they signed an agreement (confidential).   After the agreement, Judge Zapata remarked that if he had been sitting on a jury judging the case, he would have given X the full amount the lawyer had originally asked for.  He added that he had two sons that frequently went to Mexico and he guaranteed them that they would never take a passport or a birth certificate with them to Mexico to prove their citizenship when returning to the U.S.

This case probably had something to do with the Government’s deciding to finally start enforcing the passport law (much to the chagrin of activist judges). .Who can blame Donald Trump for suspecting the impartiality of a judge Is Trump Justified in Questioning the Fairness of U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel?
…United States District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the man presiding over the class-action lawsuit against Trump University, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien….  Read more at:

Arizona is a paradigm of a border State being overrun by illegal aliens.  Former Governor Janet Napolitano (represented Anita Hill who filed that frivolous sexual harassment case against (later) SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas) who was the Head U.S. Attorney for the Arizona Federal Judicial District filed more charges against Border Patrolmen than she did narcotics  and/or  illegal alien traffickers.  Today every Federal Judge in the Arizona District is either a Clinton or Obama appointee.  and 100% of them are either a minority, or married to a minority. 

One Frank Zapata, now a Senior Judge (semi-retired) in Arizona, had just been appointed by Bill Clinton in 1996 when he heard a case of a young Hispanic male, I’ll refer to as ‘X,’ who had come to a border POE two years earlier just as it was closing in early 1994 and presented an Arizona Driver’s license and a Tucson High school ID as his “proof” of citizenship.  The DL showed him to be 18 months older than the school ID.  A computer check revealed that his father was an illegal alien under deportation proceedings for large-volume narcotics smuggling, and had just been released from Safford Federal Prison (Zapata’s Home town).  Inspection was deferred until the next day to give inspectors a chance to have his mother come to the POE to present an alleged birth certificate “proving” that he was a U.S. citizen. She lived more than an hour’s drive away and inspectors were not permitted to leave the POE open after closing hours at 9 p.m.  X had the option of driving some 20 miles to a 24/7 POE for immediate adjudication of his application for admission.  The applicant, X, refused to return to Mexico and had to be forcibly removed and turned over to Mexican customs authorities who determined that X was a Mexican citizen, at least through derivation, if not by birth.   The next day X’s lawyer went to every newspaper TV station, to Mexican Consuls in Tucson and Phoenix and expressed his outrage that X had not been admitted and claimed that his client had been assaulted by POE personnel. Every news media published the lawyer's  story as if it were gospel truth.  Federal Law has always required a U.S. passport for all applicants, citizens and aliens alike, at ports of entry, but the law had never been enforced.

The lawyer sued the Government for a substantial amount and after a couple of years (1996), the prosecution and defense (Government) met in Judge Zapata’s chambers for a “settlement” conference.  The Government always tries to settle these frivolous law suits out of court because of the time and expense (as well as the unpredictability of juries in civil cases).  The two litigating parties agreed on a modest amount and they signed an agreement (confidential).   After the agreement, Judge Zapata told the defending U.S. attorneys that if he had been sitting on a jury judging the case, he would have given X the full amount the lawyer had originally asked for.  He added that he had two sons that frequently went to Mexico and he guaranteed them that they would never take a passport or a birth certificate with them to Mexico to prove their citizenship when returning to the U.S.

This case probably had something to do with the Government’s deciding to finally start enforcing the passport law (much to the chagrin of activist judges). In that respect it was beneficial, but Judge Zapata’s bias was obvious.Who can blame Donald Trump for suspecting the impartiality of an Hispanic judge since many of them were lawyer activists (like Gonzalo Curiel, member of La Raza Lawyers of San Diego)Is Trump Justified in Questioning the Fairness of U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel?
…United States District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the man presiding over the class-action lawsuit against Trump University, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien….  Read more at:

Arizona is a paradigm of a border State overrun by illegal aliens, and today every Federal Judge in the Arizona District is either a Clinton or Obama appointee.  and 100% of them are either a minority, or married to a minority. 

One Frank Zapata, now a Senior Judge (semi-retired) in Arizona, had just been appointed by Bill Clinton in 1996 when he was assigned to hear oversee a case of a young Hispanic male, I’ll refer to as ‘X,’ who had come to a border POE two years earlier just as it was closing in early 1994 and presented an Arizona Driver’s license and a Tucson High school ID as his “proof” of citizenship.  The DL showed him to be 18 months older than the school ID.  A computer check revealed that his father was an illegal alien under deportation proceedings for large-volume narcotics smuggling, and had just been released from Safford Federal Prison (Zapata’s Home town).  Inspection was deferred until the next day to give inspectors a chance to have his mother come to the POE to present an alleged birth certificate “proving” that he was a U.S. citizen. She lived more than an hour’s drive away and inspectors were not permitted to leave the POE open after closing hours at 9 p.m.  X had the option of driving some 20 miles to a 24/7 POE for immediate adjudication of his application for admission.  The applicant, X, refused to return to Mexico and had to be forcibly removed and turned over to Mexican customs authorities who determined that X was a Mexican citizen, at least through derivation, if not by birth.   The next day X’s lawyer went to every newspaper TV station, to Mexican Consuls in Tucson and Phoenix and expressed his outrage that X had not been admitted and claimed that his client had been assaulted by POE personnel. Every news media published the lawyer's  story as if it were gospel truth.  Federal Law has always required a U.S. passport for all applicants, citizens and aliens alike, at ports of entry, but the law had never been enforced.

The lawyer sued the Government for a substantial amount and after a couple of years (1996), the prosecution and defense (Government) met in Judge Zapata’s chambers for a “settlement” conference.  The Government always tries to settle these frivolous law suits out of court because of the time and expense (as well as the unpredictability of juries in civil cases).  The two litigating parties agreed on a modest amount and they signed an agreement (confidential).   After the agreement, Judge Zapata told the defending U.S. attorneys that if he had been sitting on a jury judging the case, he would have given X the full amount the lawyer had originally asked for.  He added that he had two sons that frequently went to Mexico and he guaranteed them that they would never take a passport or a birth certificate with them to Mexico to prove their citizenship when returning to the U.S.

This case probably had something to do with the Government’s deciding to finally start enforcing the passport law (much to the chagrin of activist judges). In that respect it was beneficial, but in view of the foregoing, who can blame Donald Trump for suspecting the impartiality of an Hispanic judge since some are members or organizations like La Raza