Thursday, November 20, 2014

Al Sharpton: A Natural Born Loser

  • Al Sharpton's declared expectation that donors to his phony "non-profit" organization will bail him out of his $4.5.million troubles with the IRS shows just how far from reality he is. What he really expects is that Obama bails him out. What the Administration tried to do to the Tea Party non-profit organizations can be reversed by Obama to help his rabble-rousing friend out of the hole he made through his lack of intelligence and general screwed-up modus operandi. When you are a natural born loser, become a phony "preacher," That's what the older boys in the hood advise (Read James Baldwin's "The Fire Next Time"). "Shake-down" Jesse Jackson, another charlatan that uses religion as a shield from justice, could give him some pointers on how to use intimidation to get more government grants and donations from the Big Money subversives, such as George Soros.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Obama Guilty of a Felony

Obama is guilty of a felony, approximately 65,000 counts, when in January, 2014 he abetted the illegal entry of approximately 65,000 Central Americans, then, by executive order, harbored them on government property, and then, using Border Patrol facilities designed to arrest, detain and deport illegal aliens, transported the illegal aliens to safe havens, far from the border in various states—using Border patrol buses and public transportation to do it.

See subparagraphs relating to aiding, abetting, transporting and harboring illegal aliens at:

Also see URL:

Illegal aliens can become legalized, permanent residents only by Act of Congress through amendment of Section 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USC 1255).    The last two amnesties were designated 245(i) in the 1990s, and Extension of 245(i) in 2000.

 On November 5, 2014, Dictator Obama ordered Congress to pass an amnesty bill within 6 weeks.  Will Congress fight him, or join him, in trashing the U.S. Constitution? Much depends upon whether the Senate changes its leadership and picks a serious-minded Majority Leader--other than Mitch McConnell, the smiling, great compromiser.