- Al Sharpton's declared expectation that donors to his phony "non-profit" organization will bail him out of his $4.5.million troubles with the IRS shows just how far from reality he is. What he really expects is that Obama bails him out. What the Administration tried to do to the Tea Party non-profit organizations can be reversed by Obama to help his rabble-rousing friend out of the hole he made through his lack of intelligence and general screwed-up modus operandi. When you are a natural born loser, become a phony "preacher," That's what the older boys in the hood advise (Read James Baldwin's "The Fire Next Time"). "Shake-down" Jesse Jackson, another charlatan that uses religion as a shield from justice, could give him some pointers on how to use intimidation to get more government grants and donations from the Big Money subversives, such as George Soros.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Al Sharpton: A Natural Born Loser
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Obama Guilty of a Felony
Obama is guilty of a felony, approximately 65,000 counts, when in January, 2014 he abetted the illegal entry of approximately 65,000 Central Americans, then, by executive order, harbored them on government property, and then, using Border Patrol facilities designed to arrest, detain and deport illegal aliens, transported the illegal aliens to safe havens, far from the border in various states—using Border patrol buses and public transportation to do it.
See subparagraphs relating to aiding, abetting, transporting and harboring illegal aliens at:
Also see URL:
Illegal aliens can become legalized, permanent residents only by Act of Congress through amendment of Section 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USC 1255). The last two amnesties were designated 245(i) in the 1990s, and Extension of 245(i) in 2000.
On November 5, 2014, Dictator Obama ordered Congress to pass an amnesty bill within 6 weeks. Will Congress fight him, or join him, in trashing the U.S. Constitution? Much depends upon whether the Senate changes its leadership and picks a serious-minded Majority Leader--other than Mitch McConnell, the smiling, great compromiser.
See subparagraphs relating to aiding, abetting, transporting and harboring illegal aliens at:
Also see URL:
Illegal aliens can become legalized, permanent residents only by Act of Congress through amendment of Section 245 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USC 1255). The last two amnesties were designated 245(i) in the 1990s, and Extension of 245(i) in 2000.
On November 5, 2014, Dictator Obama ordered Congress to pass an amnesty bill within 6 weeks. Will Congress fight him, or join him, in trashing the U.S. Constitution? Much depends upon whether the Senate changes its leadership and picks a serious-minded Majority Leader--other than Mitch McConnell, the smiling, great compromiser.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Schism in the GOP
There is certainly a schism in the ranks of the GOP these
days. Their main media source, Fox News,
is a pseudo-conservative cable news network owned by billionaire globalist
Rupert Murdoch. His employees are busy
pumping at every chance the names of Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, and
some who are barely known, as the most likely GOP nominees for President in the 2016 election.. So are some
of the traditionally liberal newspapers who have finally become alarmed at the
gross incompetence of Barack Obama. The beneficiaries
of this free advertising all have one thing in common: they are globalists who are more than willing to
sell out to the globalist think tanks that say that “all borders are artificial
and imaginary.” That means they are all
in favor of another amnesty for illegal aliens.
They are powerful because their money is essential to get elected
President of the U.S. They own most of the industries that has been exported from
this country to China, Indonesia and many other third world countries to profit
from the cheap labor, paucity of employee benefits, low or not existent taxes, lack
of EPA controls and other financial incentives. They are also immune from Obama
Care and payment of social security taxes--and most important of all, due to "free trade" agreements, pay no tariffs to export their products to the U.S.
The voices of the billionaire
globalists, who finance all our elections, and who, under our system, determine
which politicians should receive their financial support, are the globalist
think tanks. Most prominent among them
are The Council on Foreign Relations, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The
Trilateral Commission, the Cato Institute and the Bilderberg Group. A lesser group, the Garreau Group, was
recently discussing the views of the Council on Foreign Relations on
C SPAN. Joel Garreau, initiator of the
Group is probably the most forthcoming of the globalists, or those who favor
one-world-government. He has written
many books, but the most telling is “The Nine Nations of North America.” In the
book, he calls a broad strip of land in the southwestern U.S., stretching from
Brownsville, Texas to Sand Diego, CA, “Mexamerica,” and this may give you a
clue as to his school of thought on illegal immigration. He also states in other works that international
borders are largely “artificial.”
Garreau also
predicted on the same C SPAN program, that ten years, or
less, hence, reading and writing will no longer be taught in our public
schools. (Is English offensive to our “diverse”
population?) For those who have read (and studied) Orwell’s prophetic novel, “1984,” it should bring back memories of the first chapter where all
the people are at least weekly herded into a captive audience environment for a strictly audio-visual media orientation, where they are told what is right, what is wrong, who our current friends and enemies
are, etc., by a faceless “Big Brother.” Like in another prophetic, dystopian novel, Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451," books and "book learning" are no longer needed; indeed, not even tolerated.
Probably at least half of the U.S. population is now illiterate
due to the onslaught of the globalist school of thought. The theme of “diversity” has almost destroyed
any sense of individuality, especially to Anglo-Saxon Americans, most of whom no longer know the difference between a citizen and an alien. In short, the globalists have almost removed
the term, “national sovereignty” from
their vocabularies.
The Tea Party is the only hope of stopping the globalists’
goal of making the U.S. a paradigm for one world government. It would be a paradigm that most of the world would ignore, principally Russia, China and the Middle East Muslim theocracies. The status quo Republicans should either come aboard the Tea party, or join the Democrats. That way they will not hinder the growth of the movement. They do not realize that the U.S. is no
longer the most powerful, or the richest, country in the world. The downward trend will continue until we
stop importing the third world’s poor who believe that they are coming to a Utopia
where the benefits are endless. These uneducated people have already turned their home countries over to demagogues that know how
easily they are duped--and our demagogues--with the media at their service, will help them turn this country over to the same type of demagogues that drove them
away from their home countries.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Do the Liberals Control the Media?
No. The media is
controlled by the Globalists that want one-world government. The liberals are actually scapegoats and
dupes of the Globalists. The Globalists are led by super-rich, American-based
industries that are now spread across the globe; but mainly in Mexico and Asian
countries. The liberals are mere dupes
for the Globalists because they are receptive to the liberal ideas that the Globalist
media promulgates in a deceptive, “politically correct” ideology. True conservatives,
and those who believe in maintaining our national sovereignty, should
understand what the media and the Globalists are up to. Our national sovereignty at present is on
life support.
The media, controlled by the Globalists, want to choose the
GOP candidate for President in 2014, the way they chose McCain in 2008. Currently, they are backing Governor Chris Christie of NJ and Jeb Bush of
Florida. They are backing them, not
because they think that they would make good presidents, but because the Globalists
think that these two would be easiest for their candidate, Hillary Clinton, to
defeat. Hillary Clinton is committed to the so-called liberal agenda, but rest
assured, she knows who is really behind this agenda and what its primary goal really
is: to makes us a third world nation
without borders. Obama is just a pipsqueak egomaniac that helps the Globalists
carry out their world agenda. He is incapable
of knowing who actually controls U.S. politics; therefore, he makes a good
puppet for them. Christie and Bush are mere safety valves for the Globalists in
case their candidate, Hillary Clinton, loses. They are already inculcated with
Globalist ideas.
Jeb Bush is pro amnesty, and, if elected, would make the
best viable GOP candidate to advance the world, borderless, government view, if
they cannot get Hillary Clinton into the White House. The Globalists
think that no country should have border control and, of course, they want to
flood this country with third world, illiterate, easily manipulated immigrants
that will enable them to move their industries back to the U.S. When third world immigrants and the domestically
dumbed-down electorate become an overwhelming majority, the industrialists can
do as they please; the environment, wage and-hour laws, and workers’ benefits
be damned. Then we will be competitive with China industry right here on our
own soil.
We have had three amnesties for illegal aliens since
1986. The term, ” immigration amnesty,” is never used in immigration law (or by Globalists). It is referred to as “immigration reform” by adjustment
of status through amendments to existing law, Section 245 of the Immigration
and nationality Act of 1952, as amended, or Title 8 United States Code 1255.
Illegal aliens in the U.S. are still adjusting status to legal residents under
Section 245(i) of 1994, and Extension of Section 245(i) of 2000. Read about it at
the below URL, and remember, you will not see the word “amnesty” in any of
these “immigration reform” laws. Such
legalese facilitates the amnesty advocates such as Bush 43 to claim “It isn’t
amnesty!.” Bush, a puppet of Dick Cheney
and Karl Rove, was carefully schooled by them in Orwellian doublespeak.
The last general amnesty for illegal al;iens in the U.S. was
the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
That amnesty has been extended by further amnesties for
illegal aliens in Section 245(i) and Extension of 245(i):
The most powerful Globalist “think tanks” that control U.S. economic and political policy through the media and through their enormous wealth are the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, The CATO Institute and the United States Chamber of Commerce .
Monday, March 10, 2014
Parallels between the Russian Border with Chechnya and the U.S. Border with Mexico
Mikhail Lermontov is one of my favorite Russian writers. History of the Russian border patrol in the Caucasus seems to have many parallels with those of my own experiences in the Border Patrol on the Texas Mexican border. If fact, my first novel (2004) makes Lermontov a central figure.
The protagonist, Rodney Capers, believes that he might be the reincarnation of Lermontov. He and a group of outcast El Paso patrolmen make their own rules of engagement in the interest of the self-preservation. While giving a future girlfriend, Sochi, a ride home, he scolds her for trusting him too easily. She retorts that he is a federal officer and there is no reason she should not trust him. He is amazed by that statement and said, "Look Sochi, we deal with some of the lowest scum on earth and sometimes we deal with them on their level." He goes on to say that even thought they are officers, there is no such thing as "noblesse oblige," nor any quarter yielded by either side in the silent war that goes on along the border that most people will never know about.
The protagonist, Rodney Capers, believes that he might be the reincarnation of Lermontov. He and a group of outcast El Paso patrolmen make their own rules of engagement in the interest of the self-preservation. While giving a future girlfriend, Sochi, a ride home, he scolds her for trusting him too easily. She retorts that he is a federal officer and there is no reason she should not trust him. He is amazed by that statement and said, "Look Sochi, we deal with some of the lowest scum on earth and sometimes we deal with them on their level." He goes on to say that even thought they are officers, there is no such thing as "noblesse oblige," nor any quarter yielded by either side in the silent war that goes on along the border that most people will never know about.
The Caucasus was a mountainous border with Chechnya, a place of historical violence between Russian and that country. Some of Russia's best writers of the early 19th Century were exiled to the Caucus to serve in the border patrol, Czarist Russia seemed to think that, being artists, the Chechens would make short work of them. When that did not happen, it seemed (to me) that some professional duelers showed up in the Caucasus and picked duels with the writers. Pushkin was one victim. Lermontov was another.
Recently, I noticed some eerie facts about my first novel, The Border Nightwalkers. The protagonist's girlfriend was a Mexican American girl named "Sochi." The correct spelling was Xochitl, an Aztec princess' name (a common name for Mexican girls). But everyone called the Xochitl in my novel, "Sochi" for short. The two words are almost the same in pronunciation.
The protagonist, Rodney Capers, had nightmares about being shot in a gunfight and falling off a cliff, like Lermontov had when killed by a duelist. That story ends with a plan by Capers to do patrolling with a border patrol partner, on Mount Cristo Rey where smugglers and bandits can actually fall off a cliff near the top the mountain and actually fall back to Mexico. Capers revealed the plan only to a sympathetic El Paso police detective, and friend. Mount Cristo Rey is where the corners of the Mexican State of Chihuahua touch the corners of Texas and New Mexico. Before writing the novel, I had recently read the book, "A Hero of Our Time," and the names of many places that are now in the news had long been familiar to me since reading Lermontov.
This Lermontov story takes place in a small town where smugglers seem to be the only inhabitants. It is near Kerch in the Crimea where Russia has long had an interest due to its key location between the Sea of Azov and the Mediterranean. In fact, the Strait of Kerch in the Crimea is prime real estate that makes Russia want to make it a part of their country again.
Lermontov's stories in "A Hero of Our Time" are based upon the diary of a fictional border guard named Pechorin that Lermontov came across. Lermontov narrates the stories from Pechorin's diary. In reality, all these stories are all related to Lermontov's experiences in the Caucasus and the Crimean region.
To keep from cluttering the blog, I am referring the reader to another site to read the tex of Lermontov's short story, "Taman."
To keep from cluttering the blog, I am referring the reader to another site to read the tex of Lermontov's short story, "Taman."
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Weak Presidency and Russian Aggression
According to Vladimir Putin, the invasion of the Crimean Peninsula is all about protecting the lives of Russian citizens in that area. Will Obama swallow that? Probably, because his Democrat liberal apologists and their cörrüpt media allies desperately need a rationale for his püsillanimous acquiescence to the Russian invasion of the Peninsula.
Reality: Most all wars are about economics. To the chagrin of the mainstream media, even Sarah Palin predicted the takeover as early as 2008. Maybe she was not as naïve about international affairs as they projected her to be.
The Kerch Strait has been a source of conflict between the Ukraine and Russia since the end of the USSR:
“There was a territorial dispute over the ownership of the island between Ukraine and Russia in October 2003. The Russian authorities were claiming it as a spit that is part of the continental Russia and only the continental Crimea peninsula was transferred to Ukraine in 1954.[citation needed]
“The Russian side started to build a dam from the Taman peninsula towards the island to revive the eroded peninsula without any preliminary consultations with the Ukrainian government authorities. After the construction of the dam was suspended at the exact point of Russian-Ukrainian border the distance between the dam and the island now equals some 102 m (335 ft). The construction of the dam led to the increase the intensity of stream in the strait and deterioration of the island. To prevent the deterioration the government of Ukraine funded ground works to deepen the bed of the strait. The reason for those ground works was to stop the Russian ships paying a toll to Ukraine for crossing the strait of Kerch which is considered as territorial waters of Ukraine. Ukraine refuses to recognize the strait as inner watersof both countries.
“On October 21, 2003 the Border Service of Ukraine arrested the Russian tugboat "Truzhenik" that crossed the State Border of Ukraine and conducted photo and videosurveillance of the island. After the incident a respective protocol was created and the ship was handed over to the Russian border authorities. On October 23, 2003 the Supreme Council of Ukraine issued a resolution "To eliminate a threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine that appeared as a result of dam construction by the Russian Federation in the strait of Kerch". A provisional special parliamentary commission was created to investigate the case more thoroughly.
“On October 30–31, 2003 talks started between Ukraine and Russia which led to suspension of the construction of dam that physically reached the line of Russian-Ukrainian border. Due to the conflict, on December 2, 2003 a border patrol station of Ukraine was installed on the island. On December 5, 2003 the Cabinet of Ukraine issued the order #735p in regards to urgent measures to safe the island. On July 4, 2004 the Cabinet of Ukraine released the order #429p that foresaw the construction of shore reinforcement structures and population transfer from the flooding territories.”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuzla_Island (Scroll to the “ the 20003 Conflict”)
Reality: Most all wars are about economics. To the chagrin of the mainstream media, even Sarah Palin predicted the takeover as early as 2008. Maybe she was not as naïve about international affairs as they projected her to be.
The Kerch Strait has been a source of conflict between the Ukraine and Russia since the end of the USSR:
“There was a territorial dispute over the ownership of the island between Ukraine and Russia in October 2003. The Russian authorities were claiming it as a spit that is part of the continental Russia and only the continental Crimea peninsula was transferred to Ukraine in 1954.[citation needed]
“The Russian side started to build a dam from the Taman peninsula towards the island to revive the eroded peninsula without any preliminary consultations with the Ukrainian government authorities. After the construction of the dam was suspended at the exact point of Russian-Ukrainian border the distance between the dam and the island now equals some 102 m (335 ft). The construction of the dam led to the increase the intensity of stream in the strait and deterioration of the island. To prevent the deterioration the government of Ukraine funded ground works to deepen the bed of the strait. The reason for those ground works was to stop the Russian ships paying a toll to Ukraine for crossing the strait of Kerch which is considered as territorial waters of Ukraine. Ukraine refuses to recognize the strait as inner watersof both countries.
“On October 21, 2003 the Border Service of Ukraine arrested the Russian tugboat "Truzhenik" that crossed the State Border of Ukraine and conducted photo and videosurveillance of the island. After the incident a respective protocol was created and the ship was handed over to the Russian border authorities. On October 23, 2003 the Supreme Council of Ukraine issued a resolution "To eliminate a threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine that appeared as a result of dam construction by the Russian Federation in the strait of Kerch". A provisional special parliamentary commission was created to investigate the case more thoroughly.
