As we approach the “financial cliff,” ostensibly debating
which entitlements to cut, as a quid pro quo for increases in taxes, few of us
expect the liberals to be swayed to give up a single entitlement or even
reductions in their costs. Nobody thinks Obama is serious about allowing any
entitlements to be cut; he is going to continue, in the words of the late,
great Darrell Royal, to “dance with what
brung him;” that is, continue to pander to the entitlement class that elected,
and re-elected, him. Some conservatives believe that Obama is willing to “go
over the cliff,” and that he will brazenly let the country fall into bankruptcy
rather than concede any meaningful cuts in entitlements. There are no Reagan-like negotiators among
the Republican politicians in Congress today, not like the one that walked out of the meeting
with Gorbachev and refused to give up his “Star Wars” defense, in preparation
for escalation of the Cold War ahead.
That Reagan coup inspired Russian dissenters, like Boris Yeltsin,
to stand up to Gorbachev, and it most certainly precipitated events that eventually
led to the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Obama is trying to portray the image that Nikita Khrushchev did: that of
a dictatorial, maniacal leader, willing to “go over the brink” to get his way. Khrushchev’s tactic worked against Reagan’s
predecessors: JFK gave up three overseas
missile bases to get Khrushchev to take his missiles out of Cuba in that “crisis.” JFK also made a treaty to allow Communist
Cuba to exist in perpetuity, and to never invade it again.
Liberals downplay it, but Reagan’s “walk-out” was the
greatest diplomatic coup of modern history. Unfortunately, there are no Republicans with the
spine that Reagan had, willing to play brinkmanship with Obama—the way Ragan
did with Gorbachev. Most conservatives
believe that Boehner has the spine of a jellyfish.
Activists who advocate bilingualism could care less about
handicapping students in public schools.
Those of us who, over the years, have observed firsthand what they have wrought,
have no doubt that bilingual education retards and impedes the learning of
English, the tool they need most in securing meaningful employment (outside the
bureaucracy of bilingual education). The advocates’ primary interest is their
own job security, growing the bureaucracy, OBEMLA, and creating thousands of
more teaching jobs, especially for minorities who cannot compete on an even
keel with native English teachers in subjects other than foreign languages.
Illegal immigration, therefore, is the “sine qua non” of the perpetuation of
bilingual education. These activists are
among the stronger forces behind demands for “immigration reform,” and essentially,
open borders. They will pay lip service to immigration control, but they know
that the borders will never be controlled without the magnets that bring
illegal aliens here: no, not jobs, but mainly, “entitlements.” The bilingual
education activists, and their corrupt allies in Congress, also know that
immigration cannot be controlled without a national identity card and vigorous enforcement of sanctions against employers and those who harbor illegal aliens for self-serving
reasons. They include subversive pseudo
religious and political organizations who want to increase their membership
with groups beholden to them for their “assistance” in aiding and abetting them
to evade immigration laws.