Recently, an uneducated, minority Federal judge made a speech and incorrectly stated that our Constitution declares all men to be created equal.
The Declaration of Independence is not part of the Constitution. In his Gettysburg address, Abraham Lincoln did not claim that all men are created equal. He merely stated that our founding fathers were dedicated to a "proposition" that all men are created equal. He was referring to the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution. Again, the definition of "men" came into play when our founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence. The fact that the secessionists lost did not validate Lincoln's utterance, and history tells us that Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation to attract black soldiers into the Union Army due to mass desertions and lack of dedication by white men of the northern states. On several occasions, Lincoln admitted that he was a racist and that he planned to send all black men back to Africa after the Civil War. That plan was being implemented when he was assassinated.
The concept of "equal creation" is an egalitarian concept, historically promulgated by Marxist governments to palm off an idea as truth. They have never proved it to be a truism. It plays up to the ego of humankind, but despots use it only as a ploy to gain the support of the masses. In 1810, U.S. Congress made an effort to amend the U.S. Constitution to forbid noble birth, or inherited titles. That proposition is still waiting for 26 states to ratify it. See: