Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Obama Steps Up Blockage Of Deportations

This article says Obama is “cutting back” on deportations, which is Orwellian doublespeak for becoming an obstacle to deportation of illegal aliens:

Obama is the perfect puppet for the elite of the world. A real dummy who bought into the Marxist school of thought, he is a demagogue with appeal to the welfare parasites who only pretend they want to work and become proletariats.  He is playing right into the hands of those who want one-world government.  The last bastion of the so-called free world is on life support under Obama.

Who are the elitists?  The elitists are the super-rich that support the election of all successful politicians in this country. They own most of everything ion this country that is worth owning, including their most powerful weapon, the mainstream media.  They already have their own monetary currency printed up, and with the last gasp of freedom, your dollars, or any other currency now in circulation, will become worthless.  

They use “think tanks” to spread their propaganda and make subservience to government seem palatable to the masses.  These think tanks all have lofty, inclusive and noble-sounding names, but when you look beneath their façade, you see elitist objectives. There are many of these think tanks, but the most powerful among them are the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Cato Institute.   All, include the deceptively named U.S. Chamber of Commerce are actually highly exclusive, though they also induce many small businesses into their circle, but it  is mostly run by the super wealthy owner of the factories in China and all over the world that manufacture almost everything you buy. Free Trade Agreements are the first step toward creating one-world government.  Tariffs on imports of their products into the U.S. are anathema to them because they want all the profits to go into their Swiss bank accounts and not to help support the present moribund American Government.

So, the liberal attitude toward uncontrolled immigration, which they have engineered thourgh their control of the media that tells them what is “politically correct,” is their strategy to achieve their goals. All of those liberal special interest groups, such as bilingual education, owners of the safe houses, owners of the pseudo-religious, so-called sanctuary movements, are all their unwitting puppets.  Left wing activists have the ill-conceived notion that they will become more powerful with the coming revolution, but they have no clue as to the power of a controlled economy with only the elite owning currency.

Once the elitist achieve a totally socialized America, flooded with illiterate, third-world immigrants who are most vulnerable to demagoguery and simply vote in socialism, they will have a labor pool similar to the one they now exploit in China and in many third world countries. The EPA and other environmental protections will become moot. But the elitists will not suffer from respiratory illnesses.  They will be relaxing in their villas in the clean air of the Alps, near their Swiss bank accounts.