“On October 30–31, 2003 talks started between Ukraine and Russia which led to suspension of the construction of dam that physically reached the line of Russian-Ukrainian border. Due to the conflict, on December 2, 2003 a border patrol station of Ukraine was installed on the island. On December 5, 2003 the Cabinet of Ukraine issued the order #735p in regards to urgent measures to safe the island. On July 4, 2004 the Cabinet of Ukraine released the order #429p that foresaw the construction of shore reinforcement structures and population transfer from the flooding territories.”
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuzla_Island (Scroll to the “ the 20003 Conflict”)
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Robert E. Lee Street Name Change by the Administration
Considering that the street originally named for General Robert E. Lee is on Fort Bliss, government property, near El Paso, Texas, I guess we can safely assume that it was NOT El Paso politicians, but the racist Obama, with his boastful pen and cell phone, behind the iconoclastic change of its name to honor the buffalo soldiers.
We condemned the blowing up of those graven Hindu images in the side of a mountain in Afghanistan that were there long before the Taliban took over and destroyed them., Yet we tolerate the same type of conduct in this country as long as it's done by a "give 'em a pass" blacks.
Many streets in the U.S. have been re-named to honor MLK, but I have not seen one that had been previously named after another iconic person of the stature of Robert E. Lee. That's the iconoclastic aspect of where Obama departs from American tradition and is deliberately promoting racism and his own radical agenda. I know of no one who objects to a street being named to honor the buffalo soldiers; however, there is much evidence to support a view that they were not as heroic as we build them up to be. More about that in another blog. Obama's buddy Jeremiah Wright talked about "the chickens coming home to roost." Well, his and his parishioner's (Obama's) chickens will also come home to roost.
We condemned the blowing up of those graven Hindu images in the side of a mountain in Afghanistan that were there long before the Taliban took over and destroyed them., Yet we tolerate the same type of conduct in this country as long as it's done by a "give 'em a pass" blacks.
Many streets in the U.S. have been re-named to honor MLK, but I have not seen one that had been previously named after another iconic person of the stature of Robert E. Lee. That's the iconoclastic aspect of where Obama departs from American tradition and is deliberately promoting racism and his own radical agenda. I know of no one who objects to a street being named to honor the buffalo soldiers; however, there is much evidence to support a view that they were not as heroic as we build them up to be. More about that in another blog. Obama's buddy Jeremiah Wright talked about "the chickens coming home to roost." Well, his and his parishioner's (Obama's) chickens will also come home to roost.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
The Bar Ditch
The term "bar ditch" has recently intrigued me, since I have been unable to find it in dictionaries. Frequently, local writers of newspaper articles use this term, indicating that they are probably natives of West Texas. I found this a curiosity because I had used the term since I was a young boy and never gave much thought to its uniqueness, or to its origin. I mentioned the term in a January 13, 2013 essay on this blog, and the number of hits I got in reference to the term indicate that it beguiles a lot of people. Therefore, after some reflection, I came to some conclusions about the term and decided that the term merits some expansion.
In West Texas, I grew up on farm land that was sold to my father by the Yellowhouse Land Company, an agency that handled the selling off of some land that once was part of the famous XIT Ranch in northern Hockley County. The land was still raw grassland when my dad bought it, and it had to be "grubbed out;" that is, cleared of mostly mesquite, cat-claw, yucca, broom-weed, pad and cholla cacti, and other natural flora of the South Plains. Our land was adjacent to the Yellowhouse Ranch land, on both the north and east side of our land, and it was all un-fenced until I was about 5 years old.
Until recently, I had not thought much about how the term "bar ditch" came into usage in West Texas. I am well traveled, but never heard the term used outside of West Texas.
Road maintainers, also called "road graders," used to grade the unpaved, dirt, county roads of West Texas on a regular basis, especially after wet weather caused vehicles to create ruts in them. In /West Texas before WWII, there were very few paved roads, except for main, well-traveled highways. The county road maintainers used to grade the many, county, dirt roads so that they had sharp, downward angles from the transit area of the road, into the bottom of the drainage ditches. There was rarely enough rain to fill the ditches, but whether by design or by serendipitous accident, the roads served other useful purposes which probably led to their being labeled "bar ditches." The outer sides of the ditches were almost vertical and had banks from about four to six feet in height.
