Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama Hijacked Non-Union Pension Funds

Another big issue and evidence of another great crime is coming to a head today as Congressional Inquirers began to demand answers and accountability for missing pension funds. The Treasury Department axed pensions in 2009 for 20,000 non-union salaried retirees who worked for the Delphi auto parts union.

Obama’s punishment of Non-Unions by stealing their pensions showed that the Obama Administration considers non-union workers as something less than human beings and are not entitled to (judicial) due process before they are punished by sequestration of their own money.

The Obama Administration cannot—or will not—account for the disposition of these “missing” pension funds. Could the funds have possibly been intermingled with the Treasury bail-out funds to reduce the amount of money that the Treasury Department, headed by Timothy Geithner, had to rely on for the auto bailout? If so, it was expensive window-dressing for Obama—at the expense of the robbed pensioners

“Under 29 U.S.C. §1342, the PBGC is the only government entity that is legally empowered to initiate termination of a pension or make any official movements toward doing so. One email dated Thursday, April 2, 2009 shows PBGC staffer Joseph House discussing a meeting he and his colleagues were anticipating with the entire auto bailout team the following day.” (See first link below for source of quote.)

“Oh well”, the Democrats and union members might say, “What is another violation of law and another felony to the constitutionally –contemptuous Obama? He’ll get off the hook by blaming someone else and pettifogging the issue into oblivion by keeping the public focused on irrelevancies.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is the agency that regulates pensions. It is actually a Government agency working together with the Treasury Department.

The Obama Administration is trying to blame the PBGC for the “missing funds.” President harry Truman’s favorite axiom was “The Buck Stops Here,” and there was a sign on his desk to that effect.

In the Obama Administration the buck stops on the lowest government bureaucrat that they can find that will make a suitable scapegoat—but they do not even punish the scapegoats! We saw that strategy in action in the Fast and Furious scandal where the Obama Administration is trying to obfuscate the issue by blaming lower-ranking bureaucrats. However, he has not fired any of the scapegoats that he his blamed—AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA LETS HIM GET AWAY WITH IT!

Read more:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where We Are Headed

Obama has usurped the exclusive powers of Congress to regulate immigration in defiance of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. He has joined the ranks of criminals who violate 8 USC 1324 and, with his amnesty, 8 USC 1231. He has decided to grant illegal amnesty to millions of uneducated, unskilled, welfare-seeking trespassers that pick and choose which laws they want to comply with, and which ones they want to violate. He has created a cottage industry of illegal immigration for churches, racketeers, subversives and seditious activists. Obama's pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright is correct: the chickens have come home to roost, but he didn't tell you that he, and his parishioner and understudy, Obama, hatched them all.

Obama introduced third world politics into our Government when he arranged passage of Obama Care by paying bribes to at least five Democrat Congressmen, the most infamous of the two being the Corn-husker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.

If the conservatives regain control of our Government, they have some gigantic tasks to keep this country from becoming a third world anarchy. The two foremost tasks are: re-institution of the powers of Congress, as assigned by the Constitution, re institution of regulated immigration. Then, the new Government must rescind Obama Care which will bankrupt Medicare within five years. They must remove those illegal residents who have a culture of lawlessness. Only immigrants who have demonstrated the ability to respect the rule of law should be allowed to immigrate to the U.S. The law already provides for exclusion of illegal aliens. Now Congress must re-institute the rule of law that requires enforcement.

Our freedom and national financial solvency are dangling by a thread. Unfortunately, Obama and his mischief-making staff have managed to engineer laws that will delay the collapse of our Government until after (they believe) he will be re-elected. If Obama succeeds, then our people are in for many trials, and tribulations. The country will be ripe for Obama to institute the type of Government that he has always planned for us: socialism, a prelude to Marxism and communism, which always requires a totalitarian type of government to enforce its dictates.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Juan Williams Spins the Obama Litany

Is Juan Williams trying to curry favor with Obama in order to get a more secure job? How much longer does he have with Fox News? If his job at Fox News is not in jeopardy, then Fox News is in jeopardy of losing a lot of viewers.

Williams was fired from NPR due to a “politically incorrect” statement he made regarding the fear some Americans have of flying on the same planes as other passengers that they can identify as Muslims. Here is what he said:

“…when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

Lately, when Williams is brought on the O’Reilly Factor to give a liberal tilt to Obama’s views, he talks incessantly, regurgitating the Obama litany of lies regarding how the Administration is going to save Medicare, when Obama has already taken steps to do away with it. Obama Care, if not rescinded, will not take full force and effect for at least two years, and there is no plan for a smooth transition. Obama Care will take half a $trillion from Medicare over the next decade. Many doctors have already stopped taking Medicare patients because of the low payments they receive.

Obama and Williams both misrepresent Paul Ryan’s plan, the only political plan on the horizon that has a chance to save Medicare. Today, Williams would not let John Sununu get a word in edgewise to voice the Paul Ryan Plan, and apparently O’Reilly is not able to control the NPR transplant. They should either fire him or put him in a job where he can write his liberal activist books and stay off the debate programs. He is still a Democrat who thinks they can only win if they stifle the opposition view by talking louder, heckling or doing whatever it takes to obfuscate or misrepresent the GOP policies and to impress the less intelligent. In short, he has become an obnoxious, vociferous, Obama trooper.

Some of us want to hear opposing views, the conservative view, and that is why we tune in to Fox News. Fox News had better be more careful what fired media people they rescue from NPR, CNN, etc. Greta Van Susteren worked out all right after being let go by CNN, but Williams has not forgotten his liberal bias and he seemingly does not want Fox News to promulgate any view other than his.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Gutter is Battle Ground Zero

I predicted exactly what is happening in this Presidential election over a year ago. The thugs now in power have a heritage to maintain and they plan to do whatever it takes to stay in power. 2008 was easy for Obama. It was an easy capitulation by McCain who had no concept of gutter politics. Even his Viet Cong captors had more morals and values than his Presidential opponent, but the GOP made it easy for Obama by underestimating the decadence and degeneracy of the enemy, and by letting the New York Times choose their candidate.

In 2008, McCain had no concept of the “fight fire with truth” mode of battle. That begs a multi-faceted, rhetorical question: In 2012, how could Governor Romney expect any venue other than the gutter when taking on Candidate Obama; the same Obama who hob-knobbed with terrorist and Pentagon Bomber, Bill Ayers and his close associate, Bernadine Dorn; a candidate who was a member of America-hater, Jeremiah Wright’s congregation for over twenty years; a candidate who is married to a woman who declared that for the first time in her life, she became proud to be an American only after Obama became Democrat nominee for President; a candidate whose former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, (now mayor of Chicago) chose to serve in the Israel Army, rather than the American military, during the Gulf War of the 1990s--the same Rahm Emmanuel who, when interviewed about the gang warfare in South Chicago where there are daily between three and four killings, shrugged it off by saying that the Chicago thugs were merely engaging in “their culture?”

It is also the “culture” of Chicago politics.

Governor Mitt Romney had better start getting some tough, battle-hardened warriors martialed that can do battle in the gutter if he wants to survive his campaign against Obama. Governor Chris Christie of NJ would be a good start as VP candidate, but that is not likely to happen. Remember the “get in their faces” strategy of Obama in 2008? That is what Romney has to do, only with more intensity than Obama’s minions in 2008. Romney needs to get some gutter-battle-hardened warriors that do not necessarily adhere to the belief that old, Mormon values will prevail in this election.

Al Capone was never an elected Chicago politician, but he owned every politician in Chicago during Prohibition. He once beat the hell out of the Chicago mayor on the doorsteps of Chicago City Hall while the cops stood by, watched and made no arrest. If anything, Chicago is worse today than it was in Capone’s day.

The issues are important. We need to save America from Obama’s stated Marxist objective of “redistribution of the wealth,” to save America from taking the same direction taken by Marx, Lenin and Trotsky when Russia began their 70-year experiment of “redistribution of wealth,” also called “Communism” in 1917. But if Romney is to get his message across he has to contemporaneously fight corrupt fire with truthful fire, and then, with good timing, opportunely address the issue of the economy that has been wrecked by Obama after introducing the nation to the poverty of gutter, Chicago politics. The Obama camp will use every weapon of gutter politics at their disposal: lies, distortions, intrigue, libel, innuendo, and slander. Romney needs to counter with truth, the deadliest weapon against gutter politicians.

Governor Romney and the rest of the nation need to know our enemy. There have been too many corrupt, convicted and indicted Chicago and Illinois politicians to put on one forum post, but a good place to start is this web site (scroll down, past the impressive cover page):

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Obama, Axelrod, Media Spin on Unemployment

It is amusing how Barack Obama, his Advisor, David Axelrod, and the Democrat-biased media are spinning the nation’s dismal unemployment statistics. Axelrod recently boasted to a TV reporter that “the Obama” Administration “produced 160,000 jobs” last month.

