Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Schism in the GOP

There is certainly a schism in the ranks of the GOP these days.  Their main media source, Fox News, is a pseudo-conservative cable news network owned by billionaire globalist Rupert Murdoch.  His employees are busy pumping at every chance the names of Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, and some who are barely known, as the most likely GOP nominees for President in the 2016 election..  So are some of the traditionally liberal newspapers who have finally become alarmed at the gross incompetence of Barack Obama.  The beneficiaries of this free advertising all have one thing in common: they are globalists who are more than willing to sell out to the globalist think tanks that say that “all borders are artificial and imaginary.”  That means they are all in favor of another amnesty for illegal aliens.  They are powerful because their money is essential to get elected President of the U.S. They own most of the industries that has been exported from this country to China, Indonesia and many other third world countries to profit from the cheap labor, paucity of employee benefits, low or not existent taxes, lack of EPA controls and other financial incentives. They are also immune from Obama Care and payment of social security taxes--and most important of all, due to "free trade" agreements, pay no tariffs to export their products to the U.S.

The  voices of the billionaire globalists, who finance all our elections, and who, under our system, determine which politicians should receive their financial support, are the globalist think tanks.  Most prominent among them are The Council on Foreign Relations, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Trilateral Commission, the Cato Institute and the Bilderberg Group.  A lesser group, the Garreau Group, was recently discussing the views of the Council on Foreign Relations on C SPAN.  Joel Garreau, initiator of the Group is probably the most forthcoming of the globalists, or those who favor one-world-government.  He has written many books, but the most telling is “The Nine Nations of North America.” In the book, he calls a broad strip of land in the southwestern U.S., stretching from Brownsville, Texas to Sand Diego, CA, “Mexamerica,” and this may give you a clue as to his school of thought on illegal immigration.  He also states in other works that international borders are largely “artificial.”

Garreau also predicted on the same C SPAN program, that ten years, or less, hence, reading and writing will no longer be taught in our public schools.  (Is English offensive to our “diverse” population?)  For those who have read (and studied) Orwell’s prophetic novel, “1984,” it should bring back memories of the first chapter where all the people are at least weekly herded into a captive audience environment for a strictly audio-visual media orientation, where they are told what is right, what is wrong, who our current friends and enemies are, etc., by a faceless “Big Brother.”   Like in another prophetic, dystopian novel, Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451," books and "book learning" are no longer needed; indeed, not even tolerated. 

Probably at least half of the U.S. population is now illiterate due to the onslaught of the globalist school of thought.  The theme of “diversity” has almost destroyed any sense of individuality, especially to Anglo-Saxon Americans, most of whom no longer know the difference between a citizen and an alien.  In short, the globalists have almost removed the term, “national sovereignty” from their vocabularies.

The Tea Party is the only hope of stopping the globalists’ goal of making the U.S. a paradigm for one world government.  It would be a paradigm that most of the world would ignore, principally Russia, China and the Middle East Muslim theocracies.  The status quo Republicans should either come aboard the Tea party, or join the Democrats.  That way they will not hinder the growth of the movement.  They do not realize that the U.S. is no longer the most powerful, or the richest, country in the world.  The downward trend will continue until we stop importing the third world’s poor who believe that they are coming to a Utopia where the benefits are endless.  These uneducated people have already turned their home countries over to demagogues that know how easily they are duped--and our demagogues--with the media at their service,  will help them turn this country over to  the same type of demagogues that drove them away from their home countries.