During the open range era, these dirt banks, or cliffs, were very useful to cowboys herding cattle from one range to the other, and they served as fences to keep the cattle moving in one direction. But there was yet another use for the "bar ditches" by ranchers. They discouraged cattle from crossing roads from one owner's land to the other, or from the same owners land to another range. Ranchers often moved cattle from one range to another to keep from overgrazing certain ranges. I believe that the creation of these deep, sharply banked "bar ditches" was by the counties at the behest of ranchers in West Texas because the construction of wire fences was so expensive, and the deep, dirt barriers along county roads was a good substitute. In fact, I am quite sure that it was the ranchers that first gave these barriers the name, "bar ditches." Before barb wire fences, the bar ditches also kept "drive by" hunters from driving vehicles onto ranch land to pursue small game. There were graded entrances, but even these were often protected by gates before the land was fenced. These "hunters," sometimes drunks from the oil fields, out shooting just for the "hell of it," were considered a real danger to herds of cattle that sometimes grazed near county roads, well within the range of stray bullets meant for coyotes, foxes, rabbits, prairie dogs, or other small game.
Nowadays we do not see the bar ditches anymore. Higher speeds of autos and more graded county roads probably contributed to the demise of the bar ditch as well as wire fences for ranchers who no longer need any other barrier to cattle movement. When the bar ditches existed, 40 mph was considered very fast. Those ditches could be very dangerous to high speed drivers. Shallow ditches with lesser grades now serve to drain off the rain water of mostly-paved county roads. However, the term "bar ditch" is still used to describe the ditch alongside or outside the shoulder of any road in West Texas.
In West Texas, I grew up on farm land that was sold to my father by the Yellowhouse Land Company, an agency that handled the selling off of some land that once was part of the famous XIT Ranch in northern Hockley County. The land was still raw grassland when my dad bought it, and it had to be "grubbed out;" that is, cleared of mostly mesquite, cat-claw, yucca, broom-weed, pad and cholla cacti, and other natural flora of the South Plains. Our land was adjacent to the Yellowhouse Ranch land, on both the north and east side of our land, and it was all un-fenced until I was about 5 years old.
Until recently, I had not thought much about how the term "bar ditch" came into usage in West Texas. I am well traveled, but never heard the term used outside of West Texas.
Road maintainers, also called "road graders," used to grade the unpaved, dirt, county roads of West Texas on a regular basis, especially after wet weather caused vehicles to create ruts in them. In /West Texas before WWII, there were very few paved roads, except for main, well-traveled highways. The county road maintainers used to grade the many, county, dirt roads so that they had sharp, downward angles from the transit area of the road, into the bottom of the drainage ditches. There was rarely enough rain to fill the ditches, but whether by design or by serendipitous accident, the roads served other useful purposes which probably led to their being labeled "bar ditches." The outer sides of the ditches were almost vertical and had banks from about four to six feet in height.
During the open range era, these dirt banks, or cliffs, were very useful to cowboys herding cattle from one range to the other, and they served as fences to keep the cattle moving in one direction. But there was yet another use for the "bar ditches" by ranchers. They discouraged cattle from crossing roads from one owner's land to the other, or from the same owners land to another range. Ranchers often moved cattle from one range to another to keep from overgrazing certain ranges. I believe that the creation of these deep, sharply banked "bar ditches" was by the counties at the behest of ranchers in West Texas because the construction of wire fences was so expensive, and the deep, dirt barriers along county roads was a good substitute. In fact, I am quite sure that it was the ranchers that first gave these barriers the name, "bar ditches." Before barb wire fences, the bar ditches also kept "drive by" hunters from driving vehicles onto ranch land to pursue small game. There were graded entrances, but even these were often protected by gates before the land was fenced. These "hunters," sometimes drunks from the oil fields, out shooting just for the "hell of it," were considered a real danger to herds of cattle that sometimes grazed near county roads, well within the range of stray bullets meant for coyotes, foxes, rabbits, prairie dogs, or other small game.
Nowadays we do not see the bar ditches anymore. Higher speeds of autos and more graded county roads probably contributed to the demise of the bar ditch as well as wire fences for ranchers who no longer need any other barrier to cattle movement. When the bar ditches existed, 40 mph was considered very fast. Those ditches could be very dangerous to high speed drivers. Shallow ditches with lesser grades now serve to drain off the rain water of mostly-paved county roads. However, the term "bar ditch" is still used to describe the ditch alongside or outside the shoulder of any road in West Texas.
Did LBJ Love El Paso?
Did LBJ love El Paso?
In El Paso mythology, the late President Lyndon B. Johnson
was a “friend” of El Paso and Mexico. In
a recent article by Diana Washington, she reports on this “love” and supposed
altruism that LBJ exhibited for El Paso and Mexico.
LBJ saw politics as a means to riches. For many decades he had a monopoly on the
news media in Austin, Texas. Austin had
a single TV station (LBJ’s) up until the
1970s while smaller cities in the State had TV stations of all three major
networks. Everyone in Austin knew that
LBJ had a cozy relationship with the FCC and their refusal to license other
stations in Austin was no doubt due to his influence. He made frequent campaign and “informational”
speeches on his station.
Soon after he became President, LBJ began to focus on
“settling” the so-called “problem” cause by shifts in the course of the
meandering Rio Grande. The Rio Grande,
like all major rivers, had a marsh plain of, variably, a mile or two in width
within which the river often, after floods, settled into new courses due to the
sandy nature of the marsh plain. Under
old Treaties with Mexico, the center of the Rio Grande was always described as
the international boundary between the U.S. and Mexico. Nature frequently
shifted the boundary until flood control projects beginning in 1906 at the
Elephant Butte Lake in New Mexico. That
project was not completed until some ten years later. Construction of flood control levees, diversion
dams and irrigation canals soon followed.
By 1938 there were levees all along both sides of the Rio Grande from
Elephant Butte, southward all the way to
Hudspeth County where there was a more narrow, sparsely populated marsh
plain, where the Rio Grande winds its way
through the narrows of the mountain ranges of the Big Bend.
The so-called “Chamizal problem” that LBJ ostensibly sought
to settle became a “problem” only as El Paso and Juarez began to grow into
major ports of entry for imports and exports.
Real estate values near the ports of entry soared in value in the
1930s. As part of the “Chamizal
Agreement” LBJ and Mexican political leaders agreed on a new course for the Rio
Grande that would split the valuable real estate in the old marsh plain between
Mexico and the U.S. As a guarantee against future flooding and changes in the
course of the Rio Grande, the river channel was re-directed and cement-lined
from a point just upriver from the Paso del Norte Port of Entry to a place near
the south end of Concepcion Street in East El Paso.
In reality, there had not been and danger of a flood
changing the Rio Grande’s course again through the marsh plain since the
completion of the last flood control projects in 1938. The U.S. and Mexico shared control of the new
International Boundary and Water Commission that monitored the flow of water in
the Rio Grande and supervised the allocation of irrigation and city water
between the two countries.
As construction of the new “Chamizal Project began,
excavations attested to the fact that the marsh plain had, not in the too
distant past, been worthless real estate--up until about the beginning of the
1930s. Excavations in the old marsh plain
turned up what proved to be an antique collector’s paradise because the plain obviously
had once been a dump for everything from old, up to 1920s-vintage, junked automobiles, to ordinary trash and
For those of us who witnessed it, the re-channeling of the
Rio Grande was a huge undertaking, and obviusly only the largest of the construction
companies could qualify as bidders. The winning bidder of the main contract was
Brown and Root Construction Company.
That seemed okay—until we learned that controlling interest of the
humongous company was in the name of …Lady Bird Johnson, LBJ’s spouse. Anyone who believes that the bidding on the
contract was fair and on the up and up, would also believe that LBJ was a totally
honest politician. LBJ and lady Bird’s investment in Brown and Root was
probably foreseen as lucrative about the same time that LBJ saw the possibility
of “settling the Chamizal dispute.” So former school teacher, lawyer and
alleged relative of Sam Houston, LBJ, not only projected himself as a “peace
maker:” but also a “friend of El Paso,” and more conveniently for him, one of
America’s newest millionaires.
The Rio Grande has shifted its course at many places along
the Rio Grande (called the Rio Bravo in México),many times in history, but it
only became a “problem” when the real estate became valuable. If the benefactor
of the profits from the Chamizal Settlement had been a Republican, the mainstream
media, including the El Paso Times, would never let us forget it. Only because of the Internet are a few people
enlightened about the mythology of LBJ’s “interest” in El Paso.
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