Axelrod ignores economists' estimate that the U.S. needs to create 250,000 jobs per month just to stay even and make a small dent in the unemployment rate. In spite of the 90,000 shortfall, Obama’s Administration are spinning the 160,000 jobs as a “triumph” because the shortfall is “less” than the previous month's.

College graduates who want an abundance of job opportunities commensurate with their training and skills, and still support Obama, are like Procrustes trying to fit a captive hostage into his bed. It is a “stretch.”

The Occupy Wall Street Movement was destroyed by Barack Obama when he did exactly what the “occupiers” were demonstrating against: he signed more free trade agreements that facilitated the transfer of more American Industries overseas to exploit cheap, foreign labor, and then “export” their products back into the U.S. tariff-free, exponentially increasing their profits. To see how Obama did it, go to:

The 8.3% unemployment rate does not reflect the actual number of people who are unemployed, or underemployed. Experts say it is closer to 15.3% if proper adjustments are made. After a period, usually 90 days, the Labor Department removes unemployed job applicants from the unemployed rolls and transfers them to an “unemployable” status. This causes an immediate drop in the “unemployed” rolls. This artificial reduction in the unemployed is an ongoing cycle that repeats itself every 90 days, or so, and each time it hap;ens, the Obama Administration is quick to point it out with optimism. The 8.3% would be higher if many (underemployed) college graduates and other skilled workers were not working part-time at the minimum wage in such service jobs as waiters and waitresses. Obama's extension of unemployment benefits is just a strategy for “buying time,” until after the election in November.

David Axelrod’s spin on unemployment figures can be illustrated in the following allegory:

Two 4-H club boys each have an acre of land on which to grow corn. Boy #1 grows only one bushel of corn on his acre, which he takes to the annual county fair in an elegantly-decorated bushel basket to exhibit. Boy #2 grows ten bushels of corn on his acre, and he takes the ten bushels to the fair to exhibit in ordinary bushel baskets. When a curious lady visitor asks how much land they each farmed, and asks the reason for the disparity, Boy #1 acknowledges the disparity but exuberantly answers, “Yes, but look inside my basket: it contains over ten thousand kernels of corn!”

That spin by 4-H boy #1 is an appeal to the same low mental capacity that David Axelrod is appealing to. The deficiency reflects the result of Obama's War on Capitalism, and his stated Marxist objective of “redistributing the wealth.” He is driving industry abroad, killing domestic incentive and supressing the competitive spirit the way Marxism suppressed it during the 70-year experiment of the USSR. Private entrepreneurs are "standing down," waiting to see if there is a future to capitalism. It all depends upon whether Obama wins election, and if he does, the answer is "no," at least not for four more years, and the damage he will do will stay with us for many years to come.

Logic Proves Harry Reid a Liar

Political demagoguery is never aimed at intelligent people. It is aimed at a group that the demagogue believes is ignorant and gullible enough to believe his/her distortions of facts. In the case of Senator Harry Reid’s claim that he has “anonymous” information that Governor Mitt Romney hasn’t paid taxes for the past ten years, we see the ultimate in demagoguery and outright lies. Any thinking person can readily arrive at that conclusion, if he approaches the issue with logic. That leaves the non-thinking and uninformed people as the target of Reid’s latest, blatant demagoguery.

Senator Reid shows the utmost contempt for the intelligence of the average American voter in attacking Romney’s integrity because of an allegedly, “anonymous,” telephone call of which he knows not the source. It speaks to just how low our Government has stooped in this election year. That begs the rhetorical question: Why should Reid care about being exposed as a demagogue if he has already adjudged the American voter to have the intellect of a moron, or lower? He is not worried about being made out a liar and demagogue, obviously. Harry Reid’s decision to make his “anonymous telephone call” an issue is based upon his warped sense of fairness and justice. It does not matter if the user of logic sees his “issue” as sinking to the level of reductio ad absurdum. Reid, in his fuzzy mental processes, thinks that he will be “vindicated” by the American voter, the intellect of which he has no esteem at all. It matters not to Reid if his “vindication” is no vindication at all; only if it is perceived as such by the majority of the electorate. Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, invented the tactic that Harry Reid is now employing. To Goebbels and Hitler, it mattered not in the least if there no grain of truth to their lies; the lies were successful if they could plant mere doubt in the mind of the target group.

The thinking person is usually informed, or knows how to inform himself though research. To determine if Reid is lying or demagoguing the issue, a thinking person should approach the conundrum in this manner: He should consider this fact: If Romney has committed tax fraud, Harry Reid himself has the authority to bring Romney to justice. How can that be? A thinking person needs a modicum of knowledge on how our Government works.

As Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid has power and influence over the Senate Finance Committee. The Senate Finance Committee oversees the functions of the Treasury Department, and its subsidiary, the IRS. The powers of Congress to subpoena records are among those powers enumerated to them by Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. A Democrat, Obama appointee, Timothy Geithner, is Secretary of the Treasury and is the chief law enforcement officer of the Treasury Department. The Commissioner of the IRS, Douglas H. Shulman, is an Obama appointee (Shulman was re-appointed by Obama after serving a few months in that position under the Bush Administration).

The Democrat-controlled IRS ALREADY KNOWS exactly how much taxes governor Mitt Romney has paid, at least as far back as seven years. The statute of limitations for tax fraud goes back six years from the current year; in effect seven years. Any IRS agent will tell you to keep your own records for at least seven years, proving that they have your records (at least) that far back and IRS agents will also tell you that they can audit your records that far back. Romney is an astute business man and no one can doubt that he knows that the IRS already has his records. That alone should vindicate him with Congress or anyone else as to whether or not he has ever committed tax fraud. There is no way he could do it without the IRS being aware. That is the reason that Romney has no fear of Harry Reid’s stupid allegations.

But Senator Harry Reid apparently has no compunctions against looking stupid, as long as only the intelligent people (an ever-growing minority in this country) see him as such. Reid has cast his lot with the ignorant masses that are gullible to his demagoguery. And that is a sad commentary when you consider the power he holds as Senate majority Leader.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The White Man's Burden

“…white people have an obligation to rule over, and encourage the cultural development of people from other ethnic and cultural backgrounds until they can take their place in the world economically and socially.”

Wikipedia (in re: Rudyard Kipling’s poem,“The White Man’s Burden.”)

The El Paso (Texas) “carpetbagger” interpretation of the “White Man’s Burden” is that the minority ethnic and races will NEVER “take their place” in the world economically and socially, but that they are a useful medium to portray in that fallacious role while they advance their own selfish agendas.

El Paso’s, and the liberal establishment’s, reasoning, as a whole, stem from the fact that their “programs” to make all the races equal has ingrained in the minorities a sense of “entitlement;” that they are entitled to positions of wealth and political power whether they have earned it or not. Almost every “equal opportunity” Government program produces that result, regardless of their stated intentions. That is the reason why almost every Anglo and Latino political “leader” in El Paso of the past few years is now either under investigation, already indicted, or in some cases already serving time in a Federal or State prison for corruption.

The hostility with which the Republican victory of Ted Cruz has been met in El Paso demonstrates the arrogance and indignity of the “carpetbagger mentality” of the Anglos in El Paso. In spite of their perennial lip service to the contrary, they never intended that any Hispanic ever become a significant leader in the Democrat Party in Texas. However, El Paso makes a good screen to advance the false image of such an idea. Sure, they’ve had their Hispanic mayors and they even sent a Hispanic to the House of Representatives in Washington. But anyone can be around Silvestre Reyes for less than a minute and determine that he has neither intelligence nor merit. He is just another product of the Government’s recent hysterical effort to elevate Hispanics to falsely-perceived “leadership” positions in the government, and they figured that a place like the Border Patrol would have been innocuous because the Border Patrol itself is a mere façade of an effort to dupe the people into thinking that the Government actually wants to stop illegal immigration. The Border Patrol thereby became a ready-made pool of incompetents that can live in a fantasyland without being hampered by a guilty conscious or a longing to re-join reality. When Reyes joined the Border Patrol, there were minimal education requirements.

That brings us back to the issue of the “white man’s burden.” If there ever was a “burden,” of the white man in El Paso, or even the whole country, it’s real purpose was to bring more poverty-stricken Hispanics under their hegemony, NOT to free them, or to make them equal in any way. El Paso is an exaggerated microsomal manifestation of the school of thought that pervades the liberal, activist hypocrites: they pose as altruists but only have self-serving interests at heart. Their “altruism” toward the Hispanics goes only as far as they think the Hispanics and other minorities can serve their own misguided purposes.

Here are the first two verses of Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden:

“Take up the White man's burden --
Send forth the best ye breed --
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild --
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.

“Take up the White Man's burden --
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times mad plain.
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain…”

--Rudyard Kipling
February, 